LB Beasley Under Investigation

No. What he did if true should be punished. If he steps out of line again then treat him like anyone else and give him the boot. This is NOT the most awful thing a player has done... and remained on the team.
Are we searching for the "low bar" here?

Is that your idea of being proud of the University?
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Non sequitur. Are you proposing that it shouldn't be a crime if you shot me in the face but would if you shot me in the leg? That's your comparison.

No, that's your comparison.

I'm saying BOTH crimes should be punished in a way appropriate to the circumstance. That would NOT be the case if he's booted from the team for this.

If all of what is alleged is true (and that's obviously not proven), are you honestly okay with this guy maintaining a scholarship at a state university? Dear Lord...
It's still a living creature. A creature owned and loved by a human being. A creature with absolutely no way to defend itself against a gigantic human. Morality is not black-and-white. That this creature doesn't have the moral value of a human life does not mean that it has absolutely no value at all.
Never said it did. And yes, morality is objective not subjective.

The animal has value and as a possession of the girl has even more value in a different since. My argument is that the punishment so many are prescribing is unreasonable when compared to worse acts... that aren't even considered.

Surely you realize that the abuse of animals is an early indicator of violent psychopathy.
It can be but not always. In fact, a large % of psycho killers abuse animals first... but not a high % of those who abuse animals become psycho killers.

I can't honestly say I've seen Beasley play. I'm not opposed to kicking guys off the team who do something that warrants it. He should not be kicked off the team unless there's a pattern. He should be punished. Possibly pay restitution to the owner. He should get counseling.

He's a young guy whose life should not be derailed because he got angry and hurt a cat.
No, that's your comparison.

If all of what is alleged is true (and that's obviously not proven), are you honestly okay with this guy maintaining a scholarship at a state university? Dear Lord...
I am OK with him being punished, counseled, and given an opportunity to move on with his life.

Cats are NOT human beings. They do not have the value of any human being INCLUDING young Beasley. The next 50 or 60 years of his life are MORE IMPORTANT than that cat. Are you really valuing that cat over this kid? Dear Lord... indeed.
Animal lovers will always view these acts as horrible and unforgivable. While the kid doesn't deserve to have his life completely upended he doesn't deserve the privilege of playing football at Tennessee if this is true. He can rehabilitate but not here, not now. He's put a stain on the program and he needs to be gone.
Never said it did. And yes, morality is objective not subjective.

The animal has value and as a possession of the girl has even more value in a different since. My argument is that the punishment so many are prescribing is unreasonable when compared to worse acts... that aren't even considered.

It can be but not always. In fact, a large % of psycho killers abuse animals first... but not a high % of those who abuse animals become psycho killers.

I can't honestly say I've seen Beasley play. I'm not opposed to kicking guys off the team who do something that warrants it. He should not be kicked off the team unless there's a pattern. He should be punished. Possibly pay restitution to the owner. He should get counseling.

He's a young guy whose life should not be derailed because he got angry and hurt a cat.
Do you own a pet? If someone "got angry" and inflicted permanent damage on your pet, would you still support them representing the University?

Is there a SHRED of empathy in you if you look at your own dog, cat, or pet and think how you'd feel about someone abusing it and then having the honor of calling himself a Vol?
Never said it did. And yes, morality is objective not subjective.

The animal has value and as a possession of the girl has even more value in a different since. My argument is that the punishment so many are prescribing is unreasonable when compared to worse acts... that aren't even considered.

Your entire argument is a strawman. It is based entirely on a hypothetical act that isn't relevant to this discussion. The act in question should have a suitable consequence. That consequence cannot and should not be defined by your comparison to a hypothetical occurrence.
Cats are NOT human beings. They do not have the value of any human being INCLUDING young Beasley. The next 50 or 60 years of his life are MORE IMPORTANT than that cat. Are you really valuing that cat over this kid? Dear Lord... indeed.

No. I'm valuing this cat over the privileges he currently enjoys as a scholarship athlete at a Power 5 state school.
He's a young guy whose life should not be derailed because he got angry and hurt a cat.

When I read the allegations, no where in there did I read it was because he was angry (although he could have been yelling; i would be yelling at my significant other if they were committing those acts too). It sounded more like sick enjoyment. Kicking a cat once may be in anger. Holding a kitten suspended by the tail and locking it in a toilet are not acts of an angry man, but a man who enjoys watching it suffer.

I am OK with him being punished, counseled, and given an opportunity to move on with his life.

Cats are NOT human beings. They do not have the value of any human being INCLUDING young Beasley. The next 50 or 60 years of his life are MORE IMPORTANT than that cat. Are you really valuing that cat over this kid? Dear Lord... indeed.

Who says he can’t move on with his life outside of the University Of TN ? Actions have consequences and his (if guilty as described, which hasn’t been solidly proven as of yet) warrant his dismissal from the team if the staff and school admins choose to send him packing.
Who says he can’t move on with his life outside of the University Of TN ? Actions have consequences and his (if guilty as described, which hasn’t been solidly proven as of yet) warrant his dismissal from the team if the staff and school admins choose to send him packing.
We are all just saying what we thing should happen. I value life. I value animal life. But the premium is on human life. Not just in the death of a human being but the value of each moment a human being lives.

I value Beasley more than I value this cat. Punish him. Counsel him. Rehabilitate him. Give him the boot if he does anything violent toward and animal or person going forward. But he as a human being has A LOT more value to me than a cat.
We are all just saying what we thing should happen. I value life. I value animal life. But the premium is on human life. Not just in the death of a human being but the value of each moment a human being lives.

I value Beasley more than I value this cat. Punish him. Counsel him. Rehabilitate him. Give him the boot if he does anything violent toward and animal or person going forward. But he as a human being has A LOT more value to me than a cat.
Apparently Beasley valued his dinner more than a cat....... so that's a good place to start, eh?
if he's good, josh will give him a slap on the wrist. He needs talent.
Well he doesn’t need to have the ASPCA, PETA or Sarah Mclachlin picketing our football games, bringing more horrible attention to our university that already has enough embarrassment brought to it right now . We don’t need to keep on some ******* that abused a kitten because the cat got into his chicken wings because we are thin at linebacker.
We are all just saying what we thing should happen. I value life. I value animal life. But the premium is on human life. Not just in the death of a human being but the value of each moment a human being lives.

I value Beasley more than I value this cat. Punish him. Counsel him. Rehabilitate him. Give him the boot if he does anything violent toward and animal or person going forward. But he as a human being has A LOT more value to me than a cat.

So ... his value to you is tied to TN football ? If he’s guilty of what was described he should be gone. He can be wished well and supported without being tied to the TN football team. It’s not my decision, that’s all up to the staff and school admins, but if he’s proven guilty and Heupel is true to his word of (fielding a team with men of character) he will and should dismissed, because animal abuse is a definite character flaw.
Well he doesn’t need to have the ASPCA, PETA or Sarah Mclachlin picketing our football games, bringing more horrible attention to our university that already has enough embarrassment brought to it right now . We don’t need to keep on some ******* that abused a kitten because the cat got into his chicken wings because we are thin at linebacker.

This exactly. We can't afford to lose fans and become the pariah of the SEC because we allow kitten tortures to play LB here. He's got to go. The cat is out of the to speak.
No. No strawman. I think he did something wrong. I think he should be punished. But unless this is a pattern of behavior then he should not be kicked off the team or treated like a mass murderer for getting angry and hurting a cat... an ANIMAL... NOT a human being.
I've honestly enjoyed all your posts over the years about UT football. But this stance you are taking in this thread is disgusting.
This exactly. We can't afford to lose fans and become the pariah of the SEC because we allow kitten tortures to play LB here. He's got to go. The cat is out of the to speak.
Imagine being in Tuscaloosa or Gainesville this fall and having the whole stadium meowing at him when he takes the field. If he did it, he's got to go. It's not fair to our other players who don't want to be the laughing stock of the nation.

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