Leaked Docs: Soros Aims to Enlarge Electorate by 10 Million Voters by 2018

Were you referencing ND40's "libtard testicle" comment?

He didn't comment on just how natural it comes, so why would I reference how natural it comes?

It's pretty apparent it comes naturally on both sides. It's pretty disgusting and discouraging. You just seem to glory in it.

So instead of a "they do it too" defense, you ever going to try to be the change you claim to want? Or just keep admitting that you apparently are what you claim to hate?

ETA: To prove it wasn't just a conservative-loving comment, I also didn't include CWV's veiled racist accusation, which was just as disgusting in its own right.
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He didn't comment on just how natural it comes, so why would I reference how natural it comes?

It's pretty apparent it comes naturally on both sides. It's pretty disgusting and discouraging. You just seem to glory in it.

So instead of a "they do it too" defense, you ever going to try to be the change you claim to want? Or just keep admitting that you apparently are what you claim to hate?

ETA: To prove it wasn't just a conservative-loving comment, I also didn't include CWV's veiled racist accusation, which was just as disgusting in its own right.

I didn't really view it as a conservative-loving comment as much as an anti-luther comment. Long history and all
Lol. Trying to bait the racist outrage. Tsk tsk CWV. 😂😂

Also as I’m sure you were aware based on your list that original voting rules were limited to the land owners basically. Which is what you’re doing with your expanded list. Hinting that the right is trying to revert to that. 😬

And for the record I actually support any voting individual to have some flesh in the game with regard to property and/or taxes.

You should pay taxes in order to get a vote.
If you don’t pay in you should not get a say in how it’s spent
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I didn't really view it as a conservative-loving comment as much as an anti-luther comment. Long history and all

As I've pointed out before, I don't single you out. I try to manage my valuable time and only point out the most blatant stupidity.
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9) At least one testicle
10) Cannot in any way benefit from a government program (10 is the last one needed, because that eliminates everyone.)

I wish your sarcasm was better. You miss the mark because some government provided services are outlined in the foundational document.

Taxation without representation is worth fighting for. Why isn't representation without taxation?
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I must have missed it. What's he doing that's illegal? I would have thought that we, as lovers of democracy, would want to increase the participation of eligible voters in our elections.
Voter ID. After that, I have no problems.

Or is the left afraid of having their fraudulent methods exposed?

nm. Asked and answered.
4) Own real property
5) Have at least a bachelor's degree
6) They must make at least $100,000.00/yr
I know that was your attempt at humor, but I'll help it out a little.
4) Owning property doesn't necessarily need to be included.
5) A bachelor's degree will only help the retarded left since they have been watered down to such an extent that they are becoming as meaningless as a Nobel Peace Prize or Heisman trophy.
Number 6 however has some merit. It doesn't have to be $100K, but it should simply read "Pay taxes"
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I must have missed it. What's he doing that's illegal? I would have thought that we, as lovers of democracy, would want to increase the participation of eligible voters in our elections.

Yeah, he's going to do it all legal like, I'm sure....
9) At least one testicle
10) Cannot in any way benefit from a government program (10 is the last one needed, because that eliminates everyone.)
No, number 10 is good with a little modification. You must contribute towards paying for those programs thru your taxes. You don't pay, you don't vote.
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There should be 3 things required of everyone in this country to vote:

1) Proof of citizenship
2) Photo ID
3) Passing a civis test

People that are not of sound mind have no business voting. We know that people like MTLeconte go to old folks homes and round them up to take them to vote. That's dirty.

Actually more. A good addition would be competent election commissions. My son hasn't lived here in over ten years. He was in a different county for several years, and now in a different state for three. He got a voter registration card in the mail a couple of years ago - because our voting location had moved. Who knows for people who move how many places they could still vote if interested. An out of state license might be an issue when trying to vote, but I wouldn't bet anyone there would pick up on the county on the drivers license.

Apparently despite all the assurances about the registration process and that there is no voter fraud, election commissions absolutely don't crosscheck for duplicate registration. He didn't get a new card when our voting location moved again, so maybe they do sometimes pare lists based on not voting. With absentee voting and extended early voting it would be fairly easy for a snowbird to vote in FL and then back home in NJ.
Actually more. A good addition would be competent election commissions. My son hasn't lived here in over ten years. He was in a different county for several years, and now in a different state for three. He got a voter registration card in the mail a couple of years ago - because our voting location had moved. Who knows for people who move how many places they could still vote if interested. An out of state license might be an issue when trying to vote, but I wouldn't bet anyone there would pick up on the county on the drivers license.

Apparently despite all the assurances about the registration process and that there is no voter fraud, election commissions absolutely don't crosscheck for duplicate registration. He didn't get a new card when our voting location moved again, so maybe they do sometimes pare lists based on not voting. With absentee voting and extended early voting it would be fairly easy for a snowbird to vote in FL and then back home in NJ.
And all of the above issues would be so easy to correct
It always surprises me that people think that those that do not pay taxes have no skin in the game. Surely, living here and being subject to the laws that elected officials vote on and pass gives them some interest in voting.
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It always surprises me that people think that those that do not pay taxes have no skin in the game. Surely, living here and being subject to the laws that elected officials vote on and pass gives them some interest in voting.

Then they should go get a i.d. And prove they are concerned with the skin they have in the game.
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Then they should go get a i.d. And prove they are concerned with the skin they have in the game.

The fact that you still believe there is some widespread voter fraud is hysterical. Trump's got you tilting at windmills trying to solved non-existent problems. He tried to prove it was a problem and quit cause he came up with nada.
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The fact that you still believe there is some widespread voter fraud is hysterical. Trump's got you tilting at windmills trying to solved non-existent problems. He tried to prove it was a problem and quit cause he came up with nada.
IF there is no voter fraud, why is the left so adamantly against voter ID?
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The fact that you still believe there is some widespread voter fraud is hysterical. Trump's got you tilting at windmills trying to solved non-existent problems. He tried to prove it was a problem and quit cause he came up with nada.


It happens everywhere.
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