Leaked Docs: Soros Aims to Enlarge Electorate by 10 Million Voters by 2018

It always surprises me that people think that those that do not pay taxes have no skin in the game. Surely, living here and being subject to the laws that elected officials vote on and pass gives them some interest in voting.
It is a matter of perspective however. If you don't pay taxes, your perspective is that 'rich' people need to pay more to support you. And 'rich' is defined as anyone that makes more than you.

There is interest in laws, and there is interest in benefits. If you are a net 'taker' of financial benefits, from the .gov you should not be able to vote for those that provide them. I also think that the public, not congress should vote on the pay rates/benefits of congress for the same reason.
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It always surprises me that people think that those that do not pay taxes have no skin in the game. Surely, living here and being subject to the laws that elected officials vote on and pass gives them some interest in voting.

Sure they've got skin in the game - the benefits they receive and electing the people most likely to continue and to enhance those benefits. This is perilously close to the thing about democracies failing when the people figure out how to access the "public coffers" - other people's extorted money. If you can't vote directly, then you just have to find the right proxies (maybe doxies in FL) to do it for you.
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The fact that you still believe there is some widespread voter fraud is hysterical. Trump's got you tilting at windmills trying to solved non-existent problems. He tried to prove it was a problem and quit cause he came up with nada.

The same can be said with the left's constant refrain of race-based voter disenfranchisement. There's simply no evidence to support the claim.
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IF there is no voter fraud, why is the left so adamantly against voter ID?

because the laws you seek address no problem and their only real effect is to negatively impact minority participation at the polls.

Why are people so opposed to regulations regarding high capacity magazines?
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because the laws you seek address no problem and their only real effect is to negatively impact minority participation at the polls.

Why are people so opposed to regulations regarding high capacity magazines?

There’s zero reason minorities can’t get a photo ID but magically can vote with no issue.
The same can be said with the left's constant refrain of race-based voter disenfranchisement. There's simply no evidence to support the claim.

OMG! There is a ton of evidence. I cited one example earlier in this thread of Georgia State Sen. Fran Millar. Basically, Republicans have gone on the record as wanting to eliminate voting polls in close proximity to large African American churches and take away early voting and voting on Sundays in states such as Georgia and Florida because they know this is when blacks primarily vote in large masses. It becomes something of a social event on those days for them.
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OMG! There is a ton of evidence. I cited one example earlier in this thread of Georgia State Sen. Fran Millar. Basically, Republicans have gone on the record as wanting to eliminate voting polls in close proximity to large African American churches and take away early voting and voting on Sundays in states such as Georgia and Florida because they know this is when blacks primarily vote in large masses. It becomes something of a social event on those days for them.

They're actually on record as saying they don't want blacks voting, or is that your interpretation of election law changes?
because the laws you seek address no problem and their only real effect is to negatively impact minority participation at the polls.
How so? Please educate me as to why it is so difficult for a minority to get a photo ID, and the hardship that imparts.
Why are people so opposed to regulations regarding high capacity magazines?
I think it has something to do with FAA regulations regarding high bypass turbofan engines and their inability to go faster than .85 Mach.
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How so? Please educate me as to why it is so difficult for a minority to get a photo ID, and the hardship that imparts.
I think it has something to do with FAA regulations regarding high bypass turbofan engines and their inability to go faster than .85 Mach.

Educate me on why we need another law that doesn't address a problem.
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Zero reason for the law. Thought you conservative types were against useless legislation?

So tell us why the left is aimlessly chasing the hammer and sickle monster? Is it because the droves of illegal voters didn’t secure the win for Hillary?

The left wants open borders and illegals for one reason and one reason alone: votes.

Given enough, the GOP would never win another national election again, as long as the dispersement of illegals was sufficient to flip the electoral college.
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They're actually on record as saying they don't want blacks voting, or is that your interpretation of election law changes?

Not what I said... There are Republicans on record saying they want to take away voting polls in close proximity to African American mega churches and voting on the Sunday prior to elections. That could only be because Republicans know that is when blacks vote in huge masses... and they know damn well they aren't voting for their candidate.
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It always surprises me that people think that those that do not pay taxes have no skin in the game. Surely, living here and being subject to the laws that elected officials vote on and pass gives them some interest in voting.
Tell us again why public defender work is so very difficult and why you don't do as much of it as you would like?
Zero reason for the law. Thought you conservative types were against useless legislation?

I thought the left was up in arms trying to protect our election process. Isn’t a point of voting validity check that an individual has the right to vote a valid method? Seems like the common sense first thing to do to me.
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I thought the left was up in arms trying to protect our election process. Isn’t a point of voting validity check that an individual has the right to vote a valid method? Seems like the common sense first thing to do to me.

Why are fixing an aspect of the process that ain't broke?
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Why are fixing an aspect of the process that ain't broke?

I disagree with your contention that it isn’t broke. I feel letting an individual step into a voting both without validating their right to be there is broken. I have to have my drivers ID on my person at all times I’m operating a motor vehicle and that is a much more basic and common function than voting.
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This to help establish the type of psychopath Soros is.

From wiki:

..."In his autobiography, entitled Soros on Soros, he described how as a teenager he helped to cart off the stolen possessions of Hungarian Jewish men, women and children after they were rounded up and transported to death camps. He claims it never bothered him a bit, and still doesn't bother him today. He has no personal regrets about his actions. Soros, a reputed psychopath,[17][18][19] gave a self-serving interview to Steve Kroft of CBSNews 60 Minutes in response to his version on events and actions,

KROFT: No feeling of guilt?
Mr. SOROS: No."...
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I disagree with your contention that it isn’t broke. I feel letting an individual step into a voting both without validating their right to be there is broken. I have to have my drivers ID on my person at all times I’m operating a motor vehicle and that is a much more basic and common function than voting.

I never argue with anyone who says that you should have to present a government issued photo ID to vote. This ID doesn't have to be a driver's license, of course. The DMV issues photo ID's for identification only all the time and it's a painless process to go through. It's hard to leave the house anymore without a photo ID on you. Going through TSA at the airport, purchasing alcohol, opening a bank account, paying with a credit or debit card, writing a check... you will (or at least you should) be asked to present a government issued photo ID. Everybody should have one.
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You know the crazy thing?

I've hired hundreds of people of color and do you know how many didn't have a photo ID?

Exactly zero.

Tell me again how hard it is to obtain a photo ID...
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I never argue with anyone who says that you should have to present a government issued photo ID to vote. This ID doesn't have to be a driver's license, of course. The DMV issues photo ID's for identification only all the time and it's a painless process to go through. It's hard to leave the house anymore without a photo ID on you. Going through TSA at the airport, purchasing alcohol, opening a bank account, paying with a credit or debit card, writing a check... you will (or at least you should) be asked to present a government issued photo ID. Everybody should have one.

OMG! There is a ton of evidence. I cited one example earlier in this thread of Georgia State Sen. Fran Millar. Basically, Republicans have gone on the record as wanting to eliminate voting polls in close proximity to large African American churches and take away early voting and voting on Sundays in states such as Georgia and Florida because they know this is when blacks primarily vote in large masses. It becomes something of a social event on those days for them.

You think voting should be a social event and choices should be based on what the crowd thinks rather than an individual looking at fact and making a choice? I'll grant you campaigns are seriously short on fact, but perhaps that's for a reason, too - like voter intellect ... all across the spectrum. There are some mighty fine examples of European leaders stirring up crowds and getting favorable votes in the last century.

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