The discussion can lead to greater understanding between both parties.
I am an agnostic theist, or more appropriately a deist; I am trying to understand what experiences, teachings, readings, etc. have made it possible for others to bridge the gap from simply theism to personal god religion.
There are certainly some who come in and try to argue aggressively or arrogantly for Christian belief over any other belief system/creed or over agnosticism and atheism; I have no problem matching that aggression and arrogance in dealing with those individuals. There are others who approach the topic with reasoned arguments or certain interpersonal claims, and they do very well in sharing those; with them, I meet them civilly and respectfully.
I read the Bible and the Koran daily. I have read most published works by C.S. Lewis and G.K. Chesterson. I have read Aquinas and Augustine; I've read Maritain and Alasdair MacIntyre, and am currently reading Plantinga. On the flip side, I have read Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris, Hume, Russell, Nietsche, etc.
If there is a personal god, I would love to have a relationship with such a being. Unfortunately, in three decades, this relationship has never occurred, regardless of how much I have searched it out. I continue to read and search, but I have come to the logical probability that such a being either does not exist or wants no relationship with me. The latter, I cannot reconcile with the notion of an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent being, who is also purportedly all-merciful and wants everyone to know and worship him.
The philosophical inquiries aimed at establishing the absolute are, IMO, the most fascinating philosophical inquiries; yet, they, to include the theological apologia, are riddled with logical fallacies, that I have a hard time either accepting, due to the fallacy, or surmounting, due to a lack of empirical evidence to use as either proof or objection, (the circular logic regarding Holy Spirit, Christ, baptism, belief, and understanding).
Since I find these things fascinating, I also find certain views from individuals on this board fascinating (as well, I also find certain views down right unfounded and sad).