He was stopped, some of those who did, were members of his own staff. You need to read more.
As for his popularity, it is primarily among that faction that Hillary accurately referred to as the legions of the miserable.
The bigots, racists, fascists etc. America has always had such factions from the days of "The only good injun is a dead injun, the yellow peril, and, and even "the Wild Beast" referral to the Irish. Such factions never vanished from America and never will. Funny because we claim Europeans fled persecution, denial of freedom, only to come over here and put the same filth into both official and unofficial practice. That's the foundation of the Trump base. They always were here, periodically held mostly at bay, except for dramatic exceptions. But now Trumpism has given them the sense of being free to openly act on their bias. So you have the rise of Karens, murdering of not only innocent Blacks but anyone they don't like, increasing fatal and nonfatal assaults on women, sabotaging substations, and the list goes on. Basically, the sense they can publicly break the law as it applies to the rights of others and get away with it, which often they do. But I tell you true, it's not here, Americans have no idea the level of hatred they are assimilating towards the USA, and what' coming as a result. I hate the very thought of this, but the signs are manifested very often.