Liddle Greta - Time Person of the Year 2019

And this is why Americans don't like trains. Greta returning from a climate meeting...

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Why is that ? Because you see a 16 year old girl sitting in the floor with all her bags around her with an empty food container taking advantage of a photo op , instead of her 1st class seat ?
Why is that ? Because you see a 16 year old girl sitting in the floor with all her bags around her with an empty food container taking advantage of a photo op , instead of her 1st class seat ?

Why would she want to bash eco-friendly trains? Your premise makes no sense. Plus, the train company admitted it was full, and THEN it magically got her a 1st class ticket.

The reality is riding Amtrak (ever tried it) ain't so great.
Why would she want to bash eco-friendly trains? Your premise makes no sense. Plus, the train company admitted it was full, and THEN it magically got her a 1st class ticket.

The reality is riding Amtrak (ever tried it) ain't so great.
Amtrak is going to get better. The CEO of Amtrak came from Delta after his retirement. He is a very smart man whom I have met personally several times and had on my cockpit jumpseat. Quick story on that; I was training a new captain going into ATL years ago when they were trying to start up a new type of procedure (RNAV visuals for those of you that speak the language). It was an off again, on again thing and ATC and pilots were having a hard time getting on the same page. Anyway, being a NY based pilot that does not fly into ATL much, my student was given the clearance and it was confusing. Mr Anderson, looked over the captains shoulder and said "This is what they want you to do". He was absolutely right. He is not a pilot, but he knew what ATC wanted.

As CEO of DAL, he turned the company into an industry powerhouse. Actually he did more than that. He resuscitated the entire industry. I have a lot of confidence that he will do the same to Amtrak. It will never be the same thing as it is in Europe because of distances involved here, but in certain areas it could become profitable and useable. I hope he lives long enough to become Postmaster General.
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Why would she want to bash eco-friendly trains? Your premise makes no sense. Plus, the train company admitted it was full, and THEN it magically got her a 1st class ticket.

The reality is riding Amtrak (ever tried it) ain't so great.

Ummm I know a little about Amtrak , yes . I’ve sat in the front seat of the engine a few times . I’ve never been in one that has as much room as that pic is showing she has either . Seats everywhere . Maybe the Amtrak one from Sacramento to Oakland just had more seats . 🤷‍♂️Lol
3 words sum up the whole scheme ... World Carbon Market .

I don't know if this is the same thing as carbon credits? But I was a at bank meeting a couple of weeks ago and met this guy who was talking about owning forest land in the Appalachians and it qualifies for a "carbon credit" program. It was quite fascinating but a bit over my head.
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Why would she want to bash eco-friendly trains? Your premise makes no sense. Plus, the train company admitted it was full, and THEN it magically got her a 1st class ticket.

The reality is riding Amtrak (ever tried it) ain't so great.
I may be wrong, but the way I read it was that they apologized to her because of the tweet she posted making it appear as though she had to set in the floor. They took it back when it was brought to their attention that she actually had a first class ticket as well as the people that were with her.

Edit: The New York Post article says she was in first class for part of her ride but the people with her sat in first class the whole way.
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Here's some butt burn salve for you trumpies. Spread a dab where it hurts and get over it. You've let a little girl turn you into a bunch of whiners.

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Here's some burn butt salve for you trumpies. Spread a dab where it hurts and get over it. You've let a little girl turn you into a bunch of whiners.

View attachment 246140

Again , for me it’s not the little girl . It’s the handlers . She didn’t take that picture . Somebody thought it would make a good photo op and tweet .
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She addessed the United Nations general assembly. and has become the face of the She's twisted the nips of tens of thousands of red hats. Good enough for me.

That’s one of the complaints the left makes all the time about Trump supporters and why they like him so much . So I guess there’s a lot of twisted nipples out there . Lol
Again , for me it’s not the little girl . It’s the handlers . She didn’t take that picture . Somebody thought it would make a good photo op and tweet .
She has great parents that 'really care' and are offended that big bad corporate America stole her sweet little German childhood. I have to hand it to them though. The child obviously has a gift for public speaking. So they parlay that into a free world tour.
David Hogg is a punk. Greta is a punk. That kid with the MAGA hat was a punk.

They're not immune to criticism and/or condemnation and adults shouldn't be afraid to engage them on an adult level. When you're out there flapping your gums in public, to adults, you shouldn't be allowed to hide behind your youth.
The kid with the MAGA hat (Nick Sandmann) didn’t say a word to my knowledge.

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