Liddle Greta - Time Person of the Year 2019

The kid with the MAGA hat (Nick Sandmann) didn’t say a word to my knowledge.

I don’t think he’s even in the same category as David Hogg or Greta. If he has spoken publicly I haven’t heard it. I don’t believe he’s actively looked for the limelight like the other 2.
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She has great parents that 'really care' and are offended that big bad corporate America stole her sweet little German childhood. I have to hand it to them though. The child obviously has a gift for public speaking. So they parlay that into a free world tour.
It would take 1000 sixteen year olds to equal Greta's carbon footprint.
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Further proof of how the GOP are nothing but hypocrites.

Melania's tweet about Barron:
"A minor child deserves privacy and should be kept out of politics," Melania Trump

Melania is just like her pos husband. I mean seriously, you're going to run an anti-bullying campaign when your husband is the number 1 offender. GTFO

While I agree that kids should be left out of politics, you are forgetting one important note....

The Trumps DO NOT interject Baron into the public eye. Whatever has been said of him by others is definitely a cheap shot.

Gretta's parents whored her out into the public, with a hugely false narrative, doses of contradictory behavior, and opening her up for ridicule for personal gain. Not condoning personal jabs at her, but mom and dad set it up to happen, whereas Baron stays where his parents keep him, and he still gets jabbed.
The same could be said about backwater trailer trash inhabitants.

I ask again, why did you feel compelled to bring up my pants? I thought making fun of clothes was a teenage girl thing.

Maybe it was you initially calling him a mouth breathing hill person, first ?? just a hunch.
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If I insulted your taste in socks, would you be insulted or confused?
Prob just laugh. I wear ankle socks unless I have boots on, and I'd think it sad and funny to insult one's socks. But, I wouldn't insult someone by name calling, then wonder why they are calling out my britches.
While I agree that kids should be left out of politics, you are forgetting one important note....

The Trumps DO NOT interject Baron into the public eye. Whatever has been said of him by others is definitely a cheap shot.

Gretta's parents whored her out into the public, with a hugely false narrative, doses of contradictory behavior, and opening her up for ridicule for personal gain. Not condoning personal jabs at her, but mom and dad set it up to happen, whereas Baron stays where his parents keep him, and he still gets jabbed.

The only reason you sheep are baaing about Greta is your hero crapped his pants when he didn't when Person of the Year.

The Kennedys, Nixons, Fords, Carters, Reagans, Bushs, Clintons, Bushs and Obamas did not interject their children into the public eye, either, yet all of their kids got jabbed from time to time. Greta is not the child of a politician. She represents a movement and is a representative of the generation that will likely be the most affected by global warming and rampant pollution. If you don't like what she says, that's fine. But some of you who joke about her being statutory raped are way beyond the bend stupid and malicious.
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The only reason you sheep are baaing about Greta is your hero crapped his pants when he didn't when Person of the Year.

The Kennedys, Nixons, Fords, Carters, Reagans, Bushs, Clintons, Bushs and Obamas did not interject their children into the public eye, either, yet all of their kids got jabbed from time to time. Greta is not the child of a politician. She represents a movement and is a representative of the generation that will likely be the most affected by global warming and rampant pollution. If you don't like what she says, that's fine. But some of you who joke about her being statutory raped are way beyond the bend stupid and malicious.

I've never taken a jab at her, troll. And doesn't bother me at all Trump didn't get named. Sad that he lives in yalls heads so much. Did you even read what I said in the post you replied so coherently to?
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