Liddle Greta - Time Person of the Year 2019

I disagree. I got solar on my house and through tax credits I will break even in 10 years. After that its money in the bank for me. If we invest in green as much as we subsidize oil and pay for illegitimate wars we could tell the middle east to go &^%$ themselves. Not that Trump and his cohorts want that...
That is so cool. I was thinking of doing this but I have a few concerns that you, since you have the system, can help me with.
1. How long on average have you found the batteries last before you have to replace them?
2. What kind of batteries are you using? some are better for convenience but worse for the environment?
3. Are your panels on the roof or ground. Roof seems it would be more attractive but may make maintaining them difficult.
4. How much do they cost yearly to maintain?
I have a full size truck that in town gets about 16 MPG, I have a boat that drinks so much gas it seems like it leaks it and I keep my a/c at 66 in the summer. Suck it lib

So what? Lib is responsible for himself. He doesn't care if you act like a douche.
The vitriol and personal animosity being leveled at this child from some is really bizzare.

It's not as if she's rallying to kill puppies; why would anyone be upset to see a kid champion a clean environment?

The Chosen One’s two minutes hate today explains the philosophy well.

To sum up Trump you only need to know this common toddlerism, “Give it to me! It’s mine!!!”
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Remember last week when all of you Trump leg-humpers were clutching your pearls because the law professor made a point about what Trump named his kid. I assume we'll see a similar outcry here from you for attacking a kid.

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Remember last week when all of you Trump leg-humpers were clutching your pearls because the law professor made a point about what Trump named his kid. I assume we'll see a similar outcry here from you for attacking a kid.

I've never seen one of those kids ever utter a single word. The ignorant, petulant one is lecturing adults. There's no comparison to be made,
Remember last week when all of you Trump leg-humpers were clutching your pearls because the law professor made a point about what Trump named his kid. I assume we'll see a similar outcry here from you for attacking a kid.
What a vicious attack.
Remember last week when all of you Trump leg-humpers were clutching your pearls because the law professor made a point about what Trump named his kid. I assume we'll see a similar outcry here from you for attacking a kid.

@DonaldTrumpJR What endangered animal you gonna shoot today numbnuts?
I've never seen one of those kids ever utter a single word. The ignorant, petulant one is lecturing adults. There's no comparison to be made,

Anyway you cut it you have the most powerful man in the world is picking on a little girl. I guess he's miffed because it wasn't him.

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