Liddle Greta - Time Person of the Year 2019

Trump is a jealous bitch.

Yes he is. A sitting President attacking a teenage girl is petty and disgusting. Trump is an infant, he sets the class and dignity bar lower and lower every day. That's OK though, he still has his fake Person of The Year covers on his wall to soothe his fragile ego.
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Well, she was right of course. More importantly, Trump's base likes him primarily because he gives a voice to all of their resentments about a whole host of things, largely cultural. I imagine they are embarrassed by him otherwise.
I will have to admit that part of the reason that I like him is because he gets under your skin, and lives in your head 24 hours a day.
Yes he is. A sitting President attacking a teenage girl is petty and disgusting. Trump is an infant, he sets the class and dignity bar lower and lower every day. That's OK though, he still has his fake Person of The Year covers on his wall to soothe his fragile ego.
Was that his normal physical grab the p***y kind of attack?
Judge Roy Moore.

Edit: It's a shame that Judge Roy couldn't have hooked up with Clinton and Epstein to run the younguns together.
Is that really any different from the other side? Hillary's main campaign message was that you can't vote for Donald because he's a bigot. It wasn't a pro-Hillary but rather an anti-Donald message. That's just how politics is, especially these days.

I think politics have always been like that, I think what's changed is that it's more about party now than it is issues. Both sides flip flop so much and none of the acolytes seem to mind at all.
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If somebody in the press asked Trump what he thought about Person of the Year and he said "I think it should have been the Hong Kong protesters." there wouldn't be any problem. He's the most powerful man in the world and a 73 year old who took to twitter to insult and deride a teenager. He's spoiled, thin-skinned, rude, jealous, petty, arrogant, immature, childish, unaware, etc. Character-wise, Donald Trump is literally everything the greatest generation raised their kids not to be. He's everything that boomers claim to hate about millennials. What is going on with the Trump love fest? It's the most confusing phenomenon in political history.

Conservatives would freak the **** out if a pro athlete tweeted something like this at a police officer with a different view of the world, but POTUS vs. a teenager is 100% gravy. What is wrong with these "adults"?

It's a circle the wagon mentality. The election of a black President was the final straw and a wake up call. They live in fear of a world no longer dominated by their white majority not realizing that the ship has sailed. They know they are only held together by the thinnest of margins due to a quirk of a population distribution that favors them for now. The orange man tapped into this and has exploited it for his personal gain. Meanwhile the 39 percenters see him as their only hope and will stay with him to the inevitable but fast approaching end. Time is our friend.
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It's a circle the wagon mentality. The election of a black President was the final straw and a wake up call. They live in fear of a world no longer dominated by their white majority not realizing that the ship has sailed. They know they are only held together by the thinnest of margins due to a quirk of a population distribution that favors them for now. The orange man tapped into this and has exploited it for his personal gain. Meanwhile the 39 percenters see him as their only hope and will stay with him to the inevitable but fast approaching end.
Damned if you didn't hit the nail right on the head. That's it! That is the only reason that Trump got 63 million people to vote for him. You've got us figured out.
It's a circle the wagon mentality. The election of a black President was the final straw and a wake up call. They live in fear of a world no longer dominated by their white majority not realizing that the ship has sailed. They know they are only held together by the thinnest of margins due to a quirk of a population distribution that favors them for now. The orange man tapped into this and has exploited it for his personal gain. Meanwhile the 39 percenters see him as their only hope and will stay with him to the inevitable but fast approaching end. Time is our friend.
bwaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa

How many black candidates are you putting up this time there Chief? The only 'minority' you have now besides an Indian Princess wannabe is a gay white man.

Oh this is delicious.

Oh.. I forgot about Spartacus.

bwaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaa
bwaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa

How many black candidates are you putting up this time there Chief? The only 'minority' you have now besides an Indian Princess wannabe is a gay white man.

Oh this is delicious.

Oh.. I forgot about Spartacus.

bwaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaa
Spartacus won't be around long.
I will have to admit that part of the reason that I like him is because he gets under your skin, and lives in your head 24 hours a day.

But that is where you Trump Butt Boys are wrong. If gives you pleasure to think that but opponents are too busy with their own lives to give AF.
But that is where you Trump Butt Boys are wrong. If gives you pleasure to think that but opponents are too busy with their own lives to give AF.
I can tell. Speaking of Butt Boys, that sounds like a great name for young Buttigieg supporters like Zepp.

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