Liddle Greta - Time Person of the Year 2019

Anyway you cut it you have the most powerful man in the world is picking on a little girl. I guess he's miffed because it wasn't him.

If somebody in the press asked Trump what he thought about Person of the Year and he said "I think it should have been the Hong Kong protesters." there wouldn't be any problem. He's the most powerful man in the world and a 73 year old who took to twitter to insult and deride a teenager. He's spoiled, thin-skinned, rude, jealous, petty, arrogant, immature, childish, unaware, etc. Character-wise, Donald Trump is literally everything the greatest generation raised their kids not to be. He's everything that boomers claim to hate about millennials. What is going on with the Trump love fest? It's the most confusing phenomenon in political history.

Conservatives would freak the **** out if a pro athlete tweeted something like this at a police officer with a different view of the world, but POTUS vs. a teenager is 100% gravy. What is wrong with these "adults"?
I had to look that up. Not surprised you knew about NAMBLA though. How’s your kid?

You had to look up NAMBLA but that photo came from your phone's gallery. Leave my kid out of it, guy who posts inappropriate pictures of 10 YO boys.
If somebody in the press asked Trump what he thought about Person of the Year and he said "I think it should have been the Hong Kong protesters." there wouldn't be any problem. He's the most powerful man in the world and a 73 year old who took to twitter to insult and deride a teenager. He's spoiled, thin-skinned, rude, jealous, petty, arrogant, immature, childish, unaware, etc. Character-wise, Donald Trump is literally everything the greatest generation raised their kids not to be. He's everything that boomers claim to hate about millennials. What is going on with the Trump love fest? It's the most confusing phenomenon in political history.

Conservatives would freak the **** out if a pro athlete tweeted something like this at a police officer with a different view of the world, but POTUS vs. a teenager is 100% gravy. What is wrong with these "adults"?

Because boomers.
If somebody in the press asked Trump what he thought about Person of the Year and he said "I think it should have been the Hong Kong protesters." there wouldn't be any problem. He's the most powerful man in the world and a 73 year old who took to twitter to insult and deride a teenager. He's spoiled, thin-skinned, rude, jealous, petty, arrogant, immature, childish, unaware, etc. Character-wise, Donald Trump is literally everything the greatest generation raised their kids not to be. He's everything that boomers claim to hate about millennials. What is going on with the Trump love fest? It's the most confusing phenomenon in political history.

Conservatives would freak the **** out if a pro athlete tweeted something like this at a police officer with a different view of the world, but POTUS vs. a teenager is 100% gravy. What is wrong with these "adults"?
That someone was able to make a political run based on Trumpian ideology isn't surprising. What is surprising is that Donald Trump was able to do it. I wouldn't have thought in a million years that a lot of conservative Christians and disillusioned union types would find a political leader in the person of a thrice married, philandering, billionaire real estate developer and reality TV show host from NYC.

Also, in contemporary politics, people are more motivated by a hate of the other side rather than a love for their own side, IMO. Even among his hardcore supporters, I think enthusiasm for Trump was actually lower than their hate for Hillary and other progressives.
If somebody in the press asked Trump what he thought about Person of the Year and he said "I think it should have been the Hong Kong protesters." there wouldn't be any problem. He's the most powerful man in the world and a 73 year old who took to twitter to insult and deride a teenager. He's spoiled, thin-skinned, rude, jealous, petty, arrogant, immature, childish, unaware, etc. Character-wise, Donald Trump is literally everything the greatest generation raised their kids not to be. He's everything that boomers claim to hate about millennials. What is going on with the Trump love fest? It's the most confusing phenomenon in political history.

Conservatives would freak the **** out if a pro athlete tweeted something like this at a police officer with a different view of the world, but POTUS vs. a teenager is 100% gravy. What is wrong with these "adults"?
Well, some of you worship at her feet, so I guess it evens out.

1) I don't. I think she is being used as a prop and subsequently exploited.

2) Making fun of an autistic kid is hard to match, but I guess it doesn't register when their beliefs differ from yours and when your ultimate man crush is doing it.
1) I don't. I think she is being used as a prop and subsequently exploited.

2) Making fun of an autistic kid is hard to match, but I guess it doesn't register when their beliefs differ from yours and when your ultimate man crush is doing it.
I don't really gaf about her one way or the other. Greta merely pawn in game of life.
That someone was able to make a political run based on Trumpian ideology isn't surprising. What is surprising is that Donald Trump was able to do it. I wouldn't have thought in a million years that a lot of conservative Christians and disillusioned union types would find a political leader in the person of a thrice married, philandering, billionaire real estate developer and reality TV show host from NYC.

Also, in contemporary politics, people are more motivated by a hate of the other side rather than a love for their own side, IMO. Even among his hardcore supporters, I think enthusiasm for Trump was actually lower than their hate for Hillary and other progressives.

Trump is the anatgonism president. That's it.
The only thing that I think about it is that it is stupid to lend any credence to a 12 year old or whatever she is.
That's not true because you've been in here for way more than that.

It's like you think your posts can't be seen by everyone else. Maybe you're dealing with early onset dementia.
That's not true because you've been in here for way more than that.

It's like you think your posts can't be seen by everyone else. Maybe you're dealing with early onset dementia.
I guess you identify with her since you are still a problem child.
I'm just stating facts. Y'all are making fun of an autistic child. It'd be one thing if you were demonizing her exploiters. But you dipshits, including the president, are making fun of an autistic child.
I'm not. I don't GAF about her. I'm trashing her parents and all those that buy into what she parrots. She direct know shiite. Like i said before. She's a useful idiot. Nothing funny about it.
Is that really any different from the other side? Hillary's main campaign message was that you can't vote for Donald because he's a bigot. It wasn't a pro-Hillary but rather an anti-Donald message. That's just how politics is, especially these days.

Well, she was right of course. More importantly, Trump's base likes him primarily because he gives a voice to all of their resentments about a whole host of things, largely cultural. I imagine they are embarrassed by him otherwise.
I'm not. I don't GAF about her. I'm trading her parents and all those that buy into what she parrots. Like i said before. She's a useful idiot. Nothing funny about it.

Yet another poster who claims to not GAF while blatantly giving several enough ****s to bring her up in several threads.
Well, she was right of course. More importantly, Trump's base likes him primarily because he gives a voice to all of their resentments about a whole host of things, largely cultural. I imagine they are embarrassed by him otherwise.
She was your opinion.

Swap Trump for AOC and the statement is also correct. They are two sides of the same coin, playing the same game. They feed off of and draw their influence from a mentality you seem to be showing, which is that one side is different or not as "bad" as the other. It's how they stay relevant and important.

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