How many Assembly of God members does it take to change a light bulb?
One. He already has his hands in the air.
How many baptists? 9. One to change it. 7 to disuss it in a meeting. And 1 to make a casserole.
Church of Christ? They hire it out because there is no scriptural authority for the changing of the light.
Lipscomb is about 70 percent wealthy kids from the Nashville area who coundn't get into Vandy. It has not been a seriously C of C focused school for year. They're Pepperdine East..
I'm C of C and I knew Spart was just joking. We catch a lot of flack for being strict but that was more so back in the 50s, etc. My whole family went to Lipscomb and they do have some pretty silly rules IMO. C of C has gotten much more liberal over the years, or at least I have. Definitely not a cult, but try to follow the bible to a T
Why was SDV taught not to have sex prior to marriage?
Because it may lead to dancing.
This seems to be somewhat true. Most of my extremely conservative friends growing up went to Freed. I'm a little shocked that Lipscomb is sticking to the honor code still.
^^^This. So many do not understand this.
That is solid, I love it. Having grown up in the CoC, I certainly encountered those who thought dancing was the quickest and most surefire way to end up in hell. I never have understood the hate on dancing (actual dancing, not grinding, a la dance clubs).
I spent my freshman year at Faulkner, and I had some classmates/teammates who at one time had been at Lipscomb, Freed, and Harding. I was told that Lipscomb loosened up its moral views in order to grow (and move to D1). Harding and Faulkner had similar, conservative views, but was told Freed was so conservative it made BYU look like a state school.
This seems to be somewhat true. Most of my extremely conservative friends growing up went to Freed. I'm a little shocked that Lipscomb is sticking to the honor code still.
I grew up in a little small extremely conservative C of C. We were told that the dancing would lead us to have dirty thoughts
Agree and its the same for the campus school too. Some years ago it was a COC school but is now more of a school teaching christian values with the underlying basics in COC beliefs. Just last year it was only 56% COC, with the others being Baptist (10%), Methodist (3.2%), Presbyterian (2.8%), non deominational (9%), and Catholic (1%). It seems that both the university and campus schools are trying to expand into the community as a local school not just a purely christian haven.
The congregation I grew up in was also on the conservative end of the coC spectrum. I never really understood that mindset....maybe it's because it didn't require dancing for me to have those, lol :naughty:
What kind of freaking survey has 17% 'did not respond' to a question about your religious preferance? That seems really odd...I am guessing that 17% is not C of C. Do they allow vocal atheists to attend DLC?
just to make sure we're on the same page, the numbers I listed were from the campus school ie elementary-hs, not the college.
as for atheists, eh I kinda doubt it. Since it is private the can take who they want so at least a belief in God would be essential. It also helps since they have Bible everyday and receive a grade for it. That probably would run an atheist off there.
Ooooohhh....I thought those were the numbers for those entering the college. Nevermind.
Yes, good point on the bible class. They are required to take those. That would be hard on the atheist
The congregation I grew up in was also on the conservative end of the coC spectrum. I never really understood that mindset....maybe it's because it didn't require dancing for me to have those, lol :naughty: