I want to address this as well. Are instruments and aid, or are they an addition? And are aids wrong?
Well, when God told Noah to build an ark, do you think he said, "Oh, and you can't use any hammers or nails or glue on it." I mean, God's command to Noah was "build an ark, and do it this high, this wide, and out of gopher wood." That's what he left it at. Noah, in order to build that ark, would have had to use hammers, nails, and other tools to complete it. But the project was still completed. Hammers, nails and glue were only expedients that were used to carry out the command given.
Are songbooks, PA systems, powerpoints, microphones aids? Yes they are. Are they wrong? No. Why? Consider if Noah had used oak instead of gopher. Is that wrong? Yes. Changed the command didn't he? Went away from it.
If I'm singing with a songbook, and then I stop singing, you will hear nothing. The songbook doesn't add to, or overtake my singing. If I'm using a powerpoint and I'm singing with the powerpoint, and I stop, you will hear nothing. It doesn't overtake or add to my singing.
But if I'm singing with an instrument, and I stop singing, then you'll still hear the instrument. Therefore, it overtook and added to my singing. It is VERY different from an aid. An aid helps us to carry out a command, instruments do not. They come along in addition to what we're doing.
Not trying to start anything, btw, I'm just trying to spread some of my knowledge on the topics.