Liz Cheney D- Wyoming

She wouldn't even be able to sniff the nomination being in Trump's camp because NOBODY would know who the **** she is. She had to distinguish herself and get her name out. She did that in a big way but it will probably cost her her seat.
She wouldn't even be able to sniff the Republican Party nomination by taking such strong, public opposition to her party's leadership either. That is not the way any serious candidate runs for president. You must first win the approval of your party leadership, or else you will never win anything.

I wasn't bestowed with the power to read minds either, but Liz Cheney's public opposition to Trump is much more consistent with someone who was willing to sacrifice her political career ambitions, in order to stand firmly behind her principles concerning what she believed to be in the best interest of her party and her country.
She wouldn't even be able to sniff the Republican Party nomination by taking such strong, public opposition to her party's leadership either. That is not the way any serious candidate runs for president. You must first win the approval of your party leadership, or else you will never win anything.

I wasn't bestowed with the power to read minds either, but Liz Cheney's public opposition to Trump, is much more consistent with someone who was willing to sacrifice her political career ambitions, in order to stand firmly behind her principles concerning what she believed to be in the best interest of her party and her country.

Really? Did Trump have the approval of the party leadership in 2016?

Cheney was betting on her fathers faction of the R party regaining control once Trump was defeated.
Really? Did Trump have the approval of the party leadership in 2016?

Cheney was betting on her fathers faction of the R party regaining control once Trump was defeated.
Trump was a bit of a different animal, in that he had never held office before. He didn't have an existing political career to lose. It's clear that Liz Cheney was willing to sacrifice her seat in order to stand against the conduct of Donald Trump. It had to have been a possibility that she heavily weighed.

... and there isn't a "Dick Cheney faction" of the Republican Party. He left office extraordinarily unpopular. His approval ratings in 2008 were even lower than George W.'s, which were around 33%.
Trump was a bit of a different animal, in that he had never held office before. He didn't have an existing political career to lose. It's clear that Liz Cheney was willing to sacrifice her seat in order to stand against the conduct of Donald Trump. It had to have been a possibility that she heavily weighed.

... and there isn't a "Dick Cheney faction" of the Republican Party. He left office extraordinarily unpopular. His approval ratings were even lower than George W.'s, which were around 33%.

It's amazing how a person you probably hated and considered a terrible human being for her political views suddenly becomes honorable and principled once they go against Trump.

And as usual you are completely wrong.
It's amazing how a person you probably hated and considered a terrible human being for her political views suddenly becomes honorable and principled once they go against Trump.

And as usual you are completely wrong.
I still don't like how she votes, but her principled stance against Trump is what we need more of in Congress.
You just replied "Exactly" to a profoundly ignorant post. See post #59. Do facts matter to anyone on here? Liz Cheney is NOT a RINO. She is more of a true conservative than even Donald Trump.
I'm responding to the fact that people like you continue to talk about Trump. Let it go. He's not president. The man who has been in politics almost 50 years is president. Let's focus on who is president now.
Telling the truth no longer matters to the GOP, only fealty to Trump. It's pathetic and cowardly.

I think voting for impeachment along with the most radical House in our lifetimes, and continuing to spit upon the broad base of support for an America First party while promising a resurrection of wingtip RINOs with herself ostensibly leading, is quite enough justification to pull her card. Add her 1/6 insurrection nonsense despite the evidence, and there's nothing to distinguish her from the left. She's tone deaf.

Again, Trump has nothing to do with it but the message. The same one that put R's in charge of VA with a black female Lt. Gov and Cuban AG. I've been telling you people this for years, that he is inconsequential absent that message. Continue not hearing it through '22 elections.
I think voting for impeachment along with the most radical House in our lifetimes, and continuing to spit upon the broad base of support for an America First party while promising a resurrection of wingtip RINOs with herself ostensibly leading, is quite enough justification to pull her card. Add her 1/6 insurrection nonsense despite the evidence, and there's nothing to distinguish her from the left. She's tone deaf.

Again, Trump has nothing to do with it but the message. The same one that put R's in charge of VA with a black female Lt. Gov and Cuban AG. I've been telling you people this for years, that he is inconsequential absent that message. Continue not hearing it through '22 elections.
Except for voting with Trump's position 92.9% of the time? LOL!

Trump has EVERYTHING to do with this. Liz Cheney has proven herself willing to sacrifice her secure House seat in order to stand up against the reckless and irresponsible conduct of Donald Trump, which she believes to be detrimental to her party and country.
I haven't forgotten about the infantile tweets nor have I forgotten about he $7.5 Trillion added to the National Debt.
It was actually $7.8 trillion. The National Debt increased by 36% during Donald Trump's one term presidency. That is astounding... but please, conservatives, tell us who is to blame for inflation?
Did she vote for impeachment the first or the second time? If she voted both times you can say she did it for whatever reason she stated. If she did it only the second time after the man already lost the election and days away from transferring power, she did it for political reasons only.
Looks like Liz voted with the Dems to censure Republican representative Gosar of Arizona for dissing AOC.
Except for voting with Trump's position 92.9% of the time? LOL!

Trump has EVERYTHING to do with this. Liz Cheney has proven herself willing to sacrifice her secure House seat in order to stand up against the reckless and irresponsible conduct of Donald Trump, which she believes to be detrimental to her party and country.

She should have stayed with her voting record instead of trying to revive the Bush/McCain era of the GOP - "LOL"!

Cheney has proven herself deaf to her WY constituency, and the current incarnation of the GOP majority, which is a populist, America First, worker-centric, border secured, militarily strong but non-adventurous party increasing its appeal to minorities.

You think if Winsome Sears proves capable of governing at high level with the same America First message, that Repubs wouldn't run her and vote for her? Hell yes they would.
M-E-S-S-A-G-E. You want to reduce it to a Trump thing so you can argue against a flawed man. You can't articulate an argument to the message, and it's why Dems and never-Trump Repubs want to keep making it about Trump.
It was actually $7.8 trillion. The National Debt increased by 36% during Donald Trump's one term presidency. That is astounding... but please, conservatives, tell us who is to blame for inflation?
Anyone that voted for one of the stimulus payments.So, pretty much every politician in our gov.
She should have stayed with her voting record instead of trying to revive the Bush/McCain era of the GOP - "LOL"!

Cheney has proven herself deaf to her WY constituency, and the current incarnation of the GOP majority, which is a populist, America First, worker-centric, border secured, militarily strong but non-adventurous party increasing its appeal to minorities.

You think if Winsome Sears proves capable of governing at high level with the same America First message, that Repubs wouldn't run her and vote for her? Hell yes they would.
M-E-S-S-A-G-E. You want to reduce it to a Trump thing so you can argue against a flawed man. You can't articulate an argument to the message, and it's why Dems and never-Trump Repubs want to keep making it about Trump.
Liz Cheney has stood on principle and opposed Donald Trump's abuse of power, and his reckless conduct. For that, she deserves respect. She gained NOTHING politically or professionally by going against her party leadership during such a tribal and polarized time in American politics.
Looks like Liz voted with the Dems to censure Republican representative Gosar of Arizona for dissing AOC.
Which would be consistent with her opposition to Trump. This concerns conduct, not policy. She votes straight down the Republican Party platform on policy.
Which would be consistent with her opposition to Trump. This concerns conduct, not policy. She votes straight down the Republican Party platform on policy.
She is also not going to be in congress after the 2022 election unless she moves to California and runs for Nancy's seat.
She is also not going to be in congress after the 2022 election unless she moves to California and runs for Nancy's seat.
I agree she won't be in Congress after next year, but it is stupid to suggest that she could win a House seat in a liberal district with her voting record! You guys don't know what you are talking about.

Liz Cheney is NOT a RINO. As much as anyone in the House of Reps. she votes straight down the Republican Party line on policy. You are completely defining her without regard to policy. You are defining her only by her opposition to Donald Trump's reckless conduct, which demonstrates that the Republican Party has devolved into a cult... instead of a political party with a basis in ideology and policy initiatives. Subservience and fealty to Trump now override policy. You are pathetic sheep.
I agree she won't be in Congress after next year, but it is stupid to suggest that she could win a House seat in a liberal district with her voting record! You guys don't know what you are talking about.

Liz Cheney is NOT a RINO. As much as anyone in the House of Reps. she votes straight down the Republican Party line on policy. You are completely defining her without regard to policy. You are defining her only by her opposition to Donald Trump's reckless conduct, which demonstrates that the Republican Party has devolved into a cult... instead of a political party with a basis in ideology and policy initiatives. Subservience and fealty to Trump now override policy. You are pathetic sheep.
Look up the definition of sarcasm, and before you do, take your meds.
Liz Cheney has stood on principle and opposed Donald Trump's abuse of power, and his reckless conduct. For that, she deserves respect. She gained NOTHING politically or professionally by going against her party leadership during such a tribal and polarized time in American politics.

I disagree; it's only principled opposition because it align with the years of obsessive and unfounded opposition you subscribed to, hook, line and sinker. She's a never-Trumper, pushed the 'Russia bounty on troops' nonsense (that you bought into) to derail the Afghanistan withdrawal. In three surveys since the election, she can't break 25% of support in WY. She did this while in a leadership position, and either misread general Repub sentiment and/or is that TDSed.

She miscalculated; now she can drown.
I disagree; it's only principled opposition because it align with the years of obsessive and unfounded opposition you subscribed to, hook, line and sinker. She's a never-Trumper, pushed the 'Russia bounty on troops' nonsense (that you bought into) to derail the Afghanistan withdrawal. In three surveys since the election, she can't break 25% of support in WY. She did this while in a leadership position, and either misread general Repub sentiment and/or is that TDSed.

She miscalculated; now she can drown.
Her electoral history shows 3 comfortable primary victories, and it would have likely stayed that way had she not been principled and opposed the abuse of power from Donald Trump.

You do not know if she miscalculated, unless you are another one of VolNation's resident mind-readers. Her calculation, for all we know, could very well have been that her career in Congress was worth sacrificing, in effort to stand up to the reckless tyranny of Donald Trump. You are choosing to view her with cynicism... when she has gained NOTHING from opposing her party's leadership during this tribal political age.

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