Locker Room Issues?

LOL! He was disappointed about the team’s performance but you were able to extrapolate all that nonsense of team chemistry by watching the press conference. Some of you make crap up in your own head and then state it as fact. So mind numbingly stupid.
I think he may be right. I don’t know if it’s the team isn’t getting along but there is definitely chemistry problems.

We have the talent and I know we’re better than what we showed last night.
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I would like to see some of the freshman DB's getting some time both at safety and cornerback.
Yep. What's to lose by benching the likes of Hadden, McCullough and McDonald? They may know what to do, but lack the ability to make the play. I'll take the athletes playing 100% and making mistakes over what I've seen of some in this secondary.
Duh. Really upset. He just lost to one of our biggest rivals and knows we shouldn’t have.
Why wouldn’t he be upset?
Yeah somebody always try’s to start some lockeroom problem theory on here after a bad loss and it becomes accepted as fact. BS, we just have to play better and get tougher but smarter. A lot of undisciplined play last night that is unacceptable. The worst was when everyone but our D-line knows they are trying to make us jump on 4th down. That was the worst most ignorant play on the night. No way in Haiti they are running a play there but we jump. All we had to do was watch the ball and stay disciplined. We lost a big 2 minutes for no good reason but being stupid.
Stop with the officials. Bad calls? Yes. But we looked like garbage and there’s no way to spin it. We looked terrible minus one single drive to start the game. I have had my share of games where I thought it may have been swung by officials. This is not one.
Back up, and read my post again.
Yeah somebody always try’s to start some lockeroom problem theory on here after a bad loss and it becomes accepted as fact. BS, we just have to play better and get tougher but smarter. A lot of undisciplined play last night that is unacceptable. The worst was when everyone but our D-line knows they are trying to make us jump on 4th down. That was the worst most ignorant play on the night. No way in Haiti they are running a play there but we jump. All we had to do was watch the ball and stay disciplined. We lost a big 2 minutes for no good reason but being stupid.
Same DL jumped two or three plays later but didn't break the zone. Unaware, but interior DL is thin
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He didn’t ask for anything.
The university did that on their own
I get why they did that. Im sure some programs wouldve tried to see if they could sway him their way if he didnt get a contract extension. But we are in a position now like auburn was with malzahn. You know he can have good seasons, but hes underperforming based on salary. We have to really hope our needs are addressed in the portal this offseason and that we can rebound big time.
I get why they did that. Im sure some programs wouldve tried to see if they could sway him their way if he didnt get a contract extension. But we are in a position now like auburn was with malzahn. You know he can have good seasons, but hes underperforming based on salary. We have to really hope our needs are addressed in the portal this offseason and that we can rebound big time.
I don’t know….has he?
I guess we will know at season’s end.
Not everyone gets marketed as QB1.
Majority of the time, entrepreneurial has nothing to do with it.
right I get why Milton makes more money than our defense backs. What I'm saying is that the economics of NIL is leading to team chemistry problems cause guys don't feel like their getting treated fairly or don't like that Milton is handing out beats while he is getting fat checks left and right. Last night is prove that a quarterback isn't anything without good play from his teammates. I think a smart quarterback would commit most of his money to the NIL group and make sure that his guys can eat as well. Idk if that is happening with Tennessee or not, but I'm concerned about it.
Anytime there is a player only meeting prior to a big game it spells trouble! Seems to be a vast amount of dissention on the team! They only had a halfa**ed effort in this game. We do not have a team that cares, and we certainly do not have a quarterback! Send Milton back to the portal!
You missed an exclamation point.
Lally also made a horrible attempt at a open field tackle last night. Actually he was made to look bad twice in space and never hardly even touched the ball carrier.
That happens from time to time, but to not even wrap the ball carrier up and run behind the ball carrier and not even dive is a horrible display. Hadden also missed 2 tackles against Florida last year on the same play. It is beyond infuriating.
The only thing I’m surprised by is the discipline issues. Slaughter and Mincey being out killed us, and jumping offsides on a 4th and 1 where they are clearly not even running a play is absolutely inexcusable.

Ollie Lane, Dayne Davis, Kamal Hadden, Tank McCollough not being good enough is old news.

Would’ve been a tough game even if the kids were better prepared. I legitimately want that officiating crew investigated.
Is locker room issues a common theme with CJH or were little reports liked this leaked during previous administrations and I just didn't see? Seems you hear a lot about this. Team plays undisciplined so I'm not shocked.

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