I am talking about rankings......
You can't have it both ways....
According to you CCM has "developed" Golden, Maymon and McRae and brought Stokes in all by himself. Well for one thing Pearl was already significantly in the door with stokes.
And why didn't Maymon play very much his first year? Um let me see - oh yea because he was playing behind a guy named Tobias Harris. I guess Pearl recruited Golden and Maymon because they were average players!
This being said, you aren't giving any credit to Pearl for developing his players! I guess Pearl simply rolled the bball out on the court and told the guys to go have fun and win me some games. If you say that Golden, McRae and Maymon owe their success to CCM then you must likewise give Pearl credit for developing Watson, JJ Smith, Chris Lofton, Big Wayne, T Harris, R Smith, Prince, T Smith, Bobby Maze, Williams and Watson (oh and Bradshaw).
How do judge coaching ability and player development? Ultimately it boils down to wins and losses!