Lol @ the CCM haters

CCM has proven to be a great coach. I was suspect early on but UT has really peaked at the right time. Hopefully next year it won't take so long. Anybody think Stokes will declare after this season?

I don't see it. Still has a lot to improve on. Right now he'd be a late second round pick. Unless he has people in his ear telling him to go he comes back. I think he also sees the potential of next years team and being able to have something special happen. Plus he wants to beat UK at Rupp before he leaves :).
I don't see it. Still has a lot to improve on. Right now he'd be a late second round pick. Unless he has people in his ear telling him to go he comes back. I think he also sees the potential of next years team and being able to have something special happen. Plus he wants to beat UK at Rupp before he leaves :).

Dang it, you proved me wrong 2 posts later! lol

It least it was a KY fan that said it.
Pearl is no longer the coach of Vols (and never will be again). My post implied nothing about him coming back to Tennessee - it simply puts forth the argument that perhaps both coaches deserve some amount of credit for developing their players.

Now it is true that I do not think that CCM has done much of anything to solidify his reputation as a great or even good head basketball coach. His only claim to that would be winning the CIT tourney.

If however the Vols win out and make the big dance I would have to say that CCM did a heck of a coaching job this year even if they got bounced in the first round. In fact I said that very thing months ago when it was presumed that Maymon would miss the entire season. You can check with BTO on that last part.

He won 25 games twice at Missouri State and won a MVC regular season title, one of the better mid major conferences around.

His resume was short, but good.
I didn't...didn't u catch the part u only got 2 right....:)...I threw the last part about being childish to get a response....if I really want to hate someone I go to the POLITICS FORUM :)

I did miss that actually, good one lol.

And I can be very childish at times. Fair warning to all.
Where are these posts you speak of? Shouldn't be hard for you to cite one if there are as many as you say.

It's one thing to disagree about Pearl, it's another to act ignorant in a thread full of VKAman posts with which you agreed. I'll bold the part about where there hasn't been much player development at UT. I'm sure you'll rationalize it away as not meaning anything anti-Pearl, though.

You have got to be kidding me. Pearl inherited a third team All-American in Lofton and a future NBA player in Watson. The leading scorer Martin inherited was Cameron Tatum.

Maymon and Golden, especially, were terrible under Pearl and didn't fit his system.

This is where we dutifully note that this is garbage. Maymon didn't play because he was sitting behind Williams and Harris. Golden was also a freshman.

Then we will also note that Dane Bradshaw was in a similar situation about not being worth much before Pearl got there. Only difference? Bradshaw was a junior with limited value two years prior. Attribute Bradshaw's success to being young or Pearl's coaching, but be sure to do the same for Golden under Martin.

Please don't act like they and McRae were always going to be this good and Martin just got lucky. They've actually developed and improved substantially since being here, which hasn't been happening a whole lot at Tennessee.

Firstly, Martin inherited Harris and Hopson, however, he couldn't hold onto them. Most people would agree that both individuals could've benefited another year in college.

Secondly, the 3rd Team All-American and future NBA players in Lofton and Watson didn't do jack as a team the years prior to Pearl. And before you go off on some irrelevant tangent, I did say as a team.

Thirdly, Bradshaw really wasn't a significant factor prior to Pearl coming to UT. Bradshaw's success could easily be attributed to Pearl's coaching.

You guys obviously forget that this "amazing" team he inherited didn't make the tournament the previous year and was, ultimately, the nail-in-the-coffin for Peterson's firing by going 14-17. Meanwhile, Pearl took over the squad and posted a 22-8 record.
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Firstly, Martin inherited Harris and Hopson, however, he couldn't hold onto them. Most people would agree that both individuals could've benefited another year in college.

Secondly, the 3rd Team All-American and future NBA players in Lofton and Watson didn't do jack as a team the years prior to Pearl. And before you go off on some irrelevant tangent, I did say as a team.

That first paragraph may be one of the more stupid things posted on Volnation. And that's saying something. Yeah, blame Martin because Hopson had people telling him he should go pro and anyone with a brain knew that Harris was a one-and-done player pretty much the whole time. Yet, it was Martin's fault because he couldn't hold on to them. Pure stupidity and absurdity.

Only two words needs to describe the second paragraph: Buzz Peterson. He sucked balls. Anyone that knew anything about basketball could improve on what he did.
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That first paragraph may be one of the more stupid things posted on Volnation. And that's saying something. Yeah, blame Martin because Hopson had people telling him he should go pro and anyone with a brain knew that Harris was a one-and-done player pretty much the whole time. Yet, it was Martin's fault because he couldn't hold on to them. Pure stupidity and absurdity.

Only two words needs to describe the second paragraph: Buzz Peterson. He sucked balls. Anyone that knew anything about basketball could improve on what he did.

What about it was stupid? Ultimately, Martin inherited him. I'm not faulting Martin. I'm not saying his actions are at fault for them not staying, but the opportunity was there. People somehow blame Pearl for "leaving the cupboard bare," yet completely ignore the fact that 2 players left early -- meaning, the cupboard wasn't bare.
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What about it was stupid? Ultimately, Martin inherited him. I'm not faulting Martin. I'm not saying his actions are at fault for them not staying, but the opportunity was there. People somehow blame Pearl for "leaving the cupboard bare," yet completely ignore the fact that 2 players left early -- meaning, the cupboard wasn't bare.

The cupboard was bare comment is made because both of Pearl's recruits in his last recruiting class didn't come to UT (Jones wasn't going to have the grades to get in anyway) and the majority of UT's starters and players with any experience had run out of eligibility. Couple that with Harris and Hopson leaving early and it was easily bare compared to what we had before. It's not that hard to understand.
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Firstly, Martin inherited Harris and Hopson, however, he couldn't hold onto them. Most people would agree that both individuals could've benefited another year in college.

Secondly, the 3rd Team All-American and future NBA players in Lofton and Watson didn't do jack as a team the years prior to Pearl. And before you go off on some irrelevant tangent, I did say as a team.

Thirdly, Bradshaw really wasn't a significant factor prior to Pearl coming to UT. Bradshaw's success could easily be attributed to Pearl's coaching.

Harris was never staying more than one year. But yes, Pearl did develop Bradshaw from a guy with no NBA future to a guy with no NBA future, so props to him for that.

Second, I know you're trying to sound smart but a word of advice: using the words "firstly," "secondly," "thirdly," etc. has the exact opposite effect. Just thought you might like to know.
Harris was never staying more than one year. But yes, Pearl did develop Bradshaw from a guy with no NBA future to a guy with no NBA future, so props to him for that.

Brilliant logic. The only way to measure player-development is by whether they make it to the NBA.

Second, I know you're trying to sound smart but a word of advice: using the words "firstly," "secondly," "thirdly," etc. has the exact opposite effect. Just thought you might like to know.

Firstly, I don't do it to sound smart. If I want to sound smart, I just type and the masses know.

Secondly, the terms "firstly, secondly, thirdly" are all transitional terms -- not words used to judge an individual's intelligence.

Thirdly, I explain these things to help you sound more intelligent. I'm sure you were eager to know.
Firstly, I don't do it to sound smart. If I want to sound smart, I just type and the masses know.

Secondly, the terms "firstly, secondly, thirdly" are all transitional terms -- not words used to judge an individual's intelligence.

Thirdly, I explain these things to help you sound more intelligent. I'm sure you were eager to know.

Well, considering that they're incorrect transitional terms, they are pretty revealing where intelligence is concerned.
Brilliant logic. The only way to measure player-development is by whether they make it to the NBA.

He made a previously useless player useful by making him a PF in a fast-paced system. Bradshaw didn't develop into a good ballhandler or a good shooter.
Well, considering that they're incorrect transitional terms, they are pretty revealing where intelligence is concerned.

Considering you're just plain wrong and grasping for straws to stray from the topic, I'm sure you're a Hawkins-esque physicist, mentally.
He made a previously useless player useful by making him a PF in a fast-paced system. Bradshaw didn't develop into a good ballhandler or a good shooter.

So Pearl demonstrated good coaching by utilizing the player's strengths.

You're doing a poor job of climbing out of the hole you've dug.
So Pearl demonstrated good coaching by utilizing the player's strengths.

You're doing a poor job of climbing out of the hole you've dug.

And we're talking about development, not "good coaching."

Reading comprehension is not your friend.
The cupboard was bare comment is made because both of Pearl's recruits in his last recruiting class didn't come to UT (Jones wasn't going to have the grades to get in anyway) and the majority of UT's starters and players with any experience had run out of eligibility. Couple that with Harris and Hopson leaving early and it was easily bare compared to what we had before. It's not that hard to understand.

Please see Golden, Maymon, and McRae.

Both Maymon and McRae ESPN top - 100 prospects!

All four star players and recruited by Pearl.
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The cupboard was bare comment is made because both of Pearl's recruits in his last recruiting class didn't come to UT (Jones wasn't going to have the grades to get in anyway) and the majority of UT's starters and players with any experience had run out of eligibility. Couple that with Harris and Hopson leaving early and it was easily bare compared to what we had before. It's not that hard to understand.

In bold: Exactly. That's why I'm not getting why you're struggling so much with what I'm saying. It wasn't set in stone that both Hopson and Harris were gone -- especially with the lockout looming in the NBA. Couple in the fact that Pearl had three 4* recruits waiting in the wings (Golden, McRae, Maymon) and the possibility of two veterans returning (Hopson, Harris) and there's plenty of talent left.

Just because the stars aligned and UT suffered a setback after a coaching change doesn't mean Pearl couldn't recruit or that he couldn't develop players. It's asinine to argue that, further, when your evidence is that Pearl left McRae, Golden and Maymon considering they're 3 of our best players, currently.
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