Where are these posts you speak of? Shouldn't be hard for you to cite one if there are as many as you say.
It's one thing to disagree about Pearl, it's another to act ignorant in a thread full of VKAman posts with which you agreed. I'll bold the part about where there hasn't been much player development at UT. I'm sure you'll rationalize it away as not meaning anything anti-Pearl, though.
You have got to be kidding me. Pearl inherited a third team All-American in Lofton and a future NBA player in Watson. The leading scorer Martin inherited was Cameron Tatum.
Maymon and Golden, especially, were terrible under Pearl and didn't fit his system.
This is where we dutifully note that this is garbage. Maymon didn't play because he was sitting behind Williams and Harris. Golden was also a freshman.
Then we will also note that Dane Bradshaw was in a similar situation about not being worth much before Pearl got there. Only difference? Bradshaw was a junior with limited value two years prior. Attribute Bradshaw's success to being young or Pearl's coaching, but be sure to do the same for Golden under Martin.
Please don't act like they and McRae were always going to be this good and Martin just got lucky. They've actually developed and improved substantially since being here, which hasn't been happening a whole lot at Tennessee.
Firstly, Martin inherited Harris and Hopson, however, he couldn't hold onto them. Most people would agree that both individuals could've benefited another year in college.
Secondly, the 3rd Team All-American and future NBA players in Lofton and Watson didn't do jack as a team the years prior to Pearl. And before you go off on some irrelevant tangent, I did say as a team.
Thirdly, Bradshaw really wasn't a significant factor prior to Pearl coming to UT. Bradshaw's success could easily be attributed to Pearl's coaching.
You guys obviously forget that this "amazing" team he inherited didn't make the tournament the previous year and was, ultimately, the nail-in-the-coffin for Peterson's firing by going 14-17. Meanwhile, Pearl took over the squad and posted a 22-8 record.