Lou Dobbs Cancelled

More leftists celebrating opposing opinions being silenced. More proof they are commies and we are headed to one party rulers
LOL....they were silenced by their own team for legal reasons because they had been spewing forth known lies.
More proof that right wing propaganda got way out of hand and crossed the line of what is legally and morally acceptable.
Hell yes, you need to be reminded that you vehemently supported that piece of trash, get used to it.
Yeah. We are on the politics forum of a message board discussing a president who left office less than a month ago, who is about to be the subject of a Senate impeachment trial. That obviously means that he is in our heads and there is something wrong with us.
LOL....they were silenced by their own team for legal reasons because they had been spewing forth known lies.
More proof that right wing propaganda got way out of hand and crossed the line of what is legally and morally acceptable.
I’m talking about you all celebrating it. But Fox is trash and they are closer to being CNN
More leftists celebrating opposing opinions being silenced. More proof they are commies and we are headed to one party rulers
Lou Dobbs wasn't giving an opinion on November 18th when he said that Smartmatic was founded in 2005 in Venezuela for the purpose of fixing elections. He was lying. Smartmatic was founded in Boca Raton, Florida and they are now headquartered out of London, England. Also, the only county in the United States where Smartmatic provided voting equipment for the 2020 Presidential election was Los Angeles County... in a state that Joe Biden won by more than 5 million votes. Smartmatic's equipment was not used in Pennsylvania or Michigan as was claimed on Fox News many times in December, including by Lou Dobbs.
Yeah. We are on the politics forum of a message board discussing a president who left office less than a month ago, who is about to be the subject of a Senate impeachment trial. That obviously means that he is in our heads and there is something wrong with us.

|n uR h3@D bro.

I cringe when I see that reply to Trump comments, it's just such a bad backstop. And much of the time it's the same people who nod and grin when the Qanon freaks grouse about whatever Clinton conspiracy theory that was ginned up that morning.
Lou Dobbs wasn't giving an opinion on November 18th when he said that Smartmatic was founded in 2005 in Venezuela for the purpose of fixing elections. He was lying. Smartmatic was founded in Boca Raton, Florida and they are now headquartered out of London, England. Also, the only county in the United States where Smartmatic provided voting equipment for the 2020 Presidential election was Los Angeles County... in a state that Joe Biden won by more than 5 million votes. Smartmatic's equipment was not used in Pennsylvania or Michigan as was claimed on Fox News many times in December, including by Lou Dobbs.
You all have ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC and now Fox is steadily sliding closer to them. You people want only one voice to be heard and you are close to that becoming true. Enjoy comrade
Yeah. We are on the politics forum of a message board discussing a president who left office less than a month ago, who is about to be the subject of a Senate impeachment trial. That obviously means that he is in our heads and there is something wrong with us.
Who will be the next private citizen to be impeached?
Donald Trump is a private citizen today, but he was impeached for actions taken while he was the president on January 6, 2021.
Lol oh no he held a rally, impeach!!!!! If this is what we are going to do then we next to start removing the likes of heels up, maxin and booker. And that’s just the beginning
Lol oh no he held a rally, impeach!!!!! If this is what we are going to do then we next to start removing the likes of heels up, maxin and booker. And that’s just the beginning
Trump incited a riot at the United States Capitol. On January 6th, there was no longer a pathway within the framework of the United States Constitution for Trump to overturn the results of the election... and yet, Trump filled the crowd with a false hope and told them to fight or else they "wouldn't have a country anymore". He also said that he would go down to the Capitol with them... of course, he never had any intention of doing that, and instead watched the riot ensue from inside the safety of the White House. What a leader.
Trump incited a riot at the United States Capitol. On January 6th, there was no longer a pathway within the framework of the United States Constitution for Trump to overturn the results of the election... and yet, Trump filled the crowd with a false hope and told them to fight or else they "wouldn't have a country anymore". He also said that he would go down to the Capitol with them... of course, he never had any intention of doing that, and instead watched the riot ensue from inside the safety of the White House. What a leader.
No he didn’t. Turn off the DNC media and get a job and a hobby. Have you called for the removal of the slut, maxin or booker who actually called for harassment and violence?
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No he didn’t. Turn off the DNC media and get a job and a hobby. Have you called for the removal of the slut, maxin or booker who actually called for harassment and violence?
LOL! Aren't you the mature one? The riot doesn't happen without Trump's inflammatory rhetoric on January 6th, and in the weeks leading up to it.
Donald Trump is a private citizen today, but he was impeached for actions taken while he was the president on January 6, 2021.
It's a really bad move on the part of the left. Stupid actually because he has a loyal base and will split the Republicans in 24. But hey, your hatred has clouded your judgement since 16, so why change now?
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LOL! Aren't you the mature one? The riot doesn't happen without Trump's inflammatory rhetoric on January 6th, and in the weeks leading up to it.
Unlike your hero’s and cult leaders he never called for violence or even harassment
More leftists celebrating opposing opinions being silenced. More proof they are commies and we are headed to one party rulers
Didn't your God-King say he wouldn't mind if America had one party rule. I'm old enough to remember this as well.

Yes, he did.
"Anyone you want, but I think right here, we’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them.

Because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated.

I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

These are his exact quotes since you are clearly unaware. I love how he explicitly says to "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." Can you believe that blatant incitement?
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