Lou Dobbs Cancelled

I'm proud of that fact Felicia.

Well, no ones accused you of not being a sociopath. I'm quite sure you're proud, many of the crazy folks that rioted on 1/6 are proud too - they lack the self awareness that they shouldn't be.
"Anyone you want, but I think right here, we’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them.

Because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated.

I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

These are his exact quotes since you are clearly unaware. I love how he explicitly says to "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." Can you believe that blatant incitement?
Trump gave a very long and very rambling speech... you have cherry picked a very small portion of it.

Also, the whole premise of that rally was based on a lie. There was no longer a path within the framework of the Constitution for overturning the election results on January 6th. Trump led his supporters to believe that it was still possible for him to win the election... when it wasn't.
Trump gave a very long and very rambling speech... you have cherry picked a very small portion of it.

Also, the whole premise of that rally was based on a lie. There was no longer a path within the framework of the Constitution for overturning the election results on January 6th. Trump led his supporters to believe that it was still possible for him to win the election... when it wasn't.
I read the transcript of his entire speech to see if he in fact incited a riot. He did not. You cannot point me to any words that prove otherwise. Do your own cherry-picking. It won't matter, because he didn't direct anyone to do anything violent.

Argue he lied or he didn't. Fine. But he didn't incite an insurrection.
Dobbs wasn't censored. He was fired for cause. The Trumpers are a thin skinned bunch often expressing false outrage. Much like the Donald himself
Well, no ones accused you of not being a sociopath. I'm quite sure you're proud, many of the crazy folks that rioted on 1/6 are proud too - they lack the self awareness that they shouldn't be.
LOL Such a good little government sheep you are.
Dobbs wasn't censored. He was fired for cause. The Trumpers are a thin skinned bunch often expressing false outrage. Much like the Donald himself

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My Pillow guy is willing to throw his entire business out the window for this fraud conspiracy. It’s sad how loyal these folks have been to a man the returns absolutely zero loyalty back.

Difficult as it is to believe, a lot of those folks just do not know any better.
There was an attempt to change the french fries to freedom fries. Hence the french fry name change = being canceled. At least that why I and some others believe.
I recall 20 or more years ago the French protesting the honoring of US servicemen during services for those killed during D-day. The one thing that stuck out in my mind was seeing a sign that said "Get your garbage off of our soil". That stuck with me from the moment I saw it and will always be with me until the day I die. F the French!
I recall 20 or more years ago the French protesting the honoring of US servicemen during services for those killed during D-day. The one thing that stuck out in my mind was seeing a sign that said "Get your garbage off of our soil". That stuck with me from the moment I saw it and will always be with me until the day I die. F the French!
The French are most certainly no saints and America has certain paid the price for getting involved and cleaning up some of the messes that France made.
There was an attempt to change the french fries to freedom fries. Hence the french fry name change = being canceled. At least that why I and some others believe.
So a handful of people temporarily renaming an inanimate object for a week is definitely the same as a person being fired or cancelled due to his or her political beliefs 😂

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