That I know, but what is the right answer ?
I have to ask. If this change of recruiting focus did not originate with the staff, where did it originate ?
Look at 2013's recruiting thread: "Lady Vols Recruiting Info"...1.8 million views, 8600 postings. . . still an active thread, as late as last month. Read it and look at the chronological postings versus the chronological events. Look at who posters wanted and who they didn't...Then look at our team's recruits.
Players, Moms, Dads, HS Coaches, and the UT staff...they all read what we write and are influenced.
And this pails in comparison to the personal influences that no one knows about.
It is up to the CHW and staff to close the deal, but it starts here.
Where did it come from?
My post of sept 8th:
In the last few seasons, I have not been optimistic...
CHW kept putting Alpha players around herself and non-Aplha coaches coaching them. This has seemed to change. As far as the roster I see, there was only one potential Alpha athlete there (Annie) and she's gone.
My post of the 17th of last month:
DD needed a certain type of coaching. Not her fault. . . Kinda CHW's because she has to recognize these things when choosing players... personality and coach/player chemistry are just as important as pedigree in choosing your personnel. . .
When setting up a team, "Can I coach this player" takes precedence "Can I be a friend to this player."
You'll see what I mean this year.
These players have internal drives in them
CHW presser:
On whether there are any concerns with the team heading into the season:
"None. Absolutely none.
I am excited about this group, because they've bought in on their own. They've taken a lot of responsibility, and I think it shows."
My post this past Monday:
This team, this year will be what VFFL's ((Vol Fans For Life)) have waited on.
They may or may not not come out with a 15 win streak, but they will do something this time that the other groups didn't...They will grow stronger.
These kids have all the markings of self-governing players.
Each one, inner driven.