I will never understand fans who comment like, " I don't want players who don't want to be here, we really didn't want her, her parent's this...or that". These young ladies are able to love two Universities, they may even in their hearts love another one more at the moment than the one they choose. There is a thing called academics, and one school might have a vastly better program than their favorite team school. It is their decision, and that type of snide, side handed comment is not needed by them, or our University...it looks bad, and certainly is in poor taste.
Calling a human being an Alpha...like they have some inside knowledge of a very complex personality of someone they have never even spent quality time with, is just ludicrous too. I guarantee anyone with a degree in psychology would see that as a cry for personal attention, and in no way an educated opinion. We are fans, our coaching staff are professionals, not part timers, or AAU coaches. I guarantee our coaching staff didn't read an idea about someone's opinion, unprofessional pyscological assessment, shrunk down to a single word (term) label, and think..."yes that is how it is done" lol. Holly learned recruiting and coaching from the greatest, she has made tons of mistakes, and hopefully is learning from them with advice from her staff, with staff changes, is altering the style of play that she feels is the best way she can coach. Any changes in recruiting style is a result of that interaction, and not some none advice from a non division 1, or 2 internet poster. Any claim otherwise is delusional at best.
Honesly, we recruit players for years, not just on the spur of the moment. Coaches talk to players, communucate about games, ideas, what style they want to play, strengths, weaknesses, and life. Teams are built of individuals, and bonds. If a player doesn't have that respect, and trust in coaches, I guarantee the adult in the room ( the coach) knows it. There is no need for blame, credit taking, or bad mouthing recruits by fans who in no way are a part of the actual recruiting themselves. I am embarrassed for any school who's fan act this way. No one but the recruit themselves knows why they are ultimately drawn to one school...the feeling of belonging (or fitting in) is just to complicated to express completely, or personal. Ultimately, recruits should be thanked by us for consideration, they are knowledgeable ambassadors of our program to others, having home visits, campus visits, and interaction with future teammates. Why would you want to ever leave a lasting bad impression? It is childish, self centered. No profession would ever act like that...except Geno.