"Majority of People Will Be Turned Away"

Trying to help you grow as an informed citizen. Preparing a gourmet meal right now. In other words, better things to do, pard. Don't let your life he consumed by a political message board

LOL..Anybody who says I got a gourmet meal being prepared is...Double LOL . BTW ur Hamburgers are burning.
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Here’s a question for you guys..... if you went to ten job sites.... let’s say roofing jobs.... where the crews are all Mexican or Central American or whatever...how many of the ten crews are being paid in cash?
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Wtf is up with everyone refusing to post research?

Either back it up, or back down when called on it.
It's a good thing for me that I don't need to necessarily back it up. The info is there for those who care to be more informed. 😆 at your message board proclamation. As if it is any kind of real credibility. My goodness
Again, Vol Main would be proud.

I already addressed the three articles you posted. It's still anecdotal. I can probably find three articles about people with my real name performing crime. Doesnt mean squat about me.

White people still commit the most crime. Dont see calls to ban us from anything.
Per capita?
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