Actually, I think Janthony is annoyed by your impetuous negativity regarding subjects about which you overrate yourself. "Dooley Jihadist?" Your subjectivity leans toward casting aspersions toward people/athletes who can't possibly be as bad as you portray. BTW, I played a lot of football and "from my perspective" I disagree with yours. Worley's a gifted athlete and, start or not, he'll be much improved this year.
Actually Janthony was responding to another post. Not mine. I simply pointed out how one-sided his comment was.
Also, Derek Dooley has and will continue to go down as the worst college football head coaching flop of all time. He will be infamous for all time in the history of UT football and SEC football. People tend to underestimate the depths of his ineptitude, I believe, because they dont want to face the fact that this guy was associated with the great UT. Like a dog that just took a crap on your floor, you brush it under the rug, gloss over the whole thing and "move on".
Worley can be a gifted athlete, more than I ever was, and that still does not change that he had no business being a starter in the SEC. His existence in our program is solely the function of the shape our program was put in by the series of calamitous events that ensued after the firing of Fulmer. I am not a Fulmer apologist nor do I think Fulmer should have remained our coach. But nary a program in the history of football has bungled a coaching transition in such a monumentally inept was as the UTAD.
Soon Coach Jones will begin winning big games again simply through the attrition of Dooley's players, adding to it his own recruits who are a cut well above what Dooley brought in, including but not limited to Worley.