Manafort Trial Thread

ERIC HOLDER walks free, able to have sex, travel all around the world on vacations, use his security clearance and his government connections in order to make millions of dollars, even though he watched as the Obama regime sold guns to the MEXICAN DRUG CARTEL, that were used to MURDER an American citizen.
So which Russian counts did they get him on again?

therein lies the issue. 32 indictments, 6 pleas. One delayed. 8 guilty verdicts for one, with more trials to follow. I have no problem with Manafort and gates being nailed for finance law violations.
What i do have an issue with is indicting ppl who will never see the inside of a courtroom. What purpose does this serve? Is it trotting the dog n pony show out? Or are we truly concerned that 13 ppl influenced enough ppl in the election to swing it? I've found no proof they did.
3 companies indicted, one didn't even exist in the time frame they were charged. The most telling fact it's a dog n pony show is one company hired a lawyer and he showed up and entered a not guilty plea. The court document read like muellers team was totally unprepared for this eventuality. Not guilty pleas lead to discovery. I'm fairly sure they have to be arraigned first. You can correct me if I'm wrong. Why indict someone if your not prepared to move to trial?
Still no Russian indictments, still no trump indictments. I've heard the argument " you just wait, mueller is going to nail him" if mueller had evidence on trump it would have been out a year ago. Mueller has totally gone ancillary.
ERIC HOLDER walks free, able to have sex, travel all around the world on vacations, use his security clearance and his government connections in order to make millions of dollars, even though he watched as the Obama regime sold guns to the MEXICAN DRUG CARTEL, that were used to MURDER an American citizen.
There's that whataboutism. Muh, muh Obama!
By my count, that brings the number of Trump campaign members who are now convicted felons up to 4:

Michael Cohen: Pleaded guilty in federal court to 8 felony counts of tax fraud, bank fraud and campaign finance violations.

Paul Manafort: Found guilty of 8 unrelated felonies: 5 counts of felony tax fraud, one count of failing to report a foreign bank account, and two counts of bank fraud.

Michael Flynn: Pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

George Papadopoulos: Pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

What a team. What a day.

And not a damn thing on that list related to the special prosecutor mandate with no discernsble way to connect to the original mandate.

To the country. The right has been laying the groundwork for anarchy for awhile. This may just do the trick.

You’re right about one thing. After the Clintons, Bushes and Obama I could not care less about this. This is a pimple on the ass of criminal activity of those who came before Trump.
By my count, that brings the number of Trump campaign members who are now convicted felons up to 4:

Michael Cohen: Pleaded guilty in federal court to 8 felony counts of tax fraud, bank fraud and campaign finance violations.

Paul Manafort: Found guilty of 8 unrelated felonies: 5 counts of felony tax fraud, one count of failing to report a foreign bank account, and two counts of bank fraud.

Michael Flynn: Pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

George Papadopoulos: Pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

What a team. What a day.

Congrats on your moral victories.
Breaking: CNN is reporting according to sources close to the situation. POTUS will pardon Manafort at his rally tonight on live TV.
You really think that the predominately lower to lower-middle class people attending that rally in one of the two poorest states in the country (West Virginia), are going to be energized by hearing that a pretentious, multi-millionaire income tax cheat who spent $15K on something called an Ostrich coat and who was just found guilty by a jury of his peers, is being pardoned? The only reason they would have for enjoying such news is political tribalism and that's pathetic. Manafort wouldn't be caught dead socializing with any of those people.
You really think that the predominately lower to lower-middle class people attending that rally in one of the two poorest states in the country (West Virginia), are going to be energized by hearing that a pretentious, multi-millionaire income tax cheat who spent $15K on something called an Ostrich coat and who was just found guilty by a jury of his peers, is being pardoned? The only reason they would have for enjoying such news is political tribalism and that's pathetic. Manafort wouldn't be caught dead socializing with any of those people.
I just assumed it was going to be stadium full of Russians.
Did you even read the mandate that was given to him by Rosenstein????
Yeah I did. I even read the released version of the definition email... that came out weeks after the original engagement letter and one week after the Manafort raid so they could cover there asses after that over reach.

Here are the original letter defining points.

(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).

Nothing related to this trial is related to Russia collusion. And the matters related to the indictments were not discovered as a matter of this investigation. They were known years prior. And the last sentence let’s them say “go nuts with whatever you can find! We’ll justify it later!”

This damn fiasco is the very definition of prosecutorial over reach and nothing in this damn trial relates to the original reason for investigation.

Fine. Game on. When we finally get another Dim in as POTUS we’ll already have our special prosecutor engagement letter drafted. We’ll just leave article i as a blank line and fill in as required. The other two are good as written.
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I just assumed it was going to be stadium full of Russians.
I assume that most of the people attending that rally in West Virginia tonight, not only have at most a high school education but also couldn't find Russia on a map of Eastern Europe.
You really think that the predominately lower to lower-middle class people attending that rally in one of the two poorest states in the country (West Virginia), are going to be energized by hearing that a pretentious, multi-millionaire income tax cheat who spent $15K on something called an Ostrich coat and who was just found guilty by a jury of his peers, is being pardoned? The only reason they would have for enjoying such news is political tribalism and that's pathetic. Manafort wouldn't be caught dead socializing with any of those people.

You are despicable.

Just like hillary. Anyone who voted for Trump is a deplorable irredeemable. The unwashed masses, right?

Elections have consequences.
You really think that the predominately lower to lower-middle class people attending that rally in one of the two poorest states in the country (West Virginia), are going to be energized by hearing that a pretentious, multi-millionaire income tax cheat who spent $15K on something called an Ostrich coat and who was just found guilty by a jury of his peers, is being pardoned? The only reason they would have for enjoying such news is political tribalism and that's pathetic. Manafort wouldn't be caught dead socializing with any of those people.

Or with you or with me ... neither would the Clinton’s , the Bush’s , the obamas , the Trumps , the muellers , the comeys , the Brennan’s .. But we stand behind them all don’t we ?
I assume that most of the people attending that rally in West Virginia tonight, not only have at most a high school education but also couldn't find Russia on a map of Eastern Europe.
Well since over three fourths of Russia lies on the Asian continent I guess I’d probably start looking there first? 🤣
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