Manafort Trial Thread

2 GUILTY convictions of bank fraud.
And 5 convictions on tax fraud and 1 more on a related tax fraud charge.
That’s 20 years in Federal Prison.

Time to FLIP !!!


1) Was Trump setting up for the pardon this weekend when he talked about how Manafort was a great guy and its a shame what "they are doing to him"?

2) If Trump quickly pardons Manafort, will we hear a peep out of the Trump defenders?
It's been a good day boys. Trump's campaign manager guilty and will spend his remaining years in prison. His personal lawyer pleads guilty and admits in open court that bone spurs was his partner in crime. So much winning. What else to be expected when you surround yourself with the best people.
It's so obvious that Paul Manafort was working in tandem with Obama and Hillary the whole time. With Michael Cohen. And Donald Jr. That's extraordinary. Deep state.
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It's been a good day boys. Trump's campaign manager guilty and will spend his remaining years in prison. His personal lawyer pleads guilty and admits in open court that bone spurs was his partner in crime. So much winning. What else to be expected when you surround yourself with the best people.
For a "witch hunt!" there sure are a lot of brooms lying around..
It's been a good day boys. Trump's campaign manager guilty and will spend his remaining years in prison. His personal lawyer pleads guilty and admits in open court that bone spurs was his partner in crime. So much winning. What else to be expected when you surround yourself with the best people.
You got him now.
It's been a good day boys. Trump's campaign manager guilty and will spend his remaining years in prison. His personal lawyer pleads guilty and admits in open court that bone spurs was his partner in crime. So much winning. What else to be expected when you surround yourself with the best people.
Ah man hate to rain on your parade but you're still going to be sooooooooooo disappointed. Keep watching the news!

Manafort will be free before you know it.
It's been a good day boys. Trump's campaign manager guilty and will spend his remaining years in prison. His personal lawyer pleads guilty and admits in open court that bone spurs was his partner in crime. So much winning. What else to be expected when you surround yourself with the best people.

Still haven’t got Trump? Lol
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