Marijuana decriminalization vote expected in House

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I still don't understand what decriminalization at the federal level means. Can anyone explain that?
I still don't understand what decriminalization at the federal level means. Can anyone explain that?
I think it means no federal resources spent to "fight" product and prosecute people.
I think it means no federal resources spent to "fight" product and prosecute people.

That would be a start. I really would like to know what decriminalization really accomplishes/does. I'd rather see it legalized.
Legal to do what with it? Possess? Grow? Sell it at 7-11?
H.R.3884 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): MORE Act of 2019

Specifically, it removes marijuana from the list of scheduled substances under the Controlled Substances Act and eliminates criminal penalties for an individual who manufactures, distributes, or possesses marijuana.

The bill also makes other changes, including the following:

  • replaces statutory references to marijuana and marihuana with cannabis,
  • requires the Bureau of Labor Statistics to regularly publish demographic data on cannabis business owners and employees,
  • establishes a trust fund to support various programs and services for individuals and businesses in communities impacted by the war on drugs,
  • imposes a 5% tax on cannabis products and requires revenues to be deposited into the trust fund,
  • makes Small Business Administration loans and services available to entities that are cannabis-related legitimate businesses or service providers,
  • prohibits the denial of federal public benefits to a person on the basis of certain cannabis-related conduct or convictions,
  • prohibits the denial of benefits and protections under immigration laws on the basis of a cannabis-related event (e.g., conduct or a conviction),
  • establishes a process to expunge convictions and conduct sentencing review hearings related to federal cannabis offenses, and
  • directs the Government Accountability Office to study the societal impact of cannabis legalization.
Sure. But how do you prosecute cartel marijuana smugglers?

I think we'll disagree on this but I'm for legalizing all drugs and regulate them like liquor. That would end the cartels.

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