does this include those who killed themselves while on marijuana?
or those who developed lung cancer from smoking it?
or those who were high and killed themselves in car accidents?
or those who smoked weed laced with PCP or fentanyl and died in the ED?
Because those things happen of the time
I see your point but “product plus ___” doesn’t mean the product (in this case pot) is the underlying factor. If we follow that to its conclusion we could blame a host of things for deaths by association.
Suicide: underlying cause is mental illness.
DUI Car Accident: underlying cause willful neglect of civil responsibility.
Lung Cancer: underlying cause smoke inhalation (just like tobacco).
Overdosing: underlying cause the drugs laced into the pot (which legalization would correct).
Cannabis is not a magic plant that cures all illness. It has negative side effects on susceptible parts of the population but also has recreational uses when taken responsibly and medical ones when prescribed properly.
The root of the argument for ending prohibition is personal freedom and choice to consume a plant that was legal in the US for most of our history.
Can it help medically? Yes
Can it be used safely for recreational use? Yes.
Can it harm people who abuse it? Yes.
We “allow” others to take these risk everyday when they buy beer, tobacco, sports cars, cheeseburgers, guns, dogs, chainsaws, etc. All are legal because we trust the majority of citizens to act in a responsible way with risk. Some will abuse it but that’s how freedoms work.
Still you have a right to your position. I’ll defend that freedom too.