Marlin Lane out..

After reading the govolsxra piece...

Given that the first practice was missed due to a family health issue but the Thursday practice was just missed without an excuse the staff accepted, it may be a disagreement over how quickly Lane should bounce back from whatever is going on. That happens a lot. And one of the downsides of an all new coaching staff plus the recent loss of Jay Graham at RB Coach is that the coach best prepared to make a call on Lane's state of mind doesn't know him all that well and is having to wing it.

Sometimes family illnesses can hit harder than they should and you never know which one it will be. Every time I've lost someone mourning was different - never the same way twice - and some of the illnesses and deaths that hit me hardest were out of the blue.

If we take things at face value -- the coaching staff wants Marlin to move on and it's healthy for him to do so even if it's tearing him up inside but you can push someone despite good intentions and end up isolating them more. Coaching like teaching is a people business and not everyone's the same.

Just another thought to throw out there.

I don't think there's ever been an indication that Lane's a 'problem child' but everyone goes through things that are hard. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt before dumping a giant label on him for no reason other than wanting to label a situation that we just don't know anything about.
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my best guess would be what almost all of these situations end up being about... weed.
Honestly, Lane and Neal have both failed to show they can get any yardage on their own in a game. Im sure someone can step up and keep getting the yards the oline is giving them. Been a long time since weve had an above average RB. Time for someone to step up and be the next Travis Stephens.

Lane averaged more than 5 yards per game last season. He only averaged 10 touches a game. He was productive, just didn't get a lot of PT.
Marlin if you're listening to friends you're making a huge mistake. Take heed in your coaches over your homies.
Is Tom Smith still with the team? He is listed on the roster but I have heard zero about him. Just saying with Lane out at the moment it could open things up for all the RBs not just Hill.

Tom Smith is still with the team.
Both of you guys bring valid points but the problem is we have no proven depth at RB. Young is a WR now. Watson is gone. Lane is in trouble. That leaves Neal, Tom Smiith, Jabo Lee, and Aldon Hill.

I thought that I read somewhere that Jabo Lee was needing to take another class before admission to UT...I could be wrong...
That's showing 'em, suspended from practice, I'm sure Lane is sitting in his dorm crying in his beer. This is laughable 'discipline' that Spurrier or Meyer would do yet guys on here are freaking out like he was kicked off the team. He was just put in timeout and doesn't even have to put his nose in the corner.
Looks like another kid who needs to get it together, I hope he figures it out he needs to think about his teammates . Be a brick.....
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This is a big statement about how CBJ will dal with disciplinary issues. No matter how important you are if you don't adhere to team rules, you're gone. Just wish it wasn't Lane ...
That's showing 'em, suspended from practice, I'm sure Lane is sitting in his dorm crying in his beer. This is laughable 'discipline' that Spurrier or Meyer would do yet guys on here are freaking out like he was kicked off the team. He was just put in timeout and doesn't even have to put his nose in the corner.

Bitter today?
That's showing 'em, suspended from practice, I'm sure Lane is sitting in his dorm crying in his beer. This is laughable 'discipline' that Spurrier or Meyer would do yet guys on here are freaking out like he was kicked off the team. He was just put in timeout and doesn't even have to put his nose in the corner.

You're automatically assuming Lane's suspension was based on a major issue. For all we know CBJ could have gotten a progress report from one of Lane's professors stating he was grading out below average in the class for the semester. Or he could have missed a class or classes without a legitimate reason. I have no idea if either of these are the case, but CBJ did say...

"We hold our players to a very high standard of accountability here at Tennessee, no matter what it is: the way we play, the way we win off the field, the way we go to class, the way we excel in the classroom," the coach said. "It's a high level of accountability in all aspects. ... Like I told our players coming in here, they're building their own identities." he did seem to specifically allude to education when referring to Lane. I realize as Vol fans we have become conditioned to expect the worst when coming to off the field issues, but at this point, there is no point in overreacting to speculation about what Lane might have done, or how CBJ disciplines his players.
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Looks like another kid who needs to get it together, I hope he figures it out he needs to think about his teammates . Be a brick.....

majorvol, I too hope the situation resolves itself positively. A few comments if I may:

Actually, none of us know the situation. It could well be he has a cherished family member sick or injured. His desire to be there for that person and complying with the coach's demand he be at practice might be in conflict. He may also have called CBJ on his emphasis of "family" and in Lane's eyes this is a serious family first issue. Until we actually know something, I don't think any of us should be speculating about why he's disciplined or otherwise badmouthing him as certain VN members are prone to do to players at the slightest opportunity.
Jimmy Hyams tweeted

"@JimmyHyams: Vols RB Marlin Lane has missed the last 2 practices for `disciplinary' reasons; he's missed classes and been tardy to football functions."

Sounds like Marlin's in no big trouble, Butch is just holding him accountable for off the field stuff.
majorvol, I too hope the situation resolves itself positively. A few comments if I may:

Actually, none of us know the situation. It could well be he has a cherished family member sick or injured. His desire to be there for that person and complying with the coach's demand he be at practice might be in conflict. He may also have called CBJ on his emphasis of "family" and in Lane's eyes this is a serious family first issue. Until we actually know something, I don't think any of us should be speculating about why he's disciplined or otherwise badmouthing him as certain VN members are prone to do to players at the slightest opportunity.

If you don't know the situation then don't act as if you do by giving scenarios that you pull out if your rear. Coach Jones said it was for disciplinary reasons, not family issues. Boom.

Calm down, no one is ripping the kid. He just needs to straighten up or he will be left behind. I hope he does get it fixed but, until then I hope Neal and Hill are ready.

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