Holt, you need a change of scenery. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, gtf away. Look in the mirror and do what you have to do to get better. As soon as you get yourself together with some confidence, you will be fine. If you need professional help, get it. But its my opinion that with most things in life, its in our hands.
Pimp, hate to hear it, especially with 3 boys about the same age. I have friends going through it and the number grows. Look, men who cheat have what's coming. When men are at fault, there are multiple reasons. However, one thing I know for a fact through many discussions with men and women, including my wife, is that when women start heading up in age, they are each bat **** crazy in some form or fashion. We won't ever understand their chemicals, and many times, there isn't a damn thing we can do about it.
I'm at 19 years this year.