If you knew me, you'd know how ridiculous that is, hat. I'm just remarking that the story as relayed by whoever that was on here sounds awfully far-fetched and is not very consistent with what they got arrested for. I mean, I guess based just on what one reads here, you have two competing stories.
Copper: Punk kids came up from behind me and were right on my tail, dangerously slow. I tapped the breaks to get them to back off. They went around and one pointed a gun at me. We stopped him and the gun was on the floorboard. It turned out to be a toy.
Marsalous: We were driving along and this guy wouldn't let us pass. He was actively trying to block us and even tried to get us to ram into him by stopping short. I gave him the finger, he pulled us over, he saw the gun and then he made up the claim that I pointed it at him.
Good luck with that story there, Marsalous. Hat, am I a lapdog for the police or are you an apologist for the Vol player?
As to the other post, that's the right approach. Suspend him while the court matter is underway. For one thing, he probably can't talk to Fulmer about what happened. I imagine his lawyer has put the kibosh on that. But when the case is over, plea deal or no plea deal, get the facts and if he pulled a gun on someone, he's gone.