Marxist Black Lives Matter

When it comes to being imbeciles, being far left or far right makes no differences. Imbeciles are imbeciles.

There's a difference. The far left want to tell what you are supposed to do according to them. The far right don't give a 💩 what you do as long as you leave them the f*** alone
There's a difference. The far left want to tell what you are supposed to do according to them. The far right don't give a 💩 what you do as long as you leave them the f*** alone

False, experience and observations have shown me the far right are mainly bigots, bullies, privileged, gun-happy and worse. The far left too often pretend to be enlightened for wont of a better term but are often just as bad as the far right in both different and the same ways. Imbeciles are imbeciles, hypocrites are hypocrites, and liars are liars. Humans gonna human, no matter how holy and self-righteous what they claim to be.
False, experience and observations have shown me the far right are mainly bigots, bullies, privileged, gun-happy and worse. The far left too often pretend to be enlightened for wont of a better term but are often just as bad as the far right in both different and the same ways. Imbeciles are imbeciles, hypocrites are hypocrites, and liars are liars. Humans gonna human, no matter how holy and self-righteous what they claim to be.
Stayed in the woods by yourself too long?
Stayed in the woods by yourself too long?

There you go, those who deny and resent the truth, mock the truth. Adios Soviet citizens, may the Putin be with you. Actually, on a certain level, I kind of like the guy. Adios just the same.
There's a difference. The far left want to tell what you are supposed to do according to them. The far right don't give a 💩 what you do as long as you leave them the f*** alone

Tell that to a woman seeking an abortion, or to the 81 million people who voted in a free and fair election in 2020, or to people protesting against police brutality and voter suppression, or the students who want to read The Catcher in The Rye, or those who support the LGBTQ community. This list goes on and on.....................................

The Far Right loves to cancel whatever they disagree with.
There you go, those who deny and resent the truth, mock the truth. Adios Soviet citizens, may the Putin be with you. Actually, on a certain level, I kind of like the guy. Adios just the same.
You're just like a typical liberal, you wouldn't know " truth" if it smacked you in the face. My advice to you is get off CNN and away from their lies. Quit letting them do your thinking.
You're just like a typical liberal, you wouldn't know " truth" if it smacked you in the face. My advice to you is get off CNN and away from their lies. Quit letting them do your thinking.
He literally insulted the far left a few posts earlier some of us realize both sides in the end are crooked fools who don’t care about any of us. It’s about divide and conquer. Any right wing extremist or left wing extremist who thinks either side is better than the other or any different in the end is a fool.
He literally insulted the far left a few posts earlier some of us realize both sides in the end are crooked fools who don’t care about any of us. It’s about divide and conquer. Any right wing extremist or left wing extremist who thinks either side is better than the other or any different in the end is a fool.
They're all crooked. That's why they are there. I just hate the " holier than thou" attitude. Especially from the left
False, experience and observations have shown me the far right are mainly bigots, bullies, privileged, gun-happy and worse. The far left too often pretend to be enlightened for wont of a better term but are often just as bad as the far right in both different and the same ways. Imbeciles are imbeciles, hypocrites are hypocrites, and liars are liars. Humans gonna human, no matter how holy and self-righteous what they claim to be.
This isn’t a true statement. I can tell by this statement you’re just trying to be neutral but a neutral comment falls on empty ears when you only tell half truth of both sides.
There's a difference. The far left want to tell what you are supposed to do according to them. The far right don't give a 💩 what you do as long as you leave them the f*** alone
This is truth no matter how much denial.
Tell that to a woman seeking an abortion, or to the 81 million people who voted in a free and fair election in 2020, or to people protesting against police brutality and voter suppression, or the students who want to read The Catcher in The Rye, or those who support the LGBTQ community. This list goes on and on.....................................

The Far Right loves to cancel whatever they disagree with.
This guy.
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They’re all crooked. They’re all criminals. They keep left and right against each other bc if we all came together as 1 it would be bad news for them.
You may have won the internet today with this statement. This is beyond the truth and very little think of this. If there ever was to be a “coming together”, there would be nothing else to focus on other than REAL problems that effect us all.
False, experience and observations have shown me the far right are mainly bigots, bullies, privileged, gun-happy and worse. The far left too often pretend to be enlightened for wont of a better term but are often just as bad as the far right in both different and the same ways. Imbeciles are imbeciles, hypocrites are hypocrites, and liars are liars. Humans gonna human, no matter how holy and self-righteous what they claim to be.
I agree the far left and far right have more in common than not.
Tell that to a woman seeking an abortion, or to the 81 million people who voted in a free and fair election in 2020, or to people protesting against police brutality and voter suppression, or the students who want to read The Catcher in The Rye, or those who support the LGBTQ community. This list goes on and on.....................................

The Far Right loves to cancel whatever they disagree with.
You my friend are totally lost.
They’re all crooked. They’re all criminals. They keep left and right against each other bc if we all came together as 1 it would be bad news for them.
I find this amazing. We complain about how bad our country is. But there are way more than 81 million people that agree extreme left or right is bonkers. It’s a bell shaped curve. But politicians know the only way to pull that curve to their side is to appeal to the extremes. And here we are….
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First - of course I gave them no money. Why would anyone give them money?
That's as stupid as giving Trump money, or Stop the Steal money.....only a moron would.

Second - It's the Washington Examiner so I didn't read it and I'm skeptical.

Third - if they wrongfully took money - arrest them, prosecute them, shame them, and lock them up.
Trying to imply CNN or MSNBC is better sources than the Washington Examiner is comical.
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Has BLM increased their donation commitments lately or does that only happen when Republicans are in charge and they stir up chaos?

The good news is progressives and Corporate America, generally one in the same, act as front groups for leftist causes, politicians, homosexuality and the destruction of the nuclear family.
Has BLM increased their donation commitments lately or does that only happen when Republicans are in charge and they stir up chaos?

The good news is progressives and Corporate America, generally one in the same, act as front groups for leftist causes, politicians, homosexuality and the destruction of the nuclear family.
Check out the media bias chart and see where you are getting most of your news.

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