Mass Shooting in Atlanta

So...about a lot of recent "protestors"...

Yeah, if creating fear was their motivation and you want to compare looters to murderers in a thread about a guy that murdered 9, technically you are correct. Like I've said before, the Boston Tea Party was technically terrorism.

But this is an area where you can't have it both ways. Either they are in fact protesters and technically terrorists or they're neither.
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Yeah, if creating fear was their motivation and you want to compare looters to murderers in a thread about a guy that murdered 9, technically you are correct. Like I've said before, the Boston Tea Party was technically terrorism.

But this is an area where you can't have it both ways. Either they are in fact protesters and technically terrorists or they're neither.

well in addition to looting they killed some people and destroyed property

clearly that's different than protesting
Yeah, if creating fear was their motivation and you want to compare looters to murderers in a thread about a guy that murdered 9, technically you are correct. Like I've said before, the Boston Tea Party was technically terrorism.

But this is an area where you can't have it both ways. Either they are in fact protesters and technically terrorists or they're neither.
Arguing over these stupid titles is idiotic..... the guy that killed these people need to spend his life in jail of face the death penalty.... The looters deserved to be sent to prison.... I don’t care about either groups reasons for what they did.
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We'll see. You know you suspect--as we all do--that this is ideologically based. 6/8 killed were Asian. 7/8 women. Dude loved "god and guns." Done at a time when attacks on Asians nationwide are spiking because of a dipsh*t POTUS who insisted on blaming Asians for the coronavirus.

Violence period is spiking.
Yes and he was trapped. Did he come out guns blazing? No he gave up and surrendered. And the police took him into custody as they do with thousands of white and black and hispanic and asian people daily. This myth narrative of "the police coddle white criminals" is the most asisine thing in the anti-police crowd
I guarantee you if he got out of the car acting a fool, he would’ve been shot. Moral of the story is, don’t act like a fool and don’t get shot.
I guarantee you if he got out of the car acting a fool, he would’ve been shot. Moral of the story is, don’t act like a fool and don’t get shot.

I know. These idiots act like every black criminal is shot by the police. They can't recognize basic crime and shooting statistics, and people that stupid aren't worth speaking to.
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The NRA should canvas Chicago, Baltimore, etc and offer every black person that can pass a background check a free gun.

The NRA should either fold as an organization or merge under the management of GOA.
Yeah, if creating fear was their motivation and you want to compare looters to murderers in a thread about a guy that murdered 9, technically you are correct. Like I've said before, the Boston Tea Party was technically terrorism.

But this is an area where you can't have it both ways. Either they are in fact protesters and technically terrorists or they're neither.

I've always set aside acts targeted specifically at government overthrow (civilian people being attacked and businesses being looted and/or burned need not apply) more as "traitors", though I guess that could get deep into semantics quickly. No real interest in pursuing that, especially as a diversion in this thread.

Now having said that from what I know as I type this I'm not seeing this as a "terrorist" act. I'm reading it as a total loser taking out his anger on rub & tugs that he could have shot up run by any ethnicity.
What do you mean? It's a form of protest.

I mean according to our Constitution you have a right to protest peacefully. You do not have a right to destroy property or lives. The words have legal definitions.

So one could protest AND destroy property or kill someone but those latter actions are not protesting by legal definition.
I've always set aside acts targeted specifically at government overthrow (civilian people being attacked and businesses being looted and/or burned need not apply) more as "traitors", though I guess that could get deep into semantics quickly. No real interest in pursuing that, especially as a diversion in this thread.

Now having said that from what I know as I type this I'm not seeing this as a "terrorist" act. I'm reading it as a total loser taking out his anger on rub & tugs that he could have shot up run by any ethnicity.

if we call this terrorism then technically any killing could fit since the killer was instilling fear and trying to cause change.
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EL, where were your other threads when other people were shot and killed in ATL? Why is this particular one special?

It was eight people and appears on the surface to be a hate crime.

Is this kind of mass cal common, even in a dump like ATL?
I mean according to our Constitution you have a right to protest peacefully. You do not have a right to destroy property or lives. The words have legal definitions.

So one could protest AND destroy property or kill someone but those latter actions are not protesting by legal definition.

That's not right. Just because peaceful protest is protected by the constitution doesn't mean the legal definition of protest requires it to be peaceful.

The word peaceful appears nowhere on this page, and I'm not even sure why you're trying to narrowly confine it to a legal definition. Fact: violent protest is protest, both legally, and in common language.

That's not right. Just because peaceful protest is protected by the constitution doesn't mean the legal definition of protest requires it to be peaceful.

The word peaceful appears nowhere on this page, and I'm not even sure why you're trying to narrowly confine it to a legal definition. Fact: violent protest is protest, both legally, and in common language.


Your right to protest, peacefully or otherwise, ends where my rights begin.
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