Mass Shooting in Atlanta

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if the media ran with a race angle every time a POC killed a white person? Imagine if race was always played as the motive in those killings.

Constantly blaming racism without searching out the true motive seems like lazy journalism.

I can't reproduce the chart here, maybe someone with better computer skills can, but in Figure 1 about 21 percent of all state and federal prisoners possessed a firearm during their offense. Only about 3 percent obtained the gun from a retail source.

That means that about 1 out of 7 convicted criminals possessing a gun obtained it in the most obvious legal way. I suppose there are some narrow streams where they might also obtain it from a legal source, but let's be real, the vast, vast majority of people possessing guns when they commit crimes obtained them illegally.

In fact, this struck me:

Now, where do the other 98 percent of the guns come from?


What would you estimate is the percentage of guns obtained illegally by the criminals but that began when first purchased as a legally purchased and owned firearm? 99 %? 98%?

It doesn't take much effort to see that the problem we have is loss of control of firearms that strart off as legal and end up in the hands of criminals. This is why I support a requirement that people purchasing firearms, legally, pay for insurance to go into a pool to pay medical and funeral costs for those injured in gun violence.

If you want to to obtain the benefit you think you are getting from a firearm, then you should take on the expense of the risk it becomes illegal. (Discounts for firearm safety courses that include a component about maintaining the gun in a safe place where it won't be stolen, purchase of a gun safe, and things of that ilk).

If the gun is in my home or in my possession that is safe enough. I already have insurance related to my gun ownership but it is to protect me and to replace my firearm if ever need be. I’m not responsible for criminals.
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how are we to know the motive? the definition implies the public is informed of the motive

back to the toddler - since I'm refusing to accept your interpretation am I protesting your explanation?

No it doesn't. It literally says nothing about informing the public of motive.

Yes, you are protesting my interpretation. Your motive is deflection, which I don't need to be told. I called you out for arguing violent protest isn't protest. And now you're trying to say the protesters from last year are not protesters for a different and maybe more ridiculous reason.
No, no, no. This is a common misstatement and false generalization by the gun crowd.

SOME criminals would bypass the hurdles and SOME criminals would still have guns.

But a lot of guns make their way into the hands of criminals starting off as legitimate and owned by non criminals. They start that way.

ok and additional laws doesn't stop that...i can tell you first hand
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No it doesn't. It literally says nothing about informing the public of motive.

Yes, you are protesting my interpretation. Your motive is deflection, which I don't need to be told. I called you out for arguing violent protest isn't protest. And now you're trying to say the protesters from last year are not protesters for a different and maybe more ridiculous reason.

now I'm being protested by Huff

I don't like mayonnaise and refuse to eat it...Viva la Protest!
The definition of protest does not require that you "say" anything. Vandalizing property is an expression.

OK. Sure. The point is violent protest is protest, not that all looters are protesters.
Some protesting is criminal, some is not...standing on a sidewalk holding a sign and saying you hate "whatever" is ok

Vandalism, rioting, looting, assault, arson, blocking roadways, trespassing, intimidating people as they walk by while technically falls under a form of protesting, is also illegal criminal behavior
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I can't reproduce the chart here, maybe someone with better computer skills can, but in Figure 1 about 21 percent of all state and federal prisoners possessed a firearm during their offense. Only about 3 percent obtained the gun from a retail source.

That means that about 1 out of 7 convicted criminals possessing a gun obtained it in the most obvious legal way. I suppose there are some narrow streams where they might also obtain it from a legal source, but let's be real, the vast, vast majority of people possessing guns when they commit crimes obtained them illegally.

In fact, this struck me:

Now, where do the other 98 percent of the guns come from?


What would you estimate is the percentage of guns obtained illegally by the criminals but that began when first purchased as a legally purchased and owned firearm? 99 %? 98%?

It doesn't take much effort to see that the problem we have is loss of control of firearms that strart off as legal and end up in the hands of criminals. This is why I support a requirement that people purchasing firearms, legally, pay for insurance to go into a pool to pay medical and funeral costs for those injured in gun violence.

If you want to to obtain the benefit you think you are getting from a firearm, then you should take on the expense of the risk it becomes illegal. (Discounts for firearm safety courses that include a component about maintaining the gun in a safe place where it won't be stolen, purchase of a gun safe, and things of that ilk).

How do people get pot in states where it’s still illegal?
How is this a "hate crime"? Because he hates hookers? :rolleyes:

Six of the victims were Asian and it appears to be targeted also what part of "appears on the surface" confused you?

Have you always struggled with reading comprehension or is this a new development since your accident?
Six of the victims were Asian and it appears to be targeted also what part of "appears on the surface" confused you?

Have you always struggled with reading comprehension or is this a new development since your accident?

It appears to me he was targeting rub and tugs.
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It appears to me he was targeting rub and tugs.

Well, since no sane person would hate those - I have to conclude without knowledge of any other circumstance, that he was mentally ill.

Fun fact: Not liking handy's is a mental illness diagnostic indicator in the DSM 5.
If the gun is in my home or in my possession that is safe enough. I already have insurance related to my gun ownership but it is to protect me and to replace my firearm if ever need be. I’m not responsible for criminals.

The number of guns stolen each year is between 200,000 and 500,000 and we know that enormous percentage of guns used by criminals were obtained illegally.

It is obvious that there is an all-too-easy linkage between lawful gun ownership and guns ending up in criminals' hands.

There are two, and only two, places that we can interrupt this chain of lawfully bought-stolen used in a crime. Either we make it much harder to buy a gun in the first place, or we disincentivize the purchase.
The number of guns stolen each year is between 200,000 and 500,000 and we know that enormous percentage of guns used by criminals were obtained illegally.

It is obvious that there is an all-too-easy linkage between lawful gun ownership and guns ending up in criminals' hands.

There are two, and only two, places that we can interrupt this chain of lawfully bought-stolen used in a crime. Either we make it much harder to buy a gun in the first place, or we disincentivize the purchase.
Change the constitution. Until then pound sand.
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The number of guns stolen each year is between 200,000 and 500,000 and we know that enormous percentage of guns used by criminals were obtained illegally.

It is obvious that there is an all-too-easy linkage between lawful gun ownership and guns ending up in criminals' hands.

There are two, and only two, places that we can interrupt this chain of lawfully bought-stolen used in a crime. Either we make it much harder to buy a gun in the first place, or we disincentivize the purchase.

I blame lawyers.
The number of guns stolen each year is between 200,000 and 500,000 and we know that enormous percentage of guns used by criminals were obtained illegally.

It is obvious that there is an all-too-easy linkage between lawful gun ownership and guns ending up in criminals' hands.

There are two, and only two, places that we can interrupt this chain of lawfully bought-stolen used in a crime. Either we make it much harder to buy a gun in the first place, or we disincentivize the purchase.

You realize owning a gun is a fundamental right? Oddly I don’t see you make such an uproar when it comes to exercising other rights. Have you ever bought a gun? It’s not convenient or quick process. I can think of better ways to deter gun violence that doesn’t infringe on my rights. How about capital punishment for gun thieves? Maybe cut off their fingers or even a hand. It may sound absurd but I honestly don’t give a rats ass about any criminal or anything that happens to them. If a legal gun owner buys or gives a gun knowingly to someone they know can’t legally possess a gun string their ass up too. All in all the best scenario when it comes to gun thieves is for me to be at home when they attempt to do it but I’m sure you’re opposed to that too.
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Well, since no sane person would hate those - I have to conclude without knowledge of any other circumstance, that he was mentally ill.

Fun fact: Not liking handy's is a mental illness diagnostic indicator in the DSM 5.

Im sure he’s got something wrong upstairs. But if you wanted to target Asians, he could have found more at the local China Wok than driving for hours hitting up massage parlors knocking off one or two at a time.

Does Atlanta have a Chinatown? Honestly don’t know.
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Six of the victims were Asian and it appears to be targeted also what part of "appears on the surface" confused you?

Have you always struggled with reading comprehension or is this a new development since your accident?
Well since the suspect and police have both stated it wasn't a motive, you would have to be a real idiot to assume that because of your preconceived notions
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