According to the DOJ / US census via google:
Black folks are 13.7% of the US population.
They commit 52% of violent crimes. Thats quite a disparity. They kill many, many times as many folks as are killed in "mass shootings" by anyone including them.
Why is that never discussed by the MSM? Why do the gun grabbers not mention the actual cause of the majority of killings, armed robberies, rapes, etc? I am not calling for racism or for any black persons to be singled out...I am calling for an honest discussion of where the killings etc actually occur that are plaguing our country? How can we ever hope to solve the gun violence problem in this country...when we cannot even get honest discussion about what the problem actually IS and WHERE the vast majority of killings actually occur...and by whom?
The narrative is complete bullcrap....and yes 18 people being killed in maine is terrible. Guess what they call 18 people killed in chicago?? SATURDAY