I don't know. But I do know is when both sides refuse to budge, nothing will be solved.
Sadly, no one really cares that 18 people got mowed down in Maine.
No one here at least. Not a one of us is going to have a second of inconvenience or sorrow that they were murdered.
Until it happens to you or a loved one, then the right to bear arms will seem trivial in comparison to the right to life.
Meanwhile, both sides will dig their heals in, stick their heads in the sand and never contemplate that the next mass shooting will happen in their community - until it does.
I care. I offer up prayers for the shot, the shooter, the trauma workers and the traumatized. That's what my faith teaches me to do. Your mileage may vary about the results of my caring.
As for the "meta issue" of horrible things that happen and kill a lot of people, I'm not a believer that giving government more power over my life should be done lightly.
We live in cities with a million limits on what and how we can build on our own property. We're told to register our intentions just to replace the deck on the house or put a shed in the backyard. I'm not a fan and yet I get it......I don't want my house threatened by your rickety 5 story lookout tower made from your Natty Lite cans. I get it and I'm still not a fan.
At some point America became this country that decided we needed to register some things we buy or some things we want to do with the government "for the public good" or limit our behavior in personal choices "for the public good." I'm not convinced.
My church can and did certify my marriage. The government wants to know for tax purposes, primarily, and it's still none of their business. The local store wants to open on Sunday because the owner's faith worships on Saturday, not Sunday, but the government wants make "Sunday special." It's not their job to do that.
See, we might agree on the above. Government butts in enough in my life for "the good of the masses." I'm not convinced.
The Forefathers agreed government sucks, but we have to share some resources for security, civility, etc. They gave a VERY limited set of rules for that government. We've blown it up to the government demanding this be labeled, that be registered, and personal freedom is secondary to the needs of the government.
That isn't the spirit of the document they wrote. Government should be seldom seen and heard in my daily life. SPECIFICALLY, they dedicated an entire Amendment to my personal and collective defense of my freedom with arms. Government needs to butt out. I didn't write it ..... guys dressed in what the government would now like to restrict as "drag" wrote it.
Have I mentioned we'd probably agree on some things?