Mattis Leaving in February

He is talking about strength in fulfilling the obligations we have to our allies which are vital for us to maintain. Of course we should defend our interests abroad. You are speaking of being a very isolated nation, which is not rational thinking.
He is talking about strength in fulfilling the obligations we have to our allies which are vital for us to maintain. Of course we should defend our interests abroad. You are speaking of being a very isolated nation, which is not rational thinking.
Your ignoring the exact quotes I posted and summarizing what you think he means. I’m not interested in your biased interpretation of his letter which I can read. Is Australia irrational for their largely benign military prowess?
It’s hard to admit your a ****ing idiot, but if you voted for Trump you’re a ****ing idiot. Own it, and move on.

I'm not a fan of playing grammar police, but when you're calling people idiots you should check yourself.
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Personally, I think this is a big loss for Trump, but if this is about troop withdrawal from Syria, I don't disagree with the President on that. Why sacrifice American lives in an operation we won't commit to winning? And that goes for all military action. If we're not going to commit to doing what it takes to win, we shouldn't be there.
Personally, I think this is a big loss for Trump, but if this is about troop withdrawal from Syria, I don't disagree with the President on that. Why sacrifice American lives in an operation we won't commit to winning? And that goes for all military action. If we're not going to commit to doing what it takes to win, we shouldn't be there.

The 2500 troops we have in Syria are actually in support positions, they're not on the front line. From the data I'm gleaning we've aided in eliminating roughly 75% of their forces. The other roughly 25% are still there and we've committed to aiding the Kurds in eliminating the rest of them. Why would you suddenly and with very little notice pull out effectively crapping on the Kurds, as well as the 3+ years of effort already put forth? There is literally no strategic reason for such action other than having a whiny b*tch of a potus sitting in office not having things go his way. It says something when even Lindsey effen Graham is lambasting the president for the decision along with pretty much every military adviser known to man and a good number of the REPUBLICAN senate. When the Russian and Turkish president stand up and applaud you for some action you've taken you've literally made the wrong decision. "Here's your sign!" "You lose! Good day, sir!"
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Personally, I think this is a big loss for Trump, but if this is about troop withdrawal from Syria, I don't disagree with the President on that. Why sacrifice American lives in an operation we won't commit to winning? And that goes for all military action. If we're not going to commit to doing what it takes to win, we shouldn't be there.

I doubt it's just be a use of this, rather it's the last straw. That and Mattis and every DoD commander found out about it through Twitter. No one else knew... Well, except Turkey's Erdogan.

Personally, I think Dotard did what he did to help distract from getting his lunch eaten on the wall. As usual, he didn't think it all the way through.
The 2500 troops we have in Syria are actually in support positions, they're not on the front line. From the data I'm gleaning we've aided in eliminating roughly 75% of their forces. The other roughly 15% are still there and we've committed to aiding the Kurds in eliminating the rest of them. Why would you suddenly and with very little notice pull out effectively crapping on the Kurds, as well as the 3+ years of effort already put forth? There is literally no strategic reason for such action other than having a whiny b*tch of a potus sitting in office not having things go his way. It says something when even Lindsey effen Graham is lambasting the president for the decision along with pretty much every military adviser known to man and a good number of the REPUBLICAN senate. When the Russian and Turkish president stand up and applaud you for some action you've taken you've literally made the wrong decision. "Here's your sign!" "You lose! Good day, sir!"

Right? Anyone not named Trump would have been absolutely crucified for even suggesting this let alone announcing it over Twitter like a 13 year old girl, as Graham pointed out. Squirrel head does it and gold medals are needed for the mental gymnastics needed to delude themselves that "its cool" because, won't someone think of the troops?
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I doubt it's just be a use of this, rather it's the last straw. That and Mattis and every DoD commander found out about it through Twitter. No one else knew... Well, except Turkey's Erdogan.

Personally, I think Dotard did what he did to help distract from getting his lunch eaten on the wall. As usual, he didn't think it all the way through.

You're probably right. When it comes to foreign policy, Trump doesn't have much of a clue as to what he's doing. As for Syria, I don't think we should have involved ourselves to begin with. What are we really going to accomplish long term? Not enough to put American lives at risk.
The 2500 troops we have in Syria are actually in support positions, they're not on the front line. From the data I'm gleaning we've aided in eliminating roughly 75% of their forces. The other roughly 15% are still there and we've committed to aiding the Kurds in eliminating the rest of them. Why would you suddenly and with very little notice pull out effectively crapping on the Kurds, as well as the 3+ years of effort already put forth? There is literally no strategic reason for such action other than having a whiny b*tch of a potus sitting in office not having things go his way. It says something when even Lindsey effen Graham is lambasting the president for the decision along with pretty much every military adviser known to man and a good number of the REPUBLICAN senate. When the Russian and Turkish president stand up and applaud you for some action you've taken you've literally made the wrong decision. "Here's your sign!" "You lose! Good day, sir!"

Being an asshat doesn't suit you, Coug. You won't hear me claim Trump is a great President. He's screwed up the handling of this situation. Still my opinion that Syria is a wasted effort. We need to stop policing the world.
I doubt it's just be a use of this, rather it's the last straw. That and Mattis and every DoD commander found out about it through Twitter. No one else knew... Well, except Turkey's Erdogan.

Personally, I think Dotard did what he did to help distract from getting his lunch eaten on the wall. As usual, he didn't think it all the way through.
If he did indeed do that, then it’s pretty disrespectful and not an acceptable way to treat Mattis. That being said, Mattis is the kind of guy that wants to fight. That’s a double edged sword. I think that outside of bombing missile sites we should completely stay out of Syria. In fact, I think we should do more to work with Assad as that country will actually be safer with him in charge just as Iraq was with Saddam.
If he did indeed do that, then it’s pretty disrespectful and not an acceptable way to treat Mattis. That being said, Mattis is the kind of guy that wants to fight. That’s a double edged sword. I think that outside of bombing missile sites we should completely stay out of Syria. In fact, I think we should do more to work with Assad as that country will actually be safer with him in charge just as Iraq was with Saddam.

I don't understand this, he's a Marine Corps General and the SecDef - I don't want a mealy-mouthed Fred Rogers advising the CiC on military affairs. Do you?
Personally, I think this is a big loss for Trump, but if this is about troop withdrawal from Syria, I don't disagree with the President on that. Why sacrifice American lives in an operation we won't commit to winning? And that goes for all military action. If we're not going to commit to doing what it takes to win, we shouldn't be there.
Like most things, Trump handled it poorly.

Still, I don’t think our troops should be there. There are so many people with interest there and if the US were to ever go to war with Russia that seems like the place to spark it. Israel can handle it.

Take those troops and invade Venezuela. If we’re going to nation build it needs to be in our hemisphere.

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