Mattis Leaving in February

I don't understand this, he's a Marine Corps General and the SecDef - I don't want a mealy-mouthed Fred Rogers advising the CiC on military affairs. Do you?
No, and I didn’t imply that I did. He’s the ideal candidate for the job. He wants to use the military any chance he can, and that’s not always the right solution.
No one else knew... Well, except Turkey's Erdogan.

Well, you just lost any standing you might have had in a rational debate along these lines. Especially when you start believing "unnamed sources" the news loves to toss out there.
Do you realize how inconsistent this sentiment is with past things that Trump has criticized Obama for? Trump once called Barack Obama "The Founder of ISIS" for the premature pullout in Iraq.

**** both of them.
I don’t care how we got here. I don’t care who we want to blame.
I don’t think America soldiers need to die now because Trump said something about Obama.
**** that partisan ****!!

This is exactly the thinking that needs to stop.
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Like most things, Trump handled it poorly.

Still, I don’t think our troops should be there. There are so many people with interest there and if the US were to ever go to war with Russia that seems like the place to spark it. Israel can handle it.

Take those troops and invade Venezuela. If we’re going to nation build it needs to be in our hemisphere.
I’d say we should invade Mexico. Take out the cartels and allow the citizens to arm themselves so they can stand up to the criminals. Of course, the CIA would lose their funding from the drug trade, so they’d have to find another illegal activity to get money from.
Well, you just lost any standing you might have had in a rational debate along these lines. Especially when you start believing "unnamed sources" the news loves to toss out there.

Proof is in the pudding hoss, the last grown up in the room just gtfo of Dodge. The reality of the chaos Donny has sewn has caught up with him and it ain't even Mueller time.

I doubt that Mattis will be the last guy to skin out over this. Or so my sources say.
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Proof is in the pudding hoss, the last grown up in the room just gtfo of Dodge. The reality of the chaos Donny has sewn has caught up with him and it ain't even Mueller time.

I doubt that Mattis will be the last guy to skin out over this. Or so my sources say.

So, you'd rather believe whatever flaky information you get because it conforms to your ingrained hatred than wait for the facts to come out.

I thought you were smarter than that. My mistake.
Mattis was nearly universally praised as Trump's best cabinet pick. He was a great pick in an area where Trump did not know his a$$ from a hole in the ground and still doesn't. Now he's gone and people are saying no big deal. Trump is becoming increasingly isolated. The stock market is down nearly 10% for the year. I haven't looked it up, but I think that is worse than the stock market ever performed under Obama.

Obama was horrible at foreign policy. However, Trump has effectively removed the US as a world leader. We aren't respected anymore. Our word means squat and Russia and China are filling the void. I do not want us meddling in everything around the globe, but complete isolationism isn't the answer either.
Mattis was nearly universally praised as Trump's best cabinet pick. He was a great pick in an area where Trump did not know his a$$ from a hole in the ground and still doesn't. Now he's gone and people are saying no big deal. Trump is becoming increasingly isolated. The stock market is down nearly 10% for the year. I haven't looked it up, but I think that is worse than the stock market ever performed under Obama.

Obama was horrible at foreign policy. However, Trump has effectively removed the US as a world leader. We aren't respected anymore. Our word means squat and Russia and China are filling the void. I do not want us meddling in everything around the globe, but complete isolationism isn't the answer either.
LOL, why is the left so bitter, where do you all find the energy?

Also why is it always a go to when a R is President: we aren't respected around the world? Who the hell cares? I guess you all call being respected when the world sees us as their doormat
No. Trump owns the shutdown... he said so himself with Chuck and Nancy last week.

Don’t forget Trump told republicans that he would sign the CR, which they then whipped the votes for, and then rengged on his promise after half of the Senate had gone home.

Also, apparently, the same guy thinks you only need 51 votes to pass a budget through the Senate, so regardless of the fact that that’s quite obviously wrong, how can somebody believe that and still claim the shutdown is the Democrats’ fault?

That account is clearly the Russian bot assigned to this board. Unfortunately for us, VolNation is too small for the kremlin to bother upgrading his AI to the most recent model.
Where has that been mentioned?
Do you have more in common with Septic than you let on? Trump is not the right man for the job. Abandoning our allies and cozying up to our enemies is not good for our country. I don't care how you want to spin it, but the fact remains this Administration is a chaotic sh!tshow.

Anyway, have a Merry Christmas.
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Don’t forget Trump told republicans that he would sign the CR, which they then whipped the votes for, and then rengged on his promise after half of the Senate had gone home.

Also, apparently, the same guy thinks you only need 51 votes to pass a budget through the Senate, so regardless of the fact that that’s quite obviously wrong, how can somebody believe that and still claim the shutdown is the Democrats’ fault?

That account is clearly the Russian bot assigned to this board. Unfortunately for us, VolNation is too small for the kremlin to bother upgrading his AI to the most recent model.
The R House passed the budget and will go to the Senate today, if cryin Chucky doesn't want a shutdown then he needs to get 10 votes which as the leader of the dems in the Senate he shouldn't have any problem doing.

Does cryin Chuck really want to shut down the government right here at Christmas? Where is his compassion?
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Mattis was nearly universally praised as Trump's best cabinet pick. He was a great pick in an area where Trump did not know his a$$ from a hole in the ground and still doesn't. Now he's gone and people are saying no big deal. Trump is becoming increasingly isolated. The stock market is down nearly 10% for the year. I haven't looked it up, but I think that is worse than the stock market ever performed under Obama.

Obama was horrible at foreign policy. However, Trump has effectively removed the US as a world leader. We aren't respected anymore. Our word means squat and Russia and China are filling the void. I do not want us meddling in everything around the globe, but complete isolationism isn't the answer either.

I haven't seen anyone say no big deal. I do know some like myself have said that it's better for him to know when to leave if a policy disagreement cannot be resolved rather than continue to do something he doesn't believe in. You must respect the position and policies of the POTUS as Commander in Chief. If you disagree with the policies, you either try to change his mind or leave the situation. Who knows if both haven't been tried. Many of you assume the worst. I'd dare say Mattis is one of the smartest people in the Administration and knows he can no longer serve if he doesn't believe in the cause.

What I have seen is if the disagreement was over continuing 17 years of rotations into Afghanistan and continuing to pick sides in the middle of a civil war we don't need to be involved in was the catalyst, perhaps it's not a bad thing Mattis is leaving. Because if he objects to leaving and thinks we need a continued presence in those areas and the POTUS doesn't, it's both their duties to terminate the relationship.

And just that you remember, we weren't respected under Obama either. Don't act like Trump is the sole reason for all your woes. Our international standing has been trending downward for over a decade. Of course, that doesn't conform to your "but TRUMP!" narrative.
Do you have more in common with Septic than you let on? Trump is not the right man for the job. Abandoning our allies and cozying up to our enemies is not good for our country. I don't care how you want to spin it, but the fact remains this Administration is a chaotic sh!tshow.

Don't drag Septic into your idiocy. He's generally way above your level.

Now, which allies has he abandoned? NATO? Have we pulled bases out of Europe? Or has he made demands (that were met I might add) they take more of a responsibility in their matters of defense instead of always relying on the big brother across the pond all the time? Was he not right to point out that if Germany thinks Russia is such a great threat, why are they purchasing massive amounts of natural gas from them?

Japan and South Korea? Trump has done more in his two years in regards to North Korea than four Presidents did since the end of the Cold War. That situation is ongoing though.

And exactly how has he schmoozed up to our enemies? I'd like supported answers, not your typical mouthbreathing, "I hate Trump because of Trump," answers either. Not that you're capable of such critical thought.
I haven't seen anyone say no big deal. I do know some like myself have said that it's better for him to know when to leave if a policy disagreement cannot be resolved rather than continue to do something he doesn't believe in. You must respect the position and policies of the POTUS as Commander in Chief. If you disagree with the policies, you either try to change his mind or leave the situation. Who knows if both haven't been tried. Many of you assume the worst. I'd dare say Mattis is one of the smartest people in the Administration and knows he can no longer serve if he doesn't believe in the cause.

What I have seen is if the disagreement was over continuing 17 years of rotations into Afghanistan and continuing to pick sides in the middle of a civil war we don't need to be involved in was the catalyst, perhaps it's not a bad thing Mattis is leaving. Because if he objects to leaving and thinks we need a continued presence in those areas and the POTUS doesn't, it's both their duties to terminate the relationship.

And just that you remember, we weren't respected under Obama either. Don't act like Trump is the sole reason for all your woes. Our international standing has been trending downward for over a decade. Of course, that doesn't conform to your "but TRUMP!" narrative.

Of course you ignored the part of my post about Obama's lack of foreign policy acumen. Trump greatly accelerated our decline in that regard. My issue is that the reason he hired Mattis in the first place was because he couldn't find Afghanistan on a map, but he doesn't want to heed the advice of those that know more. Trump is a moron.
LOL, why is the left so bitter, where do you all find the energy?

Also why is it always a go to when a R is President: we aren't respected around the world? Who the hell cares? I guess you all call being respected when the world sees us as their doormat

Not even a little bitter, but if it makes you feel better to say that I am go ahead. I have never said anything about world respect and Republicans. I noted that foreign policy was lacking under Obama, as well. Get you libs off Trump's knob and start thinking for yourself.
Of course you ignored the part of my post about Obama's lack of foreign policy acumen. Trump greatly accelerated our decline in that regard. My issue is that the reason he hired Mattis in the first place was because he couldn't find Afghanistan on a map, but he doesn't want to heed the advice of those that know more. Trump is a moron.

No, I saw it. But you immediately turned to the "but TRUMP!" narrative that severely negates any argument you might be able to cobble together.

Now, here's the thing. Regardless of Trump, Obama, Bush 43 or whomever, if something happens in the world, who is the first country they are going to turn to? Be careful with your answer here because it just might destroy the argument you are trying to make.
No, and I didn’t imply that I did. He’s the ideal candidate for the job. He wants to use the military any chance he can, and that’s not always the right solution.

Mattis was the one who prevented Trump from launching cruise missile strikes on North Korea. Mattis does not believe in using the military at every chance. He believes that American military should only be use in certain instances to advance American foreign policy interests (The Truman Doctrine) He is quoted as even saying that is the State Department is not adequately funded than DoD is going to need more money for bullets.
Mattis was the one who prevented Trump from launching cruise missile strikes on North Korea. Mattis does not believe in using the military at every chance. He believes that American military should only be use in certain instances to advance American foreign policy interests (The Truman Doctrine) He is quoted as even saying that is the State Department is not adequately funded than DoD is going to need more money for bullets.

You'd best come with proof on that one.
Mattis was nearly universally praised as Trump's best cabinet pick. He was a great pick in an area where Trump did not know his a$$ from a hole in the ground and still doesn't. Now he's gone and people are saying no big deal. Trump is becoming increasingly isolated. The stock market is down nearly 10% for the year. I haven't looked it up, but I think that is worse than the stock market ever performed under Obama.

Obama was horrible at foreign policy. However, Trump has effectively removed the US as a world leader. We aren't respected anymore. Our word means squat and Russia and China are filling the void. I do not want us meddling in everything around the globe, but complete isolationism isn't the answer either.
What are you talking about? Seriously

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