Mattis Leaving in February

Don't drag Septic into your idiocy. He's generally way above your level.

Now, which allies has he abandoned? NATO? Have we pulled bases out of Europe? Or has he made demands (that were met I might add) they take more of a responsibility in their matters of defense instead of always relying on the big brother across the pond all the time? Was he not right to point out that if Germany thinks Russia is such a great threat, why are they purchasing massive amounts of natural gas from them?

Japan and South Korea? Trump has done more in his two years in regards to North Korea than four Presidents did since the end of the Cold War. That situation is ongoing though.

And exactly how has he schmoozed up to our enemies? I'd like supported answers, not your typical mouthbreathing, "I hate Trump because of Trump," answers either. Not that you're capable of such critical thought.
The Kurds are SOL, S. Korea has done more with NK than the dotard. It wasn't Trump that got Kim to stop firing missiles. NK is still building their nuclear and ballistic missiles and the NK threat is just real as it was the past administration but more so now. Face it he didn't do crap with NK except make concessions that we wouldn't take part in joint military exercises with one of our ALLIES. Going on his twitter tirades to attack and belittle our allies and impose tariffs on them. The Mid East peace initiative ended with a withdrawal of troops abandoning most of our allies in the region except the ones that are involved in land grabs and human rights violations. He has done absolutely nothing to protect our country. Screech that ISIS is coming across our Southern border while running from them on their home land. Not to mention abandoning our allies on those fronts. I'm sure our allies will give us the names of the terrorist we should place on the list because we have such a great rapport with the international intelligence community.

You parrot everything Trump tells you.

Sorry Septic.
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No, I saw it. But you immediately turned to the "but TRUMP!" narrative that severely negates any argument you might be able to cobble together.

Now, here's the thing. Regardless of Trump, Obama, Bush 43 or whomever, if something happens in the world, who is the first country they are going to turn to? Be careful with your answer here because it just might destroy the argument you are trying to make.

So you don't think Trump has greatly decreased our respect among nations?

Of course countries will come to us when there is no where else to turn. We are still a military power, but that doesn't change the fact that they don't respect us and we are not leading anymore.
Mattis was the one who prevented Trump from launching cruise missile strikes on North Korea. Mattis does not believe in using the military at every chance. He believes that American military should only be use in certain instances to advance American foreign policy interests (The Truman Doctrine) He is quoted as even saying that is the State Department is not adequately funded than DoD is going to need more money for bullets.

Good Lord, Mattis resigns and people losing their minds like the sky is falling. Let's not forget that Democrats wouldn't even rubber stamp him when he was nominated. Now the world is ending. Get a grip
I hope you far left democrats have some time off work (if you work) over the next couple of weeks, turn CNN/MSNBC off and spend some quality time with your families and kinda reset the panic and outrage buttons.
So you don't think Trump has greatly decreased our respect among nations?

Of course countries will come to us when there is no where else to turn. We are still a military power, but that doesn't change the fact that they don't respect us and we are not leading anymore.

I think the downward trend has continued. However, you're so eager to blame Trump for everything it's blinded you to the fact we've been going downhill since Clinton.

And don't act like that "not leading" thing is a new development. It started under Obama.
I think the downward trend has continued. However, you're so eager to blame Trump for everything it's blinded you to the fact we've been going downhill since Clinton.

And don't act like that "not leading" thing is a new development. It started under Obama.
Tripe, But Obama, But Clinton. You need to start looking inward.

This is where you know you have no argument.
I think the downward trend has continued. However, you're so eager to blame Trump for everything it's blinded you to the fact we've been going downhill since Clinton.

And don't act like that "not leading" thing is a new development. It started under Obama.

But Obama...

And your avoidance of answering my question is noted.
So, you'd rather believe whatever flaky information you get because it conforms to your ingrained hatred than wait for the facts to come out.

I thought you were smarter than that. My mistake.

The trump loving, mueller bashing media that throws red meat to the red hats has made a living out of speculation and opinion without even bothering to cite "unnamed sources."

Save your indignation for when the "unnamed sources" are proven wrong.
But Obama...

And your avoidance of answering my question is noted.

See, that doesn't make any sense. I'm not laying the blame entirely at Obama. I'm ensuring you understand equal credit for that lies in the past two Administrations as well. However, did or did not Obama say we needed to take a "back seat" in world affairs? And has Trump really done anything to counter that?

Don't get coopted into the mouth breathing portion of the board that believes all bad history started in January 2017. You and Septic both should be better than that.
Mattis was nearly universally praised as Trump's best cabinet pick. He was a great pick in an area where Trump did not know his a$$ from a hole in the ground and still doesn't. Now he's gone and people are saying no big deal. Trump is becoming increasingly isolated. The stock market is down nearly 10% for the year. I haven't looked it up, but I think that is worse than the stock market ever performed under Obama.

Obama was horrible at foreign policy. However, Trump has effectively removed the US as a world leader. We aren't respected anymore. Our word means squat and Russia and China are filling the void. I do not want us meddling in everything around the globe, but complete isolationism isn't the answer either.

I think the DOW would need to end somewhere near 50,000 to match the DOW's performance under the Obama Admin. Given the bear market we're about to enter because of the fed and tarriff man - he's going to need a miracle.

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