Maui fire. What is going on?

But can you imagine how boring this forum would be if we didn’t have fun with all the conspiracies? We’d probably have to actually focus our time at work and become productive members of society. No one deserves that fate,
Freak is one of them!
#1, likely lead to the fires being so bad. not altering your home would limit bringing it up to modern codes.
#2, ok and?
#3, we have been over this proclamation. it doesn't do what you said, and the governor had issued several proclamations recently, several over deer and the homeless.
#4, prison cities? really? mindless fearmongering. A huge change to way things are done, yes. a prison city? laughable.
#5, plenty of tourists were stuck too, the ones allowed to leave were the ones with commercial flights already booked for the day. and how does this work with #11?
#6, probably because of a loss of power
#7 was one of your earlier hypothesis that the government HADN'T let the utility turn off the power to ensure the fires spread. You were going on and on about downed lines still having power, now supposedly they don't have power? This is one of my favorite things about conspiracies they twist and turn on themselves, with contradictions all over the place.
#8. is A fair point.
#9, it can be used for all, but the recent training/messaging had been for Tsunamis.
#10, what were they supposed to do? Keep the kids in the schools so when they burned down you could say THAT was a government conspiracy.
#11, I have yet to see this actually mapped compared to the fires, has there been any evidence that the road was passable at the time? panicked people driving out would have blocked emergency services getting in, and would have allowed the panicked people to spread out. I know it seems backwards but the best way to protect people is to not let them scatter all over the place. how does this work with #5?
#12, ok and?
#13, one of the survivors of the Hiroshima fled to Nagaski, he survived that nuke too. coincidences happen. weirder ones than this.
#14, government grifting is a rampant problem, not a specific conspiracy issue.
#15, ok, and?
#16, is a state law. Hawaii - Coroner/ME Laws | CDC. "The chief of police or his authorized subordinate of the counties of Hawaii, Maui, and Kauai, and the medical examiner of the city and county of Honolulu, shall, ex officio, be the coroner for his respective county. Haw. Rev. Stat. § 841-1."
#17, is just question begging conspiracy fuel.
#18, where would all these other helpers be housed? Are they bringing their own supplies, fuel, housing, food, water, services? It is very common to limit who gets into a disaster area. I would imagine it being an island makes resources even more scarce.
#19. so much for you being anti-DEW. having an atmospheric laser to study weather/atmospheric conditions does not equal a direct energy weapon capable of burning down half the island. and it probably doesn't even have direct line of site, because Lahemia is situated behind its own mountain range/volcano.
#20, we have been over this. building codes. Historic homes have pretty much no building codes, and small houses have very light building code requirements. Larger mansions, and commercial shops have comparatively much higher building code standards to meet. also willing to bet those big box stores are surrounded by pavement which acts as a nice fire break.
#21. goes back to #18, disaster tourism can be a huge problem in an area with limited resources.
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The police... you folks love the police so much. Yet these are the same folks that will violate your rights when that time comes.

But blue lives matter... right?
When you do not support good blue lives, you will get rotten ones. You will have some sort of police either way.

If you go to almost any dept and go back through the years you'll find from time to time, honest good men, who tried to bring law and fair justice. Usually stabbed in the back by the very people they tried to protect, and eventually disillusioned, and demoralized, decided it just wasn't worth it, and maybe the people would get what they ****ing deserved. Considering the record of politics in Hawaii....that lines up.
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Still more questions then answers.

Still unclear why the unconstitutional police state response, to any investigative reporting if this is just a normal disaster event.

Makes you wonder why everyone in the know among the traitor elite is buying land and building bunkers away from the continental United States.
If it comes to a point where I have to live in a bunker to survive, then I will just be ready to move on I guess.
That’s why you have to start hoarding some really good $hit to keep yourself entertained once society has reached a cataclysm of epic proportions. Beanie babies and play doh just won’t cut it!

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