Maui fire. What is going on?

Lol. Trump has nothing to do with this. It’s beyond sad that you had to bring him into this.
I must have been mistaken, I thought you were talking about how absurd it is for rich people to ask poor people to donate money.
Some rich people ask others to join them and to donate to a cause, some rich people ask others to donate directly to make the call.
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Lol. Let me guess, there is nothing fishy about any of this right? Even though there are videos of locals complaining and saying it wasn’t a natural fire.
you think the average American is informed enough to actually know what a "natural" fire would look like from the inside? How many of these locals had gone thru a similar event to be able to make that comparison? These are the same people that voted for/allowed their state/infrastructure to get away from maintaining their systems and implementing basic fire prevention techniques, but now suddenly they are experts?
Lol. Let me guess, there is nothing fishy about any of this right? Even though there are videos of locals complaining and saying it wasn’t a natural fire.

In addition to LouderVol making you look like a dumbass (again), you quoted my question and didn’t answer it. Making “questions” and “that’s fishy” your entire personality without even being able to articulate one single alternate explanation is lazy and pathetic
I must have been mistaken, I thought you were talking about how absurd it is for rich people to ask poor people to donate money.
Some rich people ask others to join them and to donate to a cause, some rich people ask others to donate directly to make the call.
BOT obviously hasn't had any experience with someone with Limerence.;)
you think the average American is informed enough to actually know what a "natural" fire would look like from the inside? How many of these locals had gone thru a similar event to be able to make that comparison? These are the same people that voted for/allowed their state/infrastructure to get away from maintaining their systems and implementing basic fire prevention techniques, but now suddenly they are experts?

Let me preface the paragraph below by saying I don't really have an opinion about what caused the Maui fire. I simply made an observation.

By "average American" are you referring to the majority of Americans who are informed by the news media and believe everything the media says as the gospel truth? Are you talking about the millions of Americans who believed masks protect us and also believed that if they got the vaccine they wouldn't get covid? Are you talking about the millions of Americans who bought the whole Trump/Russia made up lie? If these are the "average Americans" you are asking about being informed enough then my answer is NO.
This thread frustratingly proves groups of people are looking for ways to overthink the simple and underthink the complex.

Additionally frustrating for me because they don't even finish the overthinking, just stop at "questions" while providing zero possible answers.
Let me preface the paragraph below by saying I don't really have an opinion about what caused the Maui fire. I simply made an observation.

By "average American" are you referring to the majority of Americans who are informed by the news media and believe everything the media says as the gospel truth? Are you talking about the millions of Americans who believed masks protect us and also believed that if they got the vaccine they wouldn't get covid? Are you talking about the millions of Americans who bought the whole Trump/Russia made up lie? If these are the "average Americans" you are asking about being informed enough then my answer is NO.

If your answer is no then you're kneecapping your own point lol. The argument the conspiracy idiots are making is that this is all fishy and fake because random civilians in Hawaii (aka the "average Americans" above) say so
Let me preface the paragraph below by saying I don't really have an opinion about what caused the Maui fire. I simply made an observation.

By "average American" are you referring to the majority of Americans who are informed by the news media and believe everything the media says as the gospel truth? Are you talking about the millions of Americans who believed masks protect us and also believed that if they got the vaccine they wouldn't get covid? Are you talking about the millions of Americans who bought the whole Trump/Russia made up lie? If these are the "average Americans" you are asking about being informed enough then my answer is NO.
pretty sure Hawaii would have fallen pretty far into those categories you mention here.

and there is also the huge issue of during an actual disaster that people panic and get dumb. reasoning and logic tend to go out the door when you are dealing with a life threatening situation. There are plenty of things to question in this fire, like the state holding back water; but those clear obvious issues are hardly getting mentioned by many who are calling foul. instead they want to discuss trees and melted cars.
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Additionally frustrating for me because they don't even finish the overthinking, just stop at "questions" while providing zero possible answers.
my issue is that they ask the questions, and don't even both to do a bit of third-party research from whatever some random site told them. Like the emergency proclamation thing happening weeks before. There was an actual explanation of that, which took 2 seconds of googling to find an answer for. but they don't even attempt to look for a rational answer, they just want to go straight off the deep end.
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If your answer is no then you're kneecapping your own point lol. The argument the conspiracy idiots are making is that this is all fishy and fake because random civilians in Hawaii (aka the "average Americans" above) say so

My answer is no and it didnt kneecap my point....My point was the average American just goes with the flow and never questions anything. The people you were referring to were actually doing the opposite of that. They were asking questions and weren't willing to simply accept what the media reports or what the local leaders said was happening. That means they were not your "average American".
My answer is no and it didnt kneecap my point....My point was the average American just goes with the flow and never questions anything. The people you were referring to were actually doing the opposite of that. They were asking questions and weren't willing to simply accept what the media reports or what the local leaders said was happening. That means they were not your "average American".
With regard to understanding fires and how they work, yes they absolutely were.

"They weren't willing to simply accept what the media reports were saying, instead they simply accepted what the conspiracy idiots were saying and didn't question that either, and that makes them smart" lmao
Lol. Let me guess, there is nothing fishy about any of this right? Even though there are videos of locals complaining and saying it wasn’t a natural fire.

I've not seen these videos you cite but what is being described as a "natural fire"? Are we talking cause of ignition? How the fires actually behave? If the latter what possible reference could they have to how a fire of that magnitude would "naturally" behave? Or are they saying it was more like this:

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I am curious how Hawaiian islands produce electricity. That would seem a logistical nightmare. Guess they bring in LNG
I have to admit, I am impressed by/gaining respect for a number of posters in this thread for pushing back on some of the crackpot theories
my issue is that they ask the questions, and don't even both to do a bit of third-party research from whatever some random site told them. Like the emergency proclamation thing happening weeks before. There was an actual explanation of that, which took 2 seconds of googling to find an answer for. but they don't even attempt to look for a rational answer, they just want to go straight off the deep end.
Even a simple Google image search of wildfires shows it's common to see erratic burn patterns, houses and trees standing amid nothing but ashes, and cars burned while other cars in close proximity seemingly untouched.
Additionally frustrating for me because they don't even finish the overthinking, just stop at "questions" while providing zero possible answers.

Classic from the right. By asking the questions, they suggest an answer without committing themselves to (an obviously ludicrous) position. All the benefit of insinuating some conspiracy, none of the responsibility for making the claim.

Classic from the right. By asking the questions, they suggest an answer without committing themselves to (an obviously ludicrous) position. All the benefit of insinuating some conspiracy, none of the responsibility for making the claim.

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This isnt right or left because both do it depending on the issue. There is no need to twist a tribal knife in the flesh of your enemies, here.

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