Maurice Couch Tweet

The Honey Badger made several poor decisions while at LSU and was kicked off the team, in my opinion it was worse than MO Couch has done and it didn't effect him in going on into the NFL. Guys he made a mistake and owned up to it and yes he did break the rules but hasn't everybody broke a rule sometime in their life? My mommy told me not to touch that expensive vase but I just had to touch it. Go Vols and whip some Ducks a$$ tomorrow.
Even if he doesn't play this season, his stock for the NFL will be determined by the NFL combine and other methods. I'm not sure why people are saying that he may not get a shot at the NFL because of this.
If you donate to the atheltic department, in the form of purchasing season tix, you are by definition a booster. You can't give any money to any of the athletes in any of the sports that play for UT. I'm not saying that's fair, but that's the rules.

Thanks for the info, I will have to maybe get in contact with his wife or girlfriend somehow and give it to her since she is not on the football team. Been wanting to hand out a GIFT to somebody anyways.
I agree. And after stepping away for a bit and rereading some posts- I agree with most of your other posts too.

Especially the part about how just because he has a wife and a kid doesn't mean he took money to provide for his starving wife and child. That is a very good point- lots of guys with families break rules for purely self-interest reasons.

It seems people, myself included, were quick to jump to the defensive and find someway to justify it... and pointing to a "Feed a Starving Child for .10 a Day" commercial equivalent seemed liked a good way to do so. Who doesn't like a good "taking care of the family" story?

But you are right. There is no indication whether this money went to his wife, his kid, or a pair of Jordans and a few kegs.

Sometimes the orange tinted glasses get in the way. :hi:

It's all good on my end. I enjoy good discussions. :)

I hope that, at the least, it's obvious that I'm on Couch's side in this. It's possible to say, "Good God, you were a knucklehead. I hope it all works out, though." lol I've had that conversation with every one of my kids more times than I can count!
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Even if he doesn't play this season, his stock for the NFL will be determined by the NFL combine and other methods. I'm not sure why people are saying that he may not get a shot at the NFL because of this.

Because he has lost the opportunity to "prove it on the field." He wasn't a sure thing to be drafted high. This really hurts his stock.
We can't all agree that it was wrong.

Can we all agree that we wish him the best and would like to see him back in orange, and hopefully tearing it up in the NFL?

He's most recently shown character, apologized, and we should move right along, wishing him the best.

I can get behind this.
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You would have took the money just like he did,you don't know the reasoning behind why he took it. You do the right thing and don't judge him.

He shouldn't judge him, you say, but i guess he should feel free to make assumptions about him considering you just made a big one saying " you would have took the money".
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Because he has lost the opportunity to "prove it on the field." He wasn't a sure thing to be drafted high. This really hurts his stock.

I agree with you but he will be evaluated on his abilities at the combines. If he has a great combine showing then there is were his stock will rise or fall,not because he took some cash while playing in college. The NFL is about winning and if he can help a team win a Super Bowl then he will be drafted as high as he needs to be. Maybe Im just an idiot...
He shouldn't judge him, you say, but i guess he should feel free to make assumptions about him considering you just made a big one saying " you would have took the money".

You are I apologize for judging him, I made a mistake and owned up to it. Thanks for the second chance.
Not sure if serious.

Him admitting his mistakes and owning up to them shows a lot about his character.

Totally agree. He made a dumb mistake. He got caught and is facing the consequences without trying to squirm away. Isn't trying to point fingers at anyone else. All is forgiven and forgotten in my book.
He just admitted his guilt. That's not going to be overlooked by the investigators who normally would have the burden of proof. Mr. Couch just played right into the hands of the ncaa goons. Apparently no one ever told him that, unless there's video evidence, you always deny, deny, deny!

ding ding ding
Do you know the circumstances during that time?


Nobody does. I'd hold judgment until more information is released, if any is.

There are food stamps and families first that are provided for situations like u r referring to. I actually LOL at the comment of him possibly taking the $ to feed his starving family.
He should have just signed autographs in the mall for $25 cash. He would have only lost a half of eligibility.
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Glad he manned up, but these guys know the rules. I understand the argument that "he has to feed his family", but do any of us know if that is why he took the cash? The skeptic in me say probably not. When half the nation is able to get government assistance, I am sure Mo and his wife could have received some help if it was needed. Not to mention, if you're having a hard time providing for one don't get your wife pregnant with another. I'd love to give the benefit of the doubt, but... Flame away.
Hard to believe it wasn't Da'Rick. Mo Couch was totally left field. I hope he comes out okay.
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yeah maybe I sound harsh, but I have zero sympathy, every athlete knows damn well the consequences of taking money long before they EVER EVER EVER set foot on a campus, ultimately this is purely selfish behavior and shows they care more about this money then doing what is right for the team.

The posts talking about how he should have kept quiet, and make them prove the guilt, and or the need for players to keep their stories straight is Fing disturbing and says a hell of a lot about those that posted it, and the state of morals in this country. Weak, pathetic, and dishonorable.......Couch did the right thing to apologize, but that DOES NOT make this right, it's the first step though, and I will give him respect for at least being more of a man than many who post here, but he and the other players caused this mess....and making it right may or may not ever be possible. There are repercussions when you knowingly decide to put your greed before your team and brothers...

Thanks for apologizing, but's hardly a fix.
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Sorry i'm not gonna read the last 20 pages of posts, but do you guys actually think the NCAA is gonna do anything when Fluker is involved, I think not. Besides he could have just been tweeting in response to his heat exhaustion. LOL!

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