Maurice Couch Tweet

completely ridiculous but keep it up. It's entertaining on a friday afternoon

What's ridiculous about listing the publicly posted free time by UT football players, when you've posited they have none?

I posted that it would take 3.8 hours a week to legally earn the $2000/yr. He could do 7.6 hours a week in the offseason. He could work a full 40 hour week one month a year and pretty much get there.

That's impossible for a UT football player? That's not a much safer bet for someone getting thousands of dollars a year in food, housing, clothes.. not to mention a free education and NFL hopes? Pardon my frankness, but you're the one being ridiculous.

no one can answer that without knowing the circumstances behind it

I believe he pretty much answered that in his Twitter apology (Hint: Apology == I'm sorry I did it.) In any event, you're obviously denying the obvious if you think he wouldn't do it all over if he could.

But alas, on to more important things. You never answered my question.

Will you be my friend? :)
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I respect Mo for owning up to his mistake , but I wouldn't have said anything . If that reporter doesn't turn over evidence nothing may come of it . Someone said he wasn't gonna turn it over
Incorrect but you're welcome to your opinion. I'm only critical because it is selfish and damaging to the team. If you disagree, fine, so be it.
We can't all agree that it was wrong.

Can we all agree that we wish him the best and would like to see him back in orange, and hopefully tearing it up in the NFL?

He's most recently shown character, apologized, and we should move right along, wishing him the best.
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What on earth does any of that have to do with the contract he signed? Maybe every D1 recruit should lawyer up before signing the contract. I'm all for it.

Couch was under contract, and it was stupid for him to take the risks of breaking it. Tweet him and ask him if he could go back and decline the $$$. Tweet him and ask him if he wishes he'd never signed to play D1 football.

I think we both know the answers you'd get.

I don't have twitter. They sign an LOI, which they just shouldn't sign. Of course as you suggest, there's no lawyer around. If there were, they'd be counseled not to sign it.

As Andy Staples wrote here:

"Just remember: You don't have to sign every form they shove in front of you. In fact, you shouldn't. "

"So now Vanderdoes is faced with losing one of his four years of collegiate eligibility—not a redshirt year, but an actual season of football—because he signed the worst contract in American sports." (emphasis mine)

The Case Against The Letter Of Intent - 06.17.13 - SI Vault

As I wrote earlier, I don't know why Couch did it, just that he did. Beyond the issue of money, which I guess we'll disagree on, there's the punishment. Of the 5 players, only Couch will be punished. Couch apologized, which is an admission, and that has, in the past, been considered "good", by the NCAA.

I guess what I'm saying is that in light of Miami, Vanderbilt, UNC, Penn State, nauseum...He should be allowed to get off light. He's a good guy who made a mistake and owned up...geez there are people who want to re hire Pearl.

When you ask, what am I talking about...Specifically, that the system is broken and it needs a major over haul and that the players have a value which the NCAA aka the Universities, do their best to ARTIFICIALLY deflate.

It's hypocritical, the money being made, to punish Couch or any other player harshly for taking chump change. Let's face it, the punishment is really designed to deter others from making the same mistake, how's that been working out for the last 50 years?

I mean, the NCAA going after Manziel for autographs, WHILE selling his jersey in the NCAA on line store?!?

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Pure class. However, given the NCAAs trouble in gathering evidence, and their lack of subpoena power, I would have waited to make a statement.

Pretty sure the Yahoo reporter isn't giving up his evidence. At least that was reported yesterday.

Think about the program and lie like Johnny football, we dont need reduced scholly.
Yes, confronting the morally bankrupt and those that don't care about kids in the program breaking rules, then calling them as I see them, yes, it makes me feel better. I call it as I see it, and when people are so busy patting the guy on the back for apologizing, but ignoring the damage he does to himself and is doing to the team, I find fault with that.
Guys, the mods around here work hard for free. Let's not make busy-work for them, and just refrain from the personal attacks and name calling, eh?
No. Jesus would forgive him and move on. Not like these sanctimonious tools who want to keep beating him up over it.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Admitting wrong is the first step towards forgiveness. I'm glad Couch is willing to do this. Jesus would also say go and sin no more. There has to be an element of change, a willingness to mend the heart. Hopefully Couch can eventual heal from all this and learn something of value for his life and family. However the consequences of actions tend to remain- forgiveness does not always alleviate guilt or the weight of justice. Though it is not our responsibility as fans to punish him. He is already undergoing his punishment and certainly has already suffered humiliation in front of the entire nation. So lets forgive him and move on like you said.

However I also think though there is a place in order to discuss whether an action is ethical. Discussions of ethics are important for our society and it is a healthy thing. I think its highly appropriate to discuss whether or not the action of what he did is right or wrong, due to the fact that this seems to be a very common issue in college sports and regardless of the individual. Couch is only one out of many young men who have done this, so I'm more interested in the ethical decisions of said individuals. Punishment, however is not ours to issue. I'm not going to beat up Couch just to prove a point. I try to approach situations like this with sensitivity and ultimate goal of forgiveness and reconciliation.
Guys, the mods around here work hard for free. Let's not make busy-work for them, and just refrain from the personal attacks and name calling, eh?

I'm cool with polite and respectful disagreement, NOT COOL with people coming after my town or the high school I went to and support. After saying stuff about my wife or kids, that is the quickest way to piss me off and why I reacted the way I did.

I'm sorry for letting someone like him get to me, but he did.
I'm cool with polite and respectful disagreement, NOT COOL with people coming after my town or the high school I went to and support. After saying stuff about my wife or kids, that is the quickest way to piss me off and why I reacted the way I did.

I'm sorry for letting someone like him get to me, but he did.

It's a message board. :)

Ease into a good weekend. lol
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We can't all agree that it was wrong.

Can we all agree that we wish him the best and would like to see him back in orange, and hopefully tearing it up in the NFL?

He's most recently shown character, apologized, and we should move right along, wishing him the best.

I agree. And after stepping away for a bit and rereading some posts- I agree with most of your other posts too.

Especially the part about how just because he has a wife and a kid doesn't mean he took money to provide for his starving wife and child. That is a very good point- lots of guys with families break rules for purely self-interest reasons.

It seems people, myself included, were quick to jump to the defensive and find someway to justify it... and pointing to a "Feed a Starving Child for .10 a Day" commercial equivalent seemed liked a good way to do so. Who doesn't like a good "taking care of the family" story?

But you are right. There is no indication whether this money went to his wife, his kid, or a pair of Jordans and a few kegs.

Sometimes the orange tinted glasses get in the way. :hi:
Im glad all of Volnation knows that I am a jackass and an idiot. What would happen if I was to send money to Mo Couch through Western Union and he accepts it? Is that a NCAA violation since I donate every year to the school when I purchase my season tickets? Or how about after a home game I meet Mr.Couch and said let me take you and your family out for dinner, is that a violation too. I know Im not a booster or an agent but I do give to the Tennessee Volunteers Scholarship Fund. Hell, if all he needs to do is pay the money back and all is forgiven I may just have to do that. Wait... would that be a violation also?
Not necessarily. Aren't there cases where the money has been paid back and eligibility retained?

I think Bryce Brown paid something back to a camp someone paid for him to go to -- alot of NCAA BS before that 09 season started but of course Kiffin was the main target.
via Twitter:

@MoTrilla44: I want to apologize to everyone from my family,teammates, n the Volnation. Im sorry I let u guys down. #orangeswarm #beattheducks #117

It happens every yr in college football. Just wished it didn't happen with MO. The smoke will eventually clear. GO VOLS!
Im glad all of Volnation knows that I am a jackass and an idiot. What would happen if I was to send money to Mo Couch through Western Union and he accepts it? Is that a NCAA violation since I donate every year to the school when I purchase my season tickets? Or how about after a home game I meet Mr.Couch and said let me take you and your family out for dinner, is that a violation too. I know Im not a booster or an agent but I do give to the Tennessee Volunteers Scholarship Fund. Hell, if all he needs to do is pay the money back and all is forgiven I may just have to do that. Wait... would that be a violation also?

If you donate to the atheltic department, in the form of purchasing season tix, you are by definition a booster. You can't give any money to any of the athletes in any of the sports that play for UT. I'm not saying that's fair, but that's the rules.

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