Maurice Couch Tweet

True but as minor as the charge is he may see it as a way to 1. Get the AA to rule on a punishment and possibly get back on the field this year. And/or 2. Distance the University from this by taking full responsibility.

Yeah, I should clarify that I wasn't criticizing him for taking responsibility for his actions. He has to do what is right for him. We obviously don't have all the facts.
You would have took the money just like he did,you don't know the reasoning behind why he took it. You do the right thing and don't judge him.

No I wouldn't because I wouldn't have been in his position. My dream was to play for the Big Orange and there is no way in hell I'd do something that screwed that up. Don't accuse me of doing things if I was in his position, you don't know me.

Rules are rules and they know them, which is why you can't do things like he did.
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Pure class. However, given the NCAAs trouble in gathering evidence, and their lack of subpoena power, I would have waited to make a statement.

Pretty sure the Yahoo reporter isn't giving up his evidence. At least that was reported yesterday.

Alabama is making sure of that
Yeah, I should clarify that I wasn't criticizing him for taking responsibility for his actions. He has to do what is right for him. We obviously don't have all the facts.

Yea I knew you weren't criticizing him. I was just trying to get into his motives for taking full responsibility.
No I wouldn't because I wouldn't have been in his position. My dream was to play for the Big Orange and there is no way in hell I'd do something that screwed that up. Don't accuse me of doing things if I was in his position, you don't know me.

Rules are rules and they know them, which is why you can't do things like he did.

YEA RIGHT!!!!! whatever MR.PERFECT... And I don't know you but I do know a lot of ppl in his situation with a wife and a child taking classes and practicing football with no money will take some cash if offered to them. Come down off your high horse,maybe you cant cause you are a VIKING from Bristol.
Yup. Just checked UTSports and they actually have them listed on his profile.

Not making excuses for him... but being that young, married w/ a kid, going to college and playing D1 football on the biggest stage is hard to do. Let alone holding down a job at the same time to support a family. Probably the reason why he made a couple handshakes.

He has a daughter and another child on the way. I don't blame him for taking the money because I would have done the same thing. Even if I did not have a kid. The only thing he did wrong was not take straight cash homie. You can't let that hit your bank account.
Isn't Mo married with a has a daughter? I've always commended him for doing what he does while having a family! Hope nothing comes of this, bc hes a standup guy, an a VFL!!

Would have been alot easier to give the cash to the wife - if he doesnt play again for UT, making the NFL will be that much tougher for him. That Alabama mule is a scumbag.
typical modern day society... we have rules but its ok to break them because we know u r a good guy..

bs he thought he could get away with it so he toook the risk.. now he got caught sorry.. kick his butt off the team n move on..

btw he is putting the whole footbal team at risk due to our current situation on probation.. nothing may happen but he was.thinking only of him n not tn or the team...bottom line..
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"Hey guys, I admit I took cash." Dumb move. Never admit guilt, ever.

Deny, deny, deny, and you could get away with it if there aren't enough proof.

I guess I missed the part where he admitted to taking money.
After reading his tweet I sent him a cheer up card through Western Union. In all seriousness you have to respect the guy for owning up to his mistake.
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Maybe we shouldn't have players who have kids on the football team if they're going to take outside money.
typical modern day society... we have rules but its ok to break them because we know u r a good guy..

bs he thought he could get away with it so he toook the risk.. now he got caught sorry.. kick his butt off the team n move on..

btw he is putting the whole footbal team at risk due to our current situation on probation.. nothing may happen but he was.thinking only of him n not tn or the team...bottom line..

None of us now know or will ever know the full facts about this situation. We can speculate all we want to and spin it either way.
But our thoughts mean jack squat.

In the end, Mo has to do what he feels is best for he and his family.

That's the bottom line.
He has a wife and kid as far as I know, and per NCAA rules he can't work to support them, even in the off season. Some decisions aren't as easy as they seem. This has happened all across college sports and continues to happen. If a scout thinks you're good enough to go pro, they'll spot you some cash. Just the way it is. No need to rush to sanctimonious judgment of any of these athletes. Sure they typically do get away with it, and I'm sure some take it just because they can, but others may actually need it. Who knows.
it absolutely can be. Your future career means nothing if your kid is hungry

I don't know if that's the case but it's not like the guy is swimming in money as a college football player with no job


I wasn't a D1 football scholarship with a free ride and a hopeful NFL future, but I was a young, broke father. I never stole or dealt drugs to feed my kids. I worked 2-3 jobs, lived within our means, and applied myself sacrificially to improving myself.

I knew that a father in jail wouldn't provide for her better than someone who did it the right way. Couch knew that:

Making himself ineligible would threaten his education.

It would threaten his future NFL career.

He traded an escape from the cycle of poverty for convenience. Period.

I am glad to see him own it and respond like a man. Kudos to Couch.
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