Maurice Couch Tweet

Lots of people commenting about what they would and wouldn't do for their kids when it is pretty evident they don't have any.

Until you become a father (or mother), you have no idea how you would react to a hypothetical situation involving your child. That connection you share with your kid is something that can't be felt or speculated on until it happens.

Sorry, but unless you are a parent- you have no idea.

And lol at the folks telling to Mo to get a "legitimate job". Really? How is he supposed to do that without violating NCAA rules?
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how much money does that pay to a college player?

His college education and its degree is worth far more than $1,000. If he legitimately needed help to put food in his families mouths, there are tons of ways he can get assistance.
Didn't take long for morality police to show up. A new VN record.

Couch screwed up, and owned it. Anyone that can't see this as a high character move is an idiot. Unless you happen to be completely perfect, then I say judge away.

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so you were able to work and earn money. How exactly does Couch do that?

How many 1000s of hours does the UT football team Volympics have logged so far this year? It doesn't sound like 24x7 is dedicated to football/school.

I'm not saying it would be easy, just like working three jobs wasn't easy at the time. And I didn't have off-seasons. And I didn't have stipends, housing, all-you-can-eat buffets, nutritionists, free clothes, etc... It seems to me, with all that provided, a part time job could stave off hunger pains for a man's kid-- especially considering that $1300 apparently did, according some of the alarmists on this site.

Again, not saying it would be easy, but it was a response to the assertion that a man's future had nothing to do with his kid's present. It has everything to do with the kid's present, because it is setting up the kid's future.

So, to recap: Couch jeapordized:
  1. A college education
  2. A potential NFL future.
  3. Free clothes.
  4. All the food that he, personally, could eat.
  5. His player housing.
  6. His stipend.
  7. Examples of integrity that will be sorely needed in raising his kid(s).
  8. For roughly $1300.
Not only was it wrong. It was dumb. It was not even a roughly logical response to the situation. I am glad that he has owned it and is responding in such a way that he shows growth. I hope he stays of the team, balls out, and dominates in the NFL.

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The guy took money from a person. A very small amount of money. He didn't knife an old lady and steal her purse. If every college athlete that took an improper benefit had to sit out this Saturday then you would have no college football to watch this weekend.

Nobody is comparing it to murder, but the fact is that regardless of what you did, losing your eligibility hurts your team and your teammates, and ultimately is a very selfish thing to do. Nobody is comparing Mo to Aaron Hernandez, but he still did something that might cost him his college eligibility, and that isn't good.
His college education and its degree is worth far more than $1,000. If he legitimately needed help to put food in his families mouths, there are tons of ways he can get assistance.

"We know you can't provide for your family now... but just hold out for 3-4 years! It will be so worth it then!"

No one is disputing the value of the education he is receiving or the opportunity he being afforded to hopefully make it the NFL.

That doesn't provide for needs immediately. It isn't like he can decide to "pull up his work boots and live the American dream" and go get a job.

Something needs to change.
It's not about sitting on a high horse. It's about individual responsibility and accepting the consequences of your own decisions. It's fine that he's apologizing to fans, but he is in this situation because of his decisions only. It's not the NCAA's fault that he decided to start a family as a college student with no money.

You chastising him for mistakes in life is sitting on a high horse. Unless you never made a mistake, don't throw that stone.
The worst mistake Couch made was not taking more money. If you are going to break rules you might as well go all out. He maned up and admitted to it, and I respect him big time for it. No reason to drag this on when you are guilty and become a distraction for your team like Manziel. He broke a rule, owned up to it, and now it's time to move on.
You wouldn't cheat on Hillary? :)

No, I wouldn't.

She scares me.

I just hope this leads to Alabama losing 2 national championships.

Now, more than ever, it is apparent that we should be paying college players. This is the riskiest job around and they don't get one red cent for it.
The worst mistake Couch made was not taking more money. If you are going to break rules you might as well go all out. He maned up and admitted to it, and I respect him big time for it. No reason to drag this on when you are guilty and become a distraction for your team like Manziel. He broke a rule, owned up to it, and now it's time to move on.

Maybe Mo will just have to sit out the first quarter of the S Alabama game :)
Lots of people commenting about what they would and wouldn't do for their kids when it is pretty evident they don't have any.

Until you become a father (or mother), you have no idea how you would react to a hypothetical situation involving your child. That connection you share with your kid is something that can't be felt or speculated on until it happens.

Sorry, but unless you are a parent- you have no idea.

And lol at the folks telling to Mo to get a "legitimate job". Really? How is he supposed to do that without violating NCAA rules?

First of all, there is ZERO evidence he did this to feed his family and I don't believe he is even claiming that. Secondly, I'm critical of the man and I have two children, so while I would do anything necessary to ensure they survive, I don't think Mo was in that situation with his family. If so, there are any number of things he can legally and within NCAA rules, do, to make sure they get help. Our issue with him is that he didn't need to take money, even if it was to feed the family, and in doing so, he is hurting the team and ultimately, himself.
Didn't take long for morality police to show up. A new VN record.

Couch screwed up, and owned it. Anyone that can't see this as a high character move is an idiot. Unless you happen to be completely perfect, then I say judge away.


It's really disturbing.

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