McCuller's Impact vs Oregon

Reading this made me re-watch the wku game. Dan is double teamed almost every play he is in unless wku runs the play away from him.

However Dan is also not in the game on wku's final TD possession following the blocked punt. This series finishes with 23 seconds remaining in the half.

Watching the previous defensive stand which he was in on that resulted in a Randolph interception, Dan was not hustling and looked tired. He was double teamed constantly but he is not in shape to get it done for more than a couple of plays in a row.

So I agree with both sides of the debate.
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Coaches or teammates need to get in his head and challenge him more. He has the size and talent just needs to let it go. Reminds me of the movie The Blind Side. Get PO'd at someone big guy and get after it!!
This has been my thought as well. It's not so much that he sucks or anything; far from it. But I really don't feel that he's played (thus far) to his talent and ability level. The guy has been blessed with size but doesn't quite play like it.
Size is only attribute for a DL. Poor Dan doesn't have any attack mode nor the slightest mean in him. He takes up some space but not much beyond that. I don't think he causes any opponents real concern. He has no motor to turn on.
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McCullers has been underwhelming thus far. He really needs to step it up.

Perhaps you missed the numerous times he was double and triple teamed against WKU. Hard to do a lot when you've got that many on you, but that opens up other lanes for other defensive players to make big plays. They have to scheme to keep him out of the backfield. Then, other guys make the plays. It's been really important to have him out there. They know he's dangerous.
Maybe we should play Danny O'Brien instead. Give me a break, Big Dan is making an impact. Maybe it's not the impact some of you think he should be making,but it's a lot better than what our other options are.
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If you watched the replays on Ap and wku big Dan done a good job plugging the middle not much went up the middle..His presence and him coming after you is enough to be effective. I bet the first thing opposing team players say is "hell fire" hate to get tackled by that big gorilla.
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The only thing I see about MCcullers is the fact that he is Big....not at all impressed, I'd love to see him dominate, but it's probably not going to happen
If you watched the replays on Ap and wku big Dan done a good job plugging the middle not much went up the middle..His presence and him coming after you is enough to be effective. I bet the first thing opposing team players say is "hell fire" hate to get tackled by that big gorilla.

Or Hell Fire, that big fella is a marshmellow
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Big Dan seems to be doing the minimum and good at that, but it would be great if he got pissed off and fired up and hell bent, like the one on one clip during practice we saw a month or so ago when he showed his dominance. Hopefully we see that side of him again.
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This. I watched him get stood straight up and pushed back several times by a single O-lineman from WKU! He's flat out over rated. He's got potential, but, Potential don't mean **** without heart and will!

We'll see..

Even the announcers saw it and commented on it.
I would call it a difference of opinion regarding the creation of chaos more than negative criticism of big Dan. IMO
No question he is doubled often. And I see the push he gets against O-lines. I just think somebody that large should be able to get off a blocker better than he does. You don;t have to always get to the qb or rb, just shed a blocker and make a play when they are running past you.

Pretty sure we have seen that, I have seen him apart of the gang tackle when they tried to run the hole he had stuffed, and I know I have seen him get some licks on the Qb after he released.....maybe didn't get a sack, but i guarantee he got in his head, neck, back, and jock strap when big boy fell on him.
From now on, SgtNickFury will be known to me as McCullersMom or MzMcCullers.

Oh hell no, I'll take the paternity test, no way I am paying that man's food bill.

But "I learned about Defense playing madden" status has been noted and approved, will send your decoder ring in the mail.
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I don't care what you're seeing with your own 2 eyes, playing DT is all about gap control, dealing with the double team and stopping the run. The defensive ends and the linebackers are primarily responsible for rushing the QB. You have to play the position to know that and I'm betting you never have.

McCullers is a VFL.

A disruptive DT who can penetrate into the backfield is the best way to slow oregon down - this is what Fairley did in the NT game for Auburn against Oregon

I am not sure big Dan will be that guy but Hood holding the line of scrimmage and not getting penetration isnt enough against Oregon - most likely candidates are big dan and couch and I think both will have to get into the backfield at will for us to win

our LB's just can't play with Oregon in space

The LSU, Stanford and Auburn games would be a good start to prepare. Talent-wise we are not where LSU was but probably close to the other two teams. Once Oregon gets rolling they score in bunches so we need negative plays on defense and a huge TOP advantage.
McCullers has maybe been our worst D first team player up to this point. Disappointing.
It's amazing how some of you seem to ignore the fact that WKU used a 3-step drop almost exclusively. We were able to collapse the pocket with 4 and sometimes 3 down-linemen, many times when WKU kept a TE or RB in to pass protect, and a big part of that was McCullers getting a push. It allowed us to drop 7 into coverage, resulting in a bunch of picks. Is Dan playing at an all-world level? No. Is he doing his job in this defense? Yes.
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