McCuller's Impact vs Oregon

Big Dan's made only 3 tackles in 2 games, he must do much better if we are to win against ranked teams. Someone needs to call out his mother and see if he's capable of playing with a chip on his shoulder, if not he may just be our big goodwill ambassador.

There is a lot of posts already in the thread discussing DTs and their stats.

Can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not.
A great DaMac play....

I would like to see him out there every play, he can't be a presence when he's not there, but he definitely makes a big difference when he is.

6-3 right there....

That is NOT a great play. It's an ok play. He wasn't double or even triple teamed as some here have suggested. He didn't fire off the ball and he stood up and played patty cake with the OL. Yes, he made the tackle, but a full effort play with his power would have been a loss of 2 instead of a gain of 2.

Again, not really trying to rip they guy, just would like to see all out effort on every play. That is not 6-3. Maybe I expect too much out of him?

In his defense, I will say it looks like the coaches were not asking them to penetrate on that play, but rather hold their ground (which big Dan did MUCH better than Hood).
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I'm not knocking the guy, but McCuller is not very good. He's not bad--but he's not good either. He doesn't fire off the LOS, he plays too high (raising up out of his stance usually at the snap of the ball) and he doesn't have much stamina. If he were fit and aggressive and played low, he'd be destroying offensive linemen. He doesn't do that. Henderson was more fit than Dan, much stronger and played lower--now he was a FORCE. Maybe Dan will get there, but he'll need to work harder. I don't see him doing much against Oregon as they are going to attacking our edges more than our middle, and he's going to get tired pretty quickly. Hope I'm wrong!
The others in question I'm not really concerned with, the scouts have a very different opinion.

The guy has GOT to improve on his endurance, no one is arguing that, but to say he's no good? Fing trolls the lot of you, anyone with half a brain knows that's BS. Troll on....
ok first of all i really doubt this mccullers is going to draw a double team from us simply because he is an unusually large person. his height is listed as 6'8" which always begs the question "why didnt you make him an offensive linemen"? a player that tall tends to do better as a pass rusher and not so good as a run stuffer(harder to get leverage)
more important than size for a linemen(on either side of the ball)are:

1. strength
2. quickness off the ball
3. ability to get leverage

if mccullers cannot assert dominance in at least one of those areas i suggested at least part of the time hes going to get pushed all over the field like a sack of potatoes i should think.
ok first of all i really doubt this mccullers is going to draw a double team from us simply because he is an unusually large person. his height is listed as 6'8" which always begs the question "why didnt you make him an offensive linemen"? a player that tall tends to do better as a pass rusher and not so good as a run stuffer(harder to get leverage)
more important than size for a linemen(on either side of the ball)are:

1. strength
2. quickness off the ball
3. ability to get leverage

if mccullers cannot assert dominance in at least one of those areas i suggested at least part of the time hes going to get pushed all over the field like a sack of potatoes i should think.[/QUOTE]

He has slim down and he's still 350lb, so I doubt he gets pushed around like a sack of potatoes.
ok first of all i really doubt this mccullers is going to draw a double team from us simply because he is an unusually large person. his height is listed as 6'8" which always begs the question "why didnt you make him an offensive linemen"? a player that tall tends to do better as a pass rusher and not so good as a run stuffer(harder to get leverage)
more important than size for a linemen(on either side of the ball)are:

1. strength
2. quickness off the ball
3. ability to get leverage

if mccullers cannot assert dominance in at least one of those areas i suggested at least part of the time hes going to get pushed all over the field like a sack of potatoes i should think.

OK, now I've said in this thread that he doesn't give good effort on lots of plays, doesn't fire off the ball like he should a lot of times and plays too high much of the time. BUT, I can promise you that he will NOT get pushed all over the field like a sack of potatoes.... lol
The others in question I'm not really concerned with, the scouts have a very different opinion.

The guy has GOT to improve on his endurance, no one is arguing that, but to say he's no good? Fing trolls the lot of you, anyone with half a brain knows that's BS. Troll on....

So you are saying that he does give good effort, play with good pad level and fire off the ball on a majority of the plays he is in the game??

Not many in here are saying he is no good, just that his effort is lacking.
Well, I'm concerned about our DTs getting push up the inside, I'm more concerned with our DEs "setting the edge". This, to me, seems more important against Oregon. We can't let their Qb and Rb run outside all day for big gains. This is one way Stanford was able to stop their ability to score, last year.
ok first of all i really doubt this mccullers is going to draw a double team from us simply because he is an unusually large person. his height is listed as 6'8" which always begs the question "why didnt you make him an offensive linemen"? a player that tall tends to do better as a pass rusher and not so good as a run stuffer(harder to get leverage)
more important than size for a linemen(on either side of the ball)are:

1. strength
2. quickness off the ball
3. ability to get leverage

if mccullers cannot assert dominance in at least one of those areas i suggested at least part of the time hes going to get pushed all over the field like a sack of potatoes i should think.

Oh, yes! Yes! Please, this ^. I am so ready for a team to stop double and triple teaming him...

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