McShay picks WKU in upset special

I believe TN wins handily. That being said, I believe Butch has a lot of pressure on him today. He's going against a more proven coach (according to everyone else) who has a team with lesser talent in most areas. If TN gets down, how does he handle team moral? How does his staff make adjustments? Can they find the opponents weaknesses and exploit it? I think this game is a great first "test" for the team but more so for CBJ to prove to everyone what most of us believe already. JMO
I honestly believe we win this game easily, likely by 3 touchdowns. If we lose to freaking Western Kentucky, at home, at team that hasn't been Division I that long (or FBS whatever) then our program is in much bigger trouble than I could ever have imagined.
When we beat WKU it will be because WKU is garbage, not because we are good. Book it.
The go-to VolNation response to a critique:

"I'll take *insert a rival colleague" anyday."
Todd McShay needs to stay in his lane. Badly predicting the NFL Draft
Hey mcshay your a EFF-Tard, where u at WKU!!! What a joke!!! Never poke a sleeping giant!!!
I say all of you fly up to Bristol, CT and storm the castle! That'll teach 'em a lesson.
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So what? They get paid to talk. If they're wrong, who cares? If you have to choose between audio and video, choose video....Go with what you see, not what you hear.

Also, who is Brent M?

So what? I'll tell you what. People should be paid for their performance/accuracy. It's called professionalism - mmkay?

Also, I care about what I hear and see. I'd like it to be spot-on if possible. With these guys, errors are so common its freshman-like. That might not matter to you, but you probably grew up with television as a parent, math teachers telling you to use a calculator instead of your brain and getting trophies for coming to practice.

Brent Musburger. Ever heard of him?
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