McShay picks WKU in upset special

So what? I'll tell you what. People should be paid for their performance/accuracy. It's called professionalism - mmkay?

Also, I care about what I hear and see. I'd like it to be spot-on if possible. With these guys, errors are so common its freshman-like. That might not matter to you, but you probably grew up with television as a parent, math teachers telling you to use a calculator instead of your brain and getting trophies for coming to practice.

Brent Musburger. Ever heard of him?

Let's fire every news reporter and especially every Meteorologist then. Sound good?

These guys don't make commission. They are paid to talk. That's it. Get over it.
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Some of these people who are bad mouthing Todd McShay were saying some of the same things earlier this week... Just saying
So what? I'll tell you what. People should be paid for their performance/accuracy. It's called professionalism - mmkay?

Also, I care about what I hear and see. I'd like it to be spot-on if possible. With these guys, errors are so common its freshman-like. That might not matter to you, but you probably grew up with television as a parent, math teachers telling you to use a calculator instead of your brain and getting trophies for coming to practice.

Brent Musburger. Ever heard of him?

It was an upset pick! How can he be certain he's accurate when it's a prediction before the contest is played? It can't be done.

So should all the people that had K-State or Oregon State winning last week be fired as well?

To the rest of your post, I've earned everything I've gotten... by not getting my panties in a wad when someone says something I don't like. Grow Up!
So what happened to All-NFL Linebacker Andrew Jackson? I don't recall his name being called much today! :eek:lol:

Hey WKU, now you can use all those "Topple Tennessee" shirts to dry your eyes with!!
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A FCS team scored 28 points of so called T&M team, UTSA scored 35 on Oklahoma State, UAB has scored 17 on LSU already ...nobody brings that up but a lot of football pundits have been hung on WKU scoring 20 on us ..they think our win is due to 5 turnovers in 6 plays and they call it WKU blunder ..
Well ..we created those turnovers ..our players made those plays ..also when clowny sacked Bray last year people praised Clowny for his "presence" ..well this year we showed presence !!
Who hires such morons on ESPN, ABC and other big channels was obvious that WKU was never going to be any match for UT...but they kept picking them up to win the game ..really WKU ?? I dont care who coaches them Petrino or Saban.
Our Passing game had no rhythm today and we still handed WKU 52 points (easily could have scored few more) ..thats the way it is !!
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A FCS team scored 28 points of so called T&M team, UTSA scored 35 on Oklahoma State, UAB has scored 17 on LSU already ...nobody brings that up but a lot of football pundits have been hung on WKU scoring 20 on us ..they think our win is due to 5 turnovers in 6 plays and they call it WKU blunder ..
Well ..we created those turnovers ..our players made those plays ..also when clowny sacked Bray last year people praised Clowny for his "presence" ..well this year we showed presence !!
Who hires such morons on ESPN, ABC and other big channels was obvious that WKU was never going to be any match for UT...but they kept picking them up to win the game ..really WKU ?? I dont care who coaches them Petrino or Saban.
Our Passing game had no rhythm today and we still handed WKU 52 points (easily could have scored few more) ..thats the way it is !!

well the perception they have of us is that we suck. and the perception of wku is that the have a genius for a thats what u get
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this may not go with the topic but three of four teams i cant stand got beat today. florida, notre dame, and so. california. now looking for ohio st to go down and i will be happier than a puppy with two peters.

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