Merry Christmas from Gov. Abbott

They weren’t my neighbor until they trespassed into my neighborhood. Again. How many are you taking in this holiday season?
Yeah, I totally remember that part from the Good Samaritan story where Jesus says if you didn't have anything to do with the guy being beat up on the roadside, you can walk on by.
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Yeah, I totally remember that part from the Good Samaritan story where Jesus says if you didn't have anything to do with the guy being beat up on the roadside, you can walk on by.

Not to speak for hog but I'm pretty sure he doesn't care about Biblical proverbs.
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Love thy neighbor as thyself doesn’t just apply to the folks on the other side of the white picket fence.
I’m agnostic, so a biblical appeal means nothing. It has nothing to do with the color of their skin or where they came from or why they’re here. If I don’t want to take care of them, should I be forced to?
It's interesting that two of the frontrunners to challenge Trump within the GOP are opting for strategies about social issues, rather than economic ones.

DeSantis is going anti-science and anti-gay, Abbott is going anti-immigrant. Bold strategy, lets see if it works out for them Cotton.
Texas is being overrun and they are sure better in some shelter in DC than in some overcrowded Texas complex.
I bet if you asked the illegals they are happy. So stop using it as some political stunt lefties.
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It's interesting that two of the frontrunners to challenge Trump within the GOP are opting for strategies about social issues, rather than economic ones.

DeSantis is going anti-science and anti-gay, Abbott is going anti-immigrant. Bold strategy, lets see if it works out for them Cotton.

Notice the common thread there is "anti". No wonder conservatives are sometimes called reactionary. They just react (usually disclosing fear). They don't actually solve problems.
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It's interesting that two of the frontrunners to challenge Trump within the GOP are opting for strategies about social issues, rather than economic ones.

DeSantis is going anti-science and anti-gay, Abbott is going anti-immigrant. Bold strategy, lets see if it works out for them Cotton.

Illegal immigration is an economic issue.
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Yeah, I totally remember that part from the Good Samaritan story where Jesus says if you didn't have anything to do with the guy being beat up on the roadside, you can walk on by.

I’ve got an employee and his family put up in a hotel this weekend on the company dime because their furnace is out and can’t be repaired until next week. So don’t give me any biblical BS.

How many illegals are you hosting?
Maybe one of the biggest POS moves I've ever seen from a politician. But he'll go to church tomorrow wearing his little wwjd bracelet and act like he loves him some Jesus because that's what's good for business and politics in Texas - the act, not the substance.

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We do need manual labor.
We need TRADES and STEM. We don’t need a huge number of people coming over with skills unmatched to need. That’s my biggest issue with how immigration is administered, or should be administered. It isn’t administered at all right now
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We need TRADES and STEM. We don’t need a huge number of people coming over with skills unmatched to need. That’s my biggest issue with how immigration is administered, or should be administered. It isn’t administered at all right now

Why don't these illegals apply for green cards or work visas?
They are disenfranchising the people that are waiting in line and doing it legally. Of course the leftists love their illegalities.
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Why don't these illegals apply for green cards or work visas?
They are disenfranchising the people that are waiting in line and doing it legally. Of course the leftists love their illegalities.
I think you kinda answered your own question. We haven’t managed the border in so long that they don’t see an issue with entering outside the law. Then you’ve got some of the migration assistance groups putting the ideas in their head to just ignore the system. We’ve had discussions over that here on the larger caravan organizers.
The whole border crisis is a disgrace, so spare me Abbotts "stunt"
You don't see the hardships this has put on the border states, towns, and services. And you don't care.

While he was doing this, Texas’ power grid is failing again. Gotta love a governor that lets his own people freeze while spending time and resources to bus migrants. Hope you like that freedom Texans. Think of that when your energy costs spike 80%.
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While he was doing this, Texas’ power grid is failing again. Gotta love a governor that lets his own people freeze while spending time and resources to bus migrants. Hope you like that freedom Texans. Think of that when your energy costs spike 80%.

Less people means less power demand so……

@NorthDallas40 is the power system failing?

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