Merry Christmas from Gov. Abbott

While he was doing this, Texas’ power grid is failing again. Gotta love a governor that lets his own people freeze while spending time and resources to bus migrants. Hope you like that freedom Texans. Think of that when your energy costs spike 80%.
Lol no it isn’t. The primary grid managed by ERCOT has had reserve during this whole storm. I’ve only read on some small rural co-ops having issues which is their own responsibility to manage. More incorrect dumbassery 😂
Maybe one of the biggest POS moves I've ever seen from a politician. But he'll go to church tomorrow wearing his little wwjd bracelet and act like he loves him some Jesus because that's what's good for business and politics in Texas - the act, not the substance.

He did them a favor. They are out of room at the facilities in Texas because of Brandon's open border policy. So why not take them to a place where they can get the help and shelter and support they need? Who better to handle it than our VP who is in charge of the border? Not sure why you are so angry?
Ahh, figures he was lying.
Well he could have just been ignorant due to being fed incorrect information from whatever crap he reads. Ras dropped more ZeroHedge stupidity making the same claim in the headline while not supporting it in the body of the article.

I’ve also seen stupid ass claims of a failing grid due to storm outages. We had some really high winds when the front came thru that temporarily took localized power offline due to falling trees and what not. Clearly that’s a grid and demand issue.
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I’m agnostic, so a biblical appeal means nothing. It has nothing to do with the color of their skin or where they came from or why they’re here. If I don’t want to take care of them, should I be forced to?
Agnostic or no, it’s still a good philosophy to live by. But, to each their own.
Maybe one of the biggest POS moves I've ever seen from a politician. But he'll go to church tomorrow wearing his little wwjd bracelet and act like he loves him some Jesus because that's what's good for business and politics in Texas - the act, not the substance.

First off I’m a conservative. Voted republican and probably always will (their policies that they run on align with my values). That being said the problem lays at both parties feet. There is a problem at the border and needs to be fixed, but everyone just wants to point fingers at each other instead of dealing with the problems. My concern is some of the people that are crossing the border, they are not being vetted properly. Who knows what we have allowed to come into our country. Prayers to those dealing with the issues at the border, border patrol agents and US citizens.
Maybe one of the biggest POS moves I've ever seen from a politician. But he'll go to church tomorrow wearing his little wwjd bracelet and act like he loves him some Jesus because that's what's good for business and politics in Texas - the act, not the substance.

Wow your Christmas Eve must have been great. Did you spend it alone posting about Republican political stunts? Sounds to me like that makes you the bigger loser.
Looks like they had people there meeting the bus ready to shelter them. It was cold in TX also


"They." The liberals. There to make sure they didn't freeze to death in short order.

Wonder who Jesus, on Christmas Eve, would think was doing the right thing.....

Just saying. I get that there's a genuine political issue here that needs to be dealt with. Don't blame those with sincere desire to see some organization brought to the process and in a way that curbs all of the bad aspects of the flood of immigrants at the border.

But politicians, using them as props. With little to no regard for what little dignity these people have left .... that's just really small, imo.

"They." The liberals. There to make sure they didn't freeze to death in short order.

Wonder who Jesus, on Christmas Eve, would think was doing the right thing.....

Just saying. I get that there's a genuine political issue here that needs to be dealt with. Don't blame those with sincere desire to see some organization brought to the process and in a way that curbs all of the bad aspects of the flood of immigrants at the border.

But politicians, using them as props. With little to no regard for what little dignity these people have left .... that's just really small, imo.
Who in the democrat party wants organization brought to the process? The democrats had total control for 6 of Obama’s 8 years and control of congress for 10 of the last 12. The republicans are just as feckless on the topic, but damn, counselor, stop pretending that your side has the high ground.
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