I don't subscribe to msnbc or especially cnn spin.
Obama was almost immediately proactive in Egypt,
calling for Mubarak to step down and for the muslim
brotherhood to be involved in the new government,
even though they have been involved for thirty years
through the democratic process.
BTW, Obama said not one word when the Christian
party was not included in talks about rewriting the
Egyptian constitution.
Hitlery promised to immediately redirect $150 million
to Mubarak's opposition and that would probably
mean a sizeable chunk would go to the muslim
brotherhood which would be no surprise because
Obama has promised to cut through red tape to
give government money to the brotherhood in
this country.
OTOH Obama has been almost silent on Libya and
Ghaddafi until tonight when he said the world must
speak with one voice and sent Hitlery to Europe to
speak with leaders there.
Perhaps they are thinking of a NATO action.
Latest developments, reports now say over 1,000
have been killed and that Ghadaffi is threatening
to shut down the oil pipelines carrying petroleum
from the fields to the Med ports.
Some Army units have defected, two of Ghadaffi's
sons have their own private militias.
They tried that for ten years and got nowhere,
we even placed sanctions on Iraq and enforced
no fly zones and the people in Iraq got nothing
but punishment for their efforts.
I must admit it might have worked better if not
for the absolute corruption of the UN in administering
the oil for food program that went all the way to the
top and were giving kickbacks to Hussein which gave
him enough money to stay in power.
I talked with two Somalis one night and both were
asked about the movie, one was here when it
actually happened and took the typical American
view, the other was in Somalia when it happened
and was very angry that we didn't try to negotiate
with those characterized as 'war lords' by the media
and who were not only willing but anxious to negotiate
with us, actually being Somali patriots who wanted
neither a UN puppet government or an al-qaeda style,
taliban like theocratic rule.
I haven't seen the movie, I'll bet though that hollywood
left out the requests from on the ground American
commanders in the country for armored vehicles if they
were going to take on the 'war lords' and that we had
those vehicles on ships off shore ready to land but
Clinton denied their requests??
BTW, when Clinton then withdrew our troops bin laden
crowed to the world that we didn't have the stomach
to resist and then proceeded to bomb our embassies
in east Africa and eventually produced 9/11.
Pundit Press: Go Figure: Obama White House Can't Spell "Libya"
His numbers are a bit low and your reply is assinine.
In July of last year, the University of Maryland
commissioned Zogby to poll the people of Egypt.
Here are a few of their findings:
85% of Egyptians hold an unfavorable attitude
toward the U.S.
87% of Egyptians have no confidence in the U.S.
92% of Egyptians believe the U.S. is one of two
nations that is the greatest threat to them (the
other nation the Egyptian people hate is Israel)
52% of Egyptians hold an unfavorable opinion of
American people
65% of Egyptians believe that Islamic clergy must
play a greater role in the Egyptian political system
79% percent of Egyptians believe that it would be
positive if Iran is able to acquire nuclear weapons
'Kill all the Zionist Jews' -- Sheikh Yussef al-Qardawi,
The Voice of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood.
These are the people who 0bama called 'inspirational.'
Dyed-in-the-wool Islamists, or champions of democracy?
Either way these yahoos still drag along their
anti-American, anti-Israel agenda.
The Zogby poll results back up a similar project
conducted by Pew in April and May of last year.
Among Egyptian Muslims polled,
85% felt that Islam’s role in politics was a positive
In a struggle between modernizers and Islamist
59% of Egyptians who foresaw such a conflict stated
they would side with the Islamists,
(You are aware of what islamist fudamentalist believe
and teach?)
while only
27% stated that they would side with the modernizers.
Another Pew poll last June revealed that only
17% of Egyptians hold a favorable view of the United
States, while
20% hold a favorable view of suicide bombing.
Yes dear readers, Egyptians like suicide bombing more
than they like you.
Pew also revealed that
82% of Egyptian Muslims support stoning human
beings to death for having sex outside of marriage
and that
77% of Egyptian Muslims support public whippings
and cutting people’s hands off for theft.
In addition, a terrifying
84% of Egyptian Muslims support the death
penalty for anyone who has the good sense
to leave the religion of Islam.
As much as we may not like Hosni Mubarak, there are
many worse people who could be in power in Egypt —
and they are very likely to be in power before the
end of the year. We would all like to believe that
the protesters in the streets of Egypt are all fighting
for freedom — but that is not what they say about
By their own admission, they prefer Islamic
fundamentalism to modern civilization by
more than 2 to 1.
They don’t want a modern democracy; they do
want to murder people for having sex outside of
marriage. They don’t want freedom of religion
— in fact 84% of them want to establish the
death penalty for it.